i used to believe

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i used to think that you could only sneeze so many times before you used them all up, then if you tried to sneeze your head would explode. i still hold my sneezes, just in case.

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When I was little My babysistter told me that when you sneeae your heart stops and your brain would leak out. I would hold my breath for ever when I would start to sneeze. Some times I still do out of the habite I had.

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Another thing my mother told me: bugs are very found of using your ears as restrooms and when there is wax in your ears it is actually "bug potty," as she called it. My mother was very weird.

Justin L
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I used to think that if i didnt cough or sneeze when i needed to, it would backfire and explode inside my body, which would kill me. i made sure i coughed and sneezed when needed for the longest time, until i was 14 and realized it isnt possible.

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When I was young I loved to watch science and nature shows all the time... even if I didnt always understand what was going on. I guess one time I saw something on how white blood cells and platelets worked. I got it sorta twisted in my head, and I thought that they were little robots that lived in your blood. When you got cut, they would go to work and repair you with little bits of yourself. So... logically, one should eat scabs, lick the blood off your wounds and eat your boogers so that you could recycle those materials when you hurt yourself or were fighting a cold.

Fuzzy Izmit
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For a large part of my childhood, my family had me believing that I had a freckle that would apper on my nose when I blinked.

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Until I was around 8 or 9 years old, I thought dentists took your teeth out and replaced them with new teeth.

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When i was little i always thought that when you went to sleep you didn't breathe. Once, i was watching tv, and my mom fell asleep on the couch, i heard her breathing, looked at her, saw she was asleep and totally freaked out. At first i thought she was just pretending to sleep :D

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I used to think that everyone had a limited amount of words they could use in their life (a limited amount of mouth movements, and a limited amount of sound), and so when you silently mouthed words, you were using up your mouth movements, and so in the end, you'd have extra sound you wouldn't be able to use.

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I used to think there were little booger factories in your nose that made boogers.

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i thought when one ate food or a body part functioned, elves made the whole process work, eg. blood was pushed through the body on a conveyor belt, with elves working the controls; food was pushed through the stomach on conveyor belts and each bit-meat, potatoes, etc was put into a different bin or vat.

peggy youngs
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I used to think when somebody sneezed you were supposed to say 'Gableshew'.

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When I was, oh, 9 or 10, I first noticed that yawns were contagious. My logical mind figured out why: Yawns are invisible things, almost like spirits, that float around the world, and when they get the notion, they pry their way into someone's mouth. Then, they would find the next person they could, and pry into their mouth, and so on and so fourth. It took me until I was twelve for me to abandon that concept.

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When i was little i would talk really fast so my parents would always say something like "breathe when you talk!" so i used to think that when i was talking i wasnt breathing and that i would die from not getting air...i was strange...

Sufficating Freak
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you know how if you lay a certain way on one side, you can hear your heart kind of beating. i used to think there were caterpillars in my ear and each beat was one step of one of the many caterpillar feet!

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When I was in infant school I had a friend named Robert whose mum was a nurse. Robert had a lot of bad habits so she used to tell him lies to make him stop. I distinctly remember him coming to school looking very worried, because he'd heard that if you did false burps then your chest would split open. To back up this lie his mum added that she'd just been treating a 75-year-old man who'd had to have surgery as a result of doing false burps. Everyone in the class believed it for ages.

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I used to believe that each day, we were only given a certain amount of "muscle" and we had to cash the "muscle" in whenever we wanted to move. This was because I heard my sister say, "It takes 15 muscles to smile and 40 to frown".

I was a smiley kid.

Keep on Smilin'
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I went through a phase when I believed that my mother might break into a million tiny pieces if I hugged her too tightly. I was terrified of bedtime because she always wanted me to give her a really big hug goodnight.

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When i was younger, i got told that is you blow your nose too hard, then you will actually be blowing your brains out!
Fancy telling at 5 years old that!!!!

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I used to believe there were little people inside my body, and they masher up our food when you digest it with those things people mash potatoes with. I also thought they pushed sleep up through your eye (like a big boulder).

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