i used to believe

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I thought if you took a bunch of little baby steps when you walked you would walk faster than taking normal steps since you were stepping so much faster

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I used to think that if you smiled too much, the edges of your lips would meet and your face would fall off. I'm 13 now and I still don't like to risk it - haha.

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When I was young I used to believe that tiny people lived inside my body and worked as all the body functions like stomach and liver and when I was sick I used to imagine the virus in my body as a monster. I used to believe that the tiny people would get the swords and shields out and go to war with the virus until the tiny people won. Sorry if that was confusing!

Andrea Heronstairs
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I had these nosebleeds as a child and clumps of bloody matter would often be in the tissue. I used to believe that those clumps were actual pieces of my brain. I thought this was true because I learned in class about the Egyptian mummification process of scraping the brain out through the nose.

L. Edwards
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i used to cry ALL the time. it realy bothered my sisters, so they told me the if i kept crying, i'd get all shriveled up like a raisen. then, every sunday at church, i'd decide which old ladies cried a lot or just a little based on how wrinkled their skin was. i stopped crying so much because i didn't want to be all wrinkled!

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Ok, everyone in the world, at one time or another, has used their index and middle finger as an imaginary "walking man", right, If you haven't, there is something wrong with you. I used to believe that I invented "Finger Walking", and whenever I saw sombody else doing it, I would go nuts

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When I was young I used to believe that when a person sneezed their soul left thier body and in that instance could become possessed by a demon. This I thought could only be prevented if someone said "bless you" immediately after the sneeze. I would become very worried if I sneezed while alone. I would say, "bless you, me; bless you me" over and over.

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When i was about 9, my brother and i were sitting around the kitchen table. I had just figured out how to make myself burp and wouldn't stop. Finally my dad said, "You know, you only have so many burps in you, if you use them all up you will have none left to breath with." I beleived it for a year!

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i used to believe everyone saw different colours but just described the same.

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When I was younger, I used to believe that if you hled your nose and covered your mouth when you sneezed, your brain would blow out your ears.

Of course, I still believe that. I never tried.

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I used to believe that when I breathed in and out, it was my mouth doing the work and not my lungs. And when I saw my chest expanding and retracting, I thought it was weird that it did the opposite of a balloon (when you blow, it expands) so I would try to suck in my gut or push it out and try and reverse the in/out process.

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I used to beleive that there were little men inside you body who pumped your heart, and made you breath etc.... I always wondered where they went to the bathroom.......

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when i was in elementry i was kissed by a boy no one liked, and i told my friend. she wanted 2 see him kiss me so she told me if he kissed me on the other cheek it doesnt count so i made him kiss me on my other cheek

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I used to believe the spleen was an urban legend

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You know when you get up from sitting for a long time and you feel a little dizzy and see stars? When I was little, my brother told me that if those stayed for too long, they would become permanent. Every time it happened I would try to shake them out of my eyes just to be safe!

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I used to think that if I rotated my body too many times in one direction it would get over-wound, kind of like a spring. So if my movements around the house had made me turn 360 degrees to the left, for example, I would then be forced to rotate 360 degrees to the right while standing on one spot.

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When I was 5, I asked my mom why we had blood and she told me it takes the food to all the parts of our bodies. I had an image of little red stick figures in tubes pushing whole peas through my body for a long time!

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I was told that whenever people sneeze they miss a heart beat and if you miss a number of beats you will die. I freaked out and from then on started to hold sneezes by pulling a really ugly face. I still do that sometimes.

sneeze holder
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As a child, I knew that spitting was rude, and that spit itself was considered disgusting. It concerned me greatly that I seemed to be swallowing spit all the time - surely this made me very dirty and bad, but what else was I supposed to do? Surely spitting it out would be worse? I was very worried that I produced so much spit as to need to swallow it all the time, so I asked my friends "do you do this too?" - I got no very definite answers, they all hedged or denied it outright, because they all knew, just as I did, that spitting was rude, and that spittal itself was disgusting. For years I thought I must be seriously malformed, and quite disgusting, it was a long time before I figured out that everyone is continually renewing their saliva in order to keep their mouth dry, and hence has to swallow it.

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When I was a young boy I thought when we cried or when we laughed we won or we lost one minute of our life.

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