i used to believe

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top belief!

I visited a family friends farm every primary school holidays and one of their older son's told me that if I jumped in cow paddies I would grow to be really tall. Sorry to say...it didn't work. I'm now 40 and just the average 5"2.

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as a kid my mom used to tell me that if I didn't take a bath/shower, spiders would start living in my hair. I don't think i ever really believed it, but i always ended up bathing after she told me.

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I used to believe that if you held your nose to hold back a sneeze for a certain amount of times over and over again, your brain would pop.

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top belief!

I used to believe that I would never get married because I snored. I thought that no boy would ever like a girl that snored.

My husband snores way worse than me!

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top belief!

When I was little, I used to believe that snot was brain juice.

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When I was young my mom and Grandma would always tell me every time your tummy rumbles it's because a gremlin lived in there and I was scared because of the movie Gremlins

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top belief!

I grew up on the family farm and when I was very little - like 5 - I sneezed. My uncle told me every time I sneezed I lost brain fluid out of my nose and I needed brain fluid for my brain to work. I was terrified if I lost too much brain fluid, I'd be stupid. Which explained why old folks forgot things.

I sneezed with my nose pinched closed for years. Ouch!

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top belief!

I used to believe that the reason my grandfather was deaf was because he was forced to eat frogs while stationed in the south pacific during world war II. He just didn't want to tell me that it was because a grenade detonated close by while he was sleeping. I believed that until I was 16 and told the story at the dinner table. The whole family got a good laugh.

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top belief!

I used to believe that brains were a bunch of staples hanging on a rack in your head and when you needed to think or you touched something hot, the appropriate staple would flatten out and race down to the appropriate place, telling it what to do, i.e., "pull your hand away, quick, that's too hot!"

Barbara A.
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I used to think that when a girl had her period she would just sit down and be lazy (I thought since a 'period' just sort of sits there and doesn't do anything...), for a while and was allowed to be as mean as she wanted to be because she had to sit and do nothing. My mom never gave me any kind of sex talk or period talk, so imagine my surprise when I started bleeding randomly one day. I thought I was sick and I told my mom I had to go to the hospital because I thought a blood vessel in my thigh erupted and I was dying. I was 12, I didn't know anything. She looked at me like I was retarded, shook her head and went, "Uh... welcome to womanhood?"

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I used to believe that Chinese people blew on their hands and rubbed them together to wash them.

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top belief!

When I was very little, I used to believe that when you had an itch, it was due to little men inside your skin who were tickling you with feathers.


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When I was about 4 or 5 I believed that when my stomach was growling, it was angry with me, and it would stay angry until I gave it food. It really made me nervous, so I would always try to eat something right away.

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top belief!

i used to look at the horizon and use my finger to take little steps from where i was up to the horizon and since it took like 3-4 steps little finger steps i thought i could actually walk there in 3-4 steps.

finger walking mad man
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top belief!

When I was maybe 4-7 I thought that you only had as much blood in your body as you were born with, and you could never make more. I was quite afraid of bleeding, since I thought that my body's blood supply was slowly being depleted and if I got too many scrapes I would soon die.

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top belief!

One day I asked my dad why men have arm hair and women don't. He told me it was so that men can use their arm to wipe food off their mouth.

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I used to believe that when I started menstruating, I would bleed to death from losing too much blood.

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I used to believe that bruises were rotten blood.

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I used to believe that nothing existed behind me when I wasn't looking. Things only existed when I can see them. I think I still believe that.

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When I was an early elementary schoolboy, I used to believe that if I went to sit on a chair, and it was warm, a girl had been sitting there.

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