i used to believe

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I used to think that when I farted, my insides exploded! That was one theory, anyway. The other one was that when I was small, I ate a bomb and the bomb exploded every once in a while.

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When i was little i thought that the reason the fart made the 'Fart noise' was because their was a little alien inside your butt talking.So i thought that when people farted but didnt make the sound, the the alien was on a break.I also thought that the aliens inside your butt would die when you poop and a new alien would grow.

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I used to think that you could get balloons only at a gas station, where a line of men would fart into it until it was full.

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When you farted, green air came out of your butt

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When I was about 3, I farted. It was the first time I ever relized what happened. So when it happened, I exclaimed "Mommy! My butt burped!".

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i used to believe that every time i farted i was being jet propelled.

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my mom told me that if i held in too many farts, i would explode. i took it seriously.

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I was once told that if you farted while making a funny face or gesture with your body, you would stay with that expression or in that position forever. I told myself that it was rubbish, but never really had the guts to try it.

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My grandpa, who was the Champeen Farter of the East Coast, used 1 of 3 excuses when he'd rip a good one.

(imagine a thick Slovenian accent here, if you can:)

(1) (looks at floor) "Floors creakin'"
(2) (looks out window) "Thunder"
(3) (looks at me with big smile) "Frogs"

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I remember being at a restaurant when I was little and my mom said something about the Nazis "gassing the Jews" and I thought she was saying "gassing the juice". I figured it meant when you try to fart but it squirts instead. I couldn't understand why my mom would be talking about something so disgusting while we were eating. (I guess what she was actually talking about wasn't very pleasant dinner conversation either.)

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My little sister got all the hand-me-downs so sometimes her pants had a hole in the crotch. if we ever caught her farting we would tell her to stop because she would blow a hole in her pants. she seemed to believe us.

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I used to believe that when you fart, your tummy was breathing!

Nicholas Orsmond
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when i was a kid i thought it was against god to not say "excuse me" after i farted or burped i believed this until i was

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I used to believe you could fart a bubble from swallowed gum and float away.....

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I thought that, when you would experience flatulence, a bubble would appear in your pants and the bigger the "release", the larger the bubble. This is why you wouldn't want to experience a large "release" in a public place because it was more likely that someone would notice.

Steve Hagen
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I used to think that some people had "stink glasses" and could see farts even if they were silent. I was to scared to let any go.

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When ever I like a guy, I will tell him, "I'm going to fart.". And I do. If he runs- bye bye- if not, he get's laid.

Beth Ragan
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Farts really are Barking Spiders, right?

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i used 2 believe that when you farted all your insides would come out thats why everyone went eww when you farted, i tried for ages not to fart and i used to get really upset when i did

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When i was a kid i used to hear never pull the tigger on a gun cause it will kill people.

So from then on each time my brother would ask me to pull his finger (you know let out a fart) and i would scream he was trying to kill someone

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