i used to believe

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When I was little my cousin told me that if you sat on someone's head it would explode. For the longest time I believed her. Now I just think she wanted me to get off her head.

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I believed that if I swallowed my phlegm I would die. I spent hours spitting it out into the toilet.

chunky munky
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I used to believe that if I chewed on one side of my mouth too much the other side would get jealous.

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I believed that if you hung upside down for 30 minutes or if you sneeze while hanging upside down then your head would explode

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when i was little my older sisters would tell me that when you sneeze, that is your soul trying to escape. for a while i would always try and hold back my sneezes or do it very softly so my soul wouldn'know.

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When I was little I used to believe that feelings were little people that lived in your shoulders, and that when someone "hurt your feelings," your shoulders would slump and the little people would cry.

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I used to believe that small people lived inside my nose because in the morning it would whistle which i thought was them talking.

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I used to think that kidneys were where babies ('kids') came from.

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When I was little I asked my mom "How do hiccups work?" She said "It's your lungs expanding." I took this to mean "It's your lungs getting bigger." I thought that when you were hiccuping, it meant you were getting bigger.

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I must have misheard some explanation of the human digestive process, for when I was four years old, I thought that two Indians (Native Americans now) sat inside me, sorting out the food I ate and extracting the nutrients.

Chuck Hardin
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My mother used to tell me that when you hiccuped, you grew. I was so small that I wouldn't let my hiccups quit so I would grow bigger, and eventually my stomach hurt so badly from the hiccups that I had to go home.

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When i was litle i used to think i only had to breath when i wanted to.

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Whenever somebody burped, I would suck in real deep to capture thier burp and then blow real hard in a different direction to get the burp away so I would'nt have to smell it. Pretty stupid, huh?

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When I was very little, if ever I burped or farted or had snot running from my nose, my mother's reaction would be to say, "Charming" in a haughty voice. Being too young to understand sarcasm, I thought "charming" meant something like "really disgusting". So I was always really confused by stories with Prince Charming in them. I mean, why would Cinderella marry a guy who burped and farted all the time?

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When I was about seven, I thought that whenever I was thinking about something I had to say 'cut' before I could move on to some other thought (like a director moving on to the next scene) My family thought I was weird because I said 'cut' all the time for no apparent reason.

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As a VERY small child (probably no more than two), I was convinced that if I did not consciously breathe in and out every second that I would die. I don't know how long I thought this but I was quite relieved when I told my mom about it and she reminded me that when I went to sleep each night my body would breathe "on its own" and I hadn't died yet.

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I used to believe that hiccups were an ingredient in fizzy drinks, so when I got hiccups I thought it was because I had swallowed a hiccup from the drink :)

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While playing a game of Catergories one day ( you have catergories and a letter of alphabet and you had find something for each) I was sittting beside my mums friend who had a wierd sense of humour! One of the catergories was "Body Parts" and the letter was "T" - I was only 8 and couldn't come up with anything so my mums friend "helped" me!

Well at the end of the round we all had to call out what we had written down- it came to me and proudly said "testicals" of course the room erupted but then the helpful friend asked " Where are testicals Terri?"
You can imagine the laughter when i pointed to my throat!

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When I was about 8, I used to believe that my right foot would get upset if I only washed my left foot so I would make sure both feet would get washed for the same amount of time and the same temperature of water.

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I used to believe that when you had the hick-ups your heart grew...then one day in biology class someone had the hick-ups and the teacher asked us what happens then. I was so desperate to answer that he let me answer the question, when I said that your heart grows when you have the hick-ups the whole class started laughing. I still cant forgive my parents! Ps. I was in 8th grade at the time...

Big heart
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