i used to believe

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When i was about 4 or 5 i used to think if you farted really loud that it would rip through your pants and make a hughe hole so i used to always hold them (not a good idea)

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When I Was Little I Used To Think That When You Farted Your Butt Was Trying To Talk. SO Whenever Someone Farted I'd Say "Your Butt Talked".

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I used to believe that if you sniffed a really stinky fart, it would poison your insides and die.

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Upon asking my mum why she never farted, she told me that mum's couldn't fart after having children, because it messed up 'that' part of your body. And I think I actually believed it well into my teens!

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I believed that when you passed gas, a visible bubble would appear (even when not in the water) and then *pop*, spreading the merriment for everyone within range.

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I was like 4, and my Mom told me that when you farted part of your brain melted and fell out of your butt. And when it touched your underwear it would explode! I believed that until I was (1)9!

I am now 19 and 4 months

Farter Xtreme
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When I was a kid in gym class, we went on the field to do some sprints. As we were lining up to race our classmates, I could feel a rumbling in my nether regions. "3....2....1....GO!!!" We all bolted, and as my belly desperately jiggled over to the other side of the field, the rumbles increased. Half way across the green, a woosh of air escaped my bum in several pieces. I guess by running it blocked and unblocked the fart flow, which sounded like a man clapping in the rain.

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I used to believe that if I pumped in my sleep and breathed it in I would turn into a rotting turnip!

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After seeing the Nutty Professor, I was scared to death to fart around a lit match or a stove. I believed that if I farted around these fire hazards that the world would explode into a big-ass mushroom cloud due to gas-caused explosions. One day, I accidentally let one rip after eating several frozen burritoes. I was terrified to realize that I let one go near my aunt's gas stove. The gas was on high while the stove was cooking my aunt's boiled eggs. I ran away screaming for my life like a savage/ Running outside flailing my arms around at every passing car that the world was going to explode any minute because I farted a big one.

Man, I was dumb.

The Big Loser Girl.
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I used to believe that if you held a fart in long enough it would come out as a burp.

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My mom's friend would tell me that if someone farted you had to say a number and who ever said a number last ate the fart. LOL

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I was always very close to my grandmother. She was very proper...always a lady. One day out of nowhere she passed gas...I went running into the kitchen, because I couldn't believe what I'd heard, and she looked at me and simply said "Did you see that barking spider?" From that point on I would say that at home to my parents because I believed there truly were barking spiders!

Now a Mom and know better
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I used to believe that kings and queens and members of royal families don't fart, wee or poo..

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One day I passed gas and my daughter was right there (she was 3 at the time). I told her it was a low flying duck and to this day everytime she lets one go she says, "daddy I have a duck in my pants." Funny.

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I had always believed that if you farted, green gas would come out! and if you would breathe it in, your face would turn green! how dumb was i?

green face farter
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I used to beleieve that farts can make you float.

I beleieve I can fly.....
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When i was little, whenever someone farted (and it was heard) at my grandmas house, my gran would yell out, 'OH there goes another MOUSE on a MOTORBIKE'

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Back with a was a really little kid, I used to believe that if I fart in my pants, the gas would stay there go back up my butt and cause me to fart over and over. So I used to pull down my pants and underwear whenever I farted. Made for some embarrassing times...

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i used to believe that if you could see farts, they would be green triangles

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when i was about six, my dad told me that only girls farted, because he was trying to put the blame of his farts on my step-mum. i believed him up until i was about ten when i realised that boys did indeed fart.

alison c
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