i used to believe

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top belief!

When I was younger my father told me if I slept with my head under the pillow the tooth faries would kick my teeth in.

Declan (L.A.)
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top belief!

I used to believe that you don't breathe when you're asleep. So, when my folks checked on me when I was supposed to be asleep, I would hold my breath.

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top belief!

Mother told me that if I slept with my socks on I would wake up with cow hooves. I still won't sleep with socks on.

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i used to believe that the faster you go to sleep, the faster you wake up for the next day. So one day I couldn't sleep and I was really worried that everybody was gonna be days ahead of me.

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I used to think that dreams were events that really happened, I just couldn't remember them when I was awake.

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top belief!

Up until the age of about 9 I believed that when you were dreaming, and falling, you had to wake up before you hit the ground in your dream or you would actually die. I used to have nightmares that I was jumping off of a swing and would wake up scared to death thinking that I was subconsciously trying to kill myself.

Michele K. in Illinois
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When I was a little girl, my father told me not to sleep with my socks on, because my feet would rot. I still never sleep with socks.....

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My mother told me that If I didn't take a nap during the day that the sandman would come and through sand in your eyes. Therefore I thought the sandman was an evil bein waiting for me outside the window

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when i was little i went to dominican republic for the first time and i was scared of everything...... i spent the night at my uncles house , but i had trouble sleeping , so to make me feel better my uncle told me that everything was fine , but to sleep with my mouth closed because roaches would crawl into peoples mouths often there. needless to say , i was up all night long , and i still beleived it at 12 years old :)

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I used to believe that if I slept with my mouth open that spiders would crawl in there and live in my stomach

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I believed that by falling asleep flat on my back my heart would stay in the middle (where it belonged) and if I slept on either side my heart would fall over there, a disaster!

Frances Louise
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I used to have a lot of nightmares when I was a kid. My Mum told me that if I slept
on my stomach I wuldn't have bad dreams. It wasn't til I was in University, and
plagued by terrible nightmares that I realized my mother had made that up, and
she probably just told me that so SHE'D get a good's night sleep...
yet, belive it or not, I still can't fall asleep unless I'm on my stomach

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my mom used to tell me she knew I was tierd and it was time for bed. When I would protest and say I wasn't tierd she told me she knew that I was because she could "see the Stars i my eyes" I would believe her and fall asleep. It wasn't until I was about 18 when I realized the "stars" mom was talking about was actually the glare of the light in the room!

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When I was younger, someone told me that if you have one of those "falling dreams" (you know where you think you are falling over something, and you jolt yourself awake) and you really hit the ground, you would die. I was afraid to go to sleep after that.

Sara - Savannah, GA
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I used to think I could make my friend dream he were outside in a cold wind if I blew in his face as he slept. I actually did this a couple of times during sleepovers. Good grief, what might he have thought of me! He never asked about it, though.

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As I was a chubby child, I used to believe that if I went to bed and held my tummy in all night, I would wake the next morning with a flat tummy. If only it was that easy!

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I used to believe my sister and parents lied about me talking in my sleep - until one night I shouted so loud I woke myself up!

Patty, NY
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My sister Liz used to tell me that when you went to sleep at night, little worms would crawl out of your body, and then crawl back INTO your body before you woke up and got out of bed in the morning. I was so worried that some of them might get stuck or lost in the sheets during the night. And what if I had to suddenly jump up out of bed in the middle of the night and go to the bathroom ? How would all those little worms get back into then?

Rose Anne
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I used to believe if i didn't sleep the next day wouldn't come. So if I had a rally good day I didn't want to sleep because then I could experience it again. Or if I forgot to do my homework I wated all night to get a extra day to do it. It never worked because I always began sleeping of tiredness of waiting.

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I used to believe that when I was sleeping I was dead and that the dreams represented afterlife. I woke up because I begun living again.

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