i used to believe

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My Mom told me when I was a kid that the more I cried the more wrinkled my face would become because of all the tears drying on my face. Then one morning as I woke up she approached me with a horrified look on her face and kept telling me to look in the mirror. Of course thinking I was now a shriveled wreck I began to cry, then realized the tears were slowly wrinkling my face even more and broke into hysterics. Eventually so did my Mom, though for her, it was hysterical laughter. She held me in front of the mirror, it was in fact April Fools Day. Love Ya Mom.

Cry Baby
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i believe that elves live in ur head and video everything u see n when u blink they change film and ur poop is there laundry shoot and when u think ur hearing things its just the elves

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When I was 4, i thought that if you went underwater and breathed normally, i would turn into a fish. I tried and I almost drowned. ITs sad to admit but i tried it again up until age 12 when I found out the sad truth, if you do that, you will turn into a shark!

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i use to believe that mr.clean was listerine beucause of the guy with the shiny teeth.After a year i had to go to the hospital because my teeth turned blue.

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i used to believe that my brain was a little person who controlled my thoughts and my every move and slept when i did and while i was at school the person ran on a tredmill so i would know everything

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I used to believe that every itch in my body was the same itch and it just moved. I thought that if you ignored it long enough, it would move to someone else, and you would be rid of the itch forever. I used to torture myself for hours refusing to scratch my itches.

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top belief!

When I was about five or six, I noticed that when one person would yawn, the person next to them would yawn, then another person, etc. This was an interesting phenomenon that I was sure I could puzzle out. Well, I knew that there were these "invisible" latitude and longitude lines surrounding the earth, and I knew that the earth spun. So I figured that whenever you passed under one of the lines, you would yawn. Then the next person would pass under and they'd yawn, etc.

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i used to believe that babies came out of your belly button. i have no idea where i got that from but i believed it for a while.

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I used to think that little people lived inside me and made my body work.

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When I was really little, I used to think that you could learn to breath under water! I would ask all my friends if they knew how to breath underwater yet.

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when i was little i used to beleive that if i coughed, sneezed and farted at the same time i would blow up

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I used to think that when you hiccupped, someone in your stomach was ringing a bell to let you know they needed more water to get a bath, and that's why they call it a belly too! Man was I strange.

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When I was at school, in primary 1, I used to think if I covered my ears, and began to sing or talk no one could hear me. I suppose I thought because I couldn't hear them, they couldn't hear me!

Clare, Ireland
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when i was little i thought that my hic-ups were caused by little man on the back of my tounge, yodeling

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i used to think that when something smelled really bad and you begen to breath through your mouth instead of your nose that your beath would smell the like awful stentch you were breathing in

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I always drank lots of water and I jumped on my bed.When i jumped on my bed i could hear the water in my stomach moving around and i thought it was my blood so i would stop jumping so i wouldnt get a nose bleed.

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When i was younger i was given a purse, in the idetification part it asks for your blood group...i put down my blood group as 'RED'!!!!

Laura N.I.
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I was told when I was 6 that people don't grow BRAIN before 12 years old ! I believed it untill I was 10 ! :)

Jón Hjörtur Iceland
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I used to think that, because when you burp it feels like lots of air leaving you, you only had so many burps in your life before all of the air left you and you died!

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When I was younger I thought I made up a new way to tickle someone--by tickling their stomach.

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