i used to believe

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When I was younger, I used to believe people couldn't hear you humming, until in the second grade I got scolded at for humming.

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When I was little, I used to swing my hands behind me and clap. Except i used to think it was someone elses hands...

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My dad is a dentist, and when I was little I was snooping in the bathroom cabinet when I came across a bottle of fancy mouthwash, designed to fight infection, which was labelled "Oral Rinse". My little mind must have been in the gutter, for I thought it was something like an enema. For a couple of years I misunderstood the difference between "oral" and "rectal".

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I thought I was the only one in the world who ever belched.

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When I was younger when I would point at someone I would point with my hand under my eye. My dad could never figure why I pointed like that, he realized from my perspective that it looked like people were pointing with their hand under their eye.

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When my daughters were little, like three or four, I devised a clever plan to teach them not to whine. When they used a whiny tone of voice I would cock my head and say, "Gee I almost thought I heard someone say something. But I can't hear a whiny voice, only normal tones of voice. I hope if anyone is trying to say something to me that they use a normal tone of voice because if they don't I'll never know what they want."
They both believed this as I made it a rule to NEVER pay attention to whining. (I would listen when they changed their tone and spoke without whining)

Niether child whined after the first few times!

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1*I used to believe that if you eat a bean its gonna grow up a tree in your stomach.
2*I uses to believe that if you cross your fingers its bad luck.

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One day my brother told me that we had blood inside of this and I was disgusted and didn't believe him! I asked my mom and she affirmed that this was true. I believed her then, but how could I explain why blood came out of cuts if it wasn't inside us?

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When I was about 13 years old I wondered if black people had the same body functions as the white people. Why did I think this? Because from what I heard the grown ups say about the black folk made them seem so different in every way to white people.

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when u cover ur nose from a bad smell the smell migh go into ur mouth and ur breath might smell like that lol and to this day i still beleive in that

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I used to think that when a girl had her period she would just sit down and be lazy (I thought since a 'period' just sort of sits there and doesn't do anything...), for a while and was allowed to be as mean as she wanted to be because she had to sit and do nothing. My mom never gave me any kind of sex talk or period talk, so imagine my surprise when I started bleeding randomly one day. I thought I was sick and I told my mom I had to go to the hospital because I thought a blood vessel in my thigh erupted and I was dying. I was 12, I didn't know anything. She looked at me like I was retarded, shook her head and went, "Uh... welcome to womanhood?"

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Once, when i was little, my mother took me to a friends house.
They had just redone the walls of the stairway, with a special paint which could be shaped into a curvy pattern.
I asked to go to the toilet and was told not to touch the walls as they were still wet.
Naturally, i left a handprint there and i was rushed off to have my hand washed.
I had heard that no matter how much you wash something, the germs wil never all go away.
I believed my hand was now made of paint, and i no longer needed brushes for paintings.

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When I was an early elementary schoolboy, I used to believe that if I went to sit on a chair, and it was warm, a girl had been sitting there.

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I used to believe that my mum's kisses had magical powers and they protected you from all things scary for 8 hours. Farts had the same affect if deployed in bed....

Farting Weirdo
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i believed when i get a cut,a headless priest will come out with a train coming after it.it happened once but i was like 3!it was probably my imagination...or was it?

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I thought that bow legged people walked funny - so I would practice walking with "one foot in front of the other" like the Christmas song from "The Christmas that almost wasn't" so I wouldn't walk bowlegged. Now men comment on the way I walk - I have a swish ....

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I thought little green men lived in your body and controlled you from the inside like a machine.

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when I was a kid I did everything with both hands: even when I could do something with one hand, I should do it over with my other hand. this came from the believe that if I only used my dominant hand, the other would feel wronged and do something to me....no idea where I got this from

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When i was younger i used to think water and swet were the same thing so when i sweted i would drink it.

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I used to think that if I made a silly face, it would stick that way.

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