i used to believe

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I believed that if you held your breath, then your heart would stop during the time that you were holding your breath ... and start again when you started breathing.

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i used to belive that if you yawned and burped at the same time that would never be able to hear again. because my big brothers would tell me that so i belived it.i used to be horified to yawn and burp at the same time because i didn't want to lose my hearing

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I used to think that, because when you burp it feels like lots of air leaving you, you only had so many burps in your life before all of the air left you and you died!

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When I was little my mother told my sisters and I that if we used deodorant we would stop breathing because it would plug up our pores and cause suffocation.

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Whenever I faced the sun as a kid, I felt the urge to sneeze, so clearly the "magnetism" generated by the sun caused sneezes. Silly huh, EVERYONE knows little gnomes inside your face release gases that cause sneezes.

James Campbell
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This is a very strange one, I will be surprised and somewhat relieved if anyone else believed this.

In elementary school I thought that people's spit had a specific smell and that if I drank from the same cup or if someone accidentally spit on me while talking my spit would smell like theirs.

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When I was 5 or so for several nights I thought I couldn't breathe while I was sleeping. I was very concerned so I stayed up as long as I could

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i used to believe that when you sneezed it was your soul trying to escape and so I was always terrified and would cry when i did

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i used to believe that if someone or myself sneezed and you didn't say "god bless you" then that person or you would die.

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if you pick your nose, there will be a tune from it

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My mom always told me if I made an ugly face it would stay that way forever.

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When I was little I believed that everyone saw different colors. Like, if I saw blue my friend saw purple [but she called it blue]...

Ex. The sky is blue.
But my blue might not look like someone elses blue. Maybe my blue is purple in their eyes. [It gets confusing when you think about it...]

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I used to thing that we had threee tubes at the back of our mouths. One for eating, one for drinking and one for breathing.

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When I was about 10 I used to believe that if you burped too much it would make your liver bleed

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i thought people saw colours differntly, my green would be seen as red by someone else for example.

Ken C
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My sister told me once that if I sucked too much helium out of a balloon, my lungs would explode.

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i used to believe that if you pulled a funny face and the wind changed you would be stuck like it forever, my dad always told me this when i was younger hahah

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I used to believe that humans produce milk. I learned that wasn’t true when I tried to milk myself after I first developed my breasts.

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My Mummy used to tell me that freckles were angel kisses and I used to tease my sister because she never got them and I always did!

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When my brother was little he thought that african american women that nursed their babies had chocolate milk in their breasts !

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