i used to believe

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when you get yourself worked up you can feel a pulse in your head and i used to think it was big foot coming... SO SCARY!!! im now 16 and still do sometimes lol

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i thought that if you had too many memories your mind would fill up and there would be no room for any more. i would lie in the long grass and practice the art of forgetting.which i am now very good at.

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For some reason, I used to believe that you only sneezed out of your nose and not your mouth. So it didn't help that I didn't cover up my mouth properly when sneezing.

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When I was younger, i used to think everybody was of the same family

three girls
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When I was little my Grandfather would always tell me that If I thought too much I may grow cucumbers? He would say," You know what thought did right? It grew cucumbers." See if yall could figue that one out it took me 7 years til he finally told me!

Danny Benvin
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When i was younger i was given a purse, in the idetification part it asks for your blood group...i put down my blood group as 'RED'!!!!

Laura N.I.
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When I was about 6, when I got thirsty, I would swallow the saliva in my mouth because I thought it was water and that it was enough to hydrate me

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Hi I am from Turkey. We belive when you are teenage ýf you put a bowl in your tits. Your tits get bigger what size bowl you've put your tits. Big bowl big tits TRY IT!!!!

Jasmine Cassidy
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I used to believe that air moved only in and out through the mouth when we breathe, and not the nose. When our mouths were closed, the air could squeeze through between our lips because the molecules of air are so small. My mom disproved this to me by having me hold my nose, close my mouth and then try to breathe. I was shocked!

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when any negative idead or thinking came to my mind i used to spit because i thought that it will get out of my mind with my spitting.

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I used to believe that people really did have clockwork brains and when they fell they got a screw loose, so for years I never played anything dangerous in case i banged my head and went loopy!

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I use to believe that little blue men worked and lived inside everyones bodies. They would "build", and that's how we would grow. I thought they had hammers, ladders, all things you need for construction.

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I used to think that hiccups happened because there were little men in my abdomen that had big sludge hammers and would hit my stomach!

I also used to think that when I had to pee, it was because there were little men in my bladder waiting to get out! :)

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When I was young, I used to believe that if you drank gatorade, you'd sweat in colour.

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I always drank lots of water and I jumped on my bed.When i jumped on my bed i could hear the water in my stomach moving around and i thought it was my blood so i would stop jumping so i wouldnt get a nose bleed.

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When I was trying to go to sleep and heard my blood pumping in my ears, I thought it was little men in my pillow making sand. I pictured them in a little factory in there and it freaked me out. I remember telling a babysitter that I couldn't sleep because of the men making sand in my pillow. Shw must of thought I was nuts.

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I used to like to crack my knee. My mom and grandma would tell me that i would break my knee and the doctor would have to open me up to fix it. An image of a doctor prying me open and nothing but blackness being there. I know that will never happen but that image scared me so much!nTo this day i've not cracked my knee once.

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i was talking to my aunt one day about what you believed in when you were little and she told me a funny one
she didnt know how the body worked, so she just assumed thaat there was something running it. She thought that snap crackle and pop were in her stomach and they ran everything that happened inside of us.

Barb(as told by Tammie)
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that god made us blink fast so we didn't miss tv

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I used to believe that if I were to come into close contact with a disabled person that I would become one as well.

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