i used to believe

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I used to believe that each day, we were only given a certain amount of "muscle" and we had to cash the "muscle" in whenever we wanted to move. This was because I heard my sister say, "It takes 15 muscles to smile and 40 to frown".

I was a smiley kid.

Keep on Smilin'
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When I was about 5, my brother, who was about 13 at the time, told me that every time I blew my nose that part of my brain was coming out. After that I always looked into the kleenex to see how much of my brain I had lost. I believed him until I was about 8 or 9.

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i used to think that i was the only person that swallowed my spit

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When I was little, I used to believe that when moms breasted, one boob was for milk, and the other was for food. I used to try to figure out which was left and which was right.

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When I was 5 or 6, our 12 year old neighbor made a big show of always spitting on the ground like a pro baseball player. For months I was terrified my saliva was something unnatural and horrible. I was scared I was the only person who was too stupid to spit it out before it killed me.

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My younger cousin (shes 6) thinks that throwing up is pooping and pooping is throwing up. She's not the brightest crayon in the box.

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When I was 21 and expecting my first child, the ob/gyn asked if I wanted to breastfeed my baby. I said that I wouldn't mind the breastfeeding, I just couldn't stand the thought of him poking a hole in my nipples with a needle.

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I used to believe that if you sneezed with your eyes open you would die!

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I thought there were m&ms inside my body that worked much like cells, except for me to grow they stood on ladders and painted new skin from the inside. I guess the old skin would come off and I would somehow be bigger.

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When I was real little I use to think that if you talked too much your vocal cords would run out of cords and you couldn't talk anymore. So I was a very quiet child for a long time.

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When I was a little kid, I shared a room with my older brother. At one point I had a cold and was disturbing his sleep by all my hacking and coughing.

Frustrated, he thus told me this whopper: That I had a little puppy living inside me and that I also had a formidable alligator in there too. Every time that I coughed the alligator would bite at that puppy, so if I wanted the puppy to live, I had to quit coughing.

I didn't REALLY believe him entirely. But I did try to stiffle my coughs and began to imagine places in my body where the puppy could hide.

Sony full of Bologna
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When I was little my dad told me that when you lied your tongue would turn black. For years when I would like my dad would ask that I stick out my tongue just a little then he knew I was lying.

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I used to think that if you just kept your mouth closed when you burped, no one could hear you. It wasn't till I was married that my wife told me she could hear. I hate now to think of all the dates I must have ruined in COLLEGE where I let out a belch, but had a smile on my face cause my mouth was closed!

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When I was little every time I got the hiccups my grandma would tell me that I got them because I didnt wipe good enough when I went to the bathroom! Needless to say everytime I got the hiccups I would run to the restroom to clean myself thinking that would make them go away, and when they didnt I would be so emberrassed thinking that everyone would think I was not cleaning right.

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When I was a kid (1950s) I used to believe that anything you wanted to do that was any fun would either put your eye out or give you lock-jaw according to my parents

kevin eickley
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When I was little I used to think that if one of your nose hairs came out then there now was something in the world that you cant smell anymore.

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When I was young my mother told me that hiccups made me grow taller so, whenever I ever had the hiccups, I didn't try to stop them because I wanted to be tall. I would even measure myself to see how much taller I'd gotten. (It didn't work, by the way.)

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I used to believe that when I changed the quality and characteristics of sounds I heard by clinching my teeth or covering my ears I was changing the sound for everyone. I always worried that if I did it too often or with too many people around someone would figure out it was me and I’d get in trouble.

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In order to get me and my older brother to "cover our mouths when we sneezed," our mother told us that "the germs from a sneeze travel all over the world within one second." My brother and I spent the next several days faking sneezes, after which we would hollar out "ONE!" Finally, we were told to knock it off!

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you know how people can burp on command? Well i used to believe that if you did that too many times, your stomach would explode. It was pretty sweet.

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