i used to believe

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i believe that elves live in ur head and video everything u see n when u blink they change film and ur poop is there laundry shoot and when u think ur hearing things its just the elves

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When I was about three years old I was bleeding for the first time. My choice of words for the ordeal: leaking.

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My dad told me once when i was young that when i had an earache it was because i had a potato in my ear, so for years after that i walked around trying to dig the potato out that i never managed to get when it was sore

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I used to believe that the space left behind when you lost a tooth was much like a black hole, and that if I stuck my tongue to far into the little hole my tongue would get sucked up by my head and I would never have it again.

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i use to believe that mr.clean was listerine beucause of the guy with the shiny teeth.After a year i had to go to the hospital because my teeth turned blue.

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also when i was little maybe 6...I belived a paste maker actually made paste. Like tooth paste. My Aunt had just recently got a fake heart (paste maker) and i over heared her and my mom talking about her surgery. I poped up and siad. " Where does all the tooth paste go?" She looked at me funny for a while and then relized what i ment and started laughing.

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when i was younger, I used to think that blind peuple could see in black and white

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I used to believe that when my stomach growled, it was Jesus with Lion in my heart .

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I used to believe that all people wearing head phone are deff.

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Because the first black person I was ever around chewed tobacco and snuff, I used to believe that that Negros had brown spit.

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I used to believe I was like everyone else-until I learned I had no reflexes. They have been tested many, many times and my leg never moves when a hammer taps my knee.

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I used to think that at the age of 13 or 14 your thumb became detachable.

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i used to believe that if u scratched ur butt it would go mouldy because of the little gremlin that works in your belly and butt getting rid of your food and now i believe that scratching your butt is discusting anyway so why even try that!! (i didnt try it of course......) i was only little!!

butt scratcher
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when i was in sixth grade i didn't know what masturbating was and someone asked me if i masturbated and i thought they meant masticate so i said yes because of course i chew my food and everyone laughed at me

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I used to believe that Chinese people blew on their hands and rubbed them together to wash them.

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My uncle likes to dry his body with a hair dryer. When he was little, my cousin thought that was what hair dryers were for until he saw his mom using one.

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A younger student in my school and I and a teacher were talking, and the student asked the teacher if it was normal for girls to have wet dreams. We looked at her really confusedly, and told her that was not possible. She replied to us that it must be because she wakes up every day soaking wet in sweat.

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i used 2 b scared of getting a "dingy" on our car bc i thought u got "pins and needles" this is bc when I was maybe 3 or 4 (i was still in a car seat) my mom hit something and got a dingy in the side of my car . . . my brothers n sisters all got out 2 look @ it n for some reason that i have yet 2 figure out . . . . i had pins and needles all over my body . .. so i always associated "dingies" with getting "pins and needles"

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