i used to believe

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My father also used to tell me that there was a flying monster making people blind if they didn't sleep. When I went to bed I keept my eyes shut until I sleept (if I had to open them I did it under my quilt).

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i used to believe that when you had a dream and if there was something you liked in the dream and could manage to hold on to it until you woke up you it would actually appear ( i never was able to hold on to anyhing long enough until i woke up)

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I used to believe that I never went to sleep at night. This was because I could never remember the actual moment that I fell asleep, so I just presumed I never did.

Cade Whitbourn
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I used to believe that it was very likely that I would die in my sleep while I was still a kid. I thought that just the act of sleeping was enough to cause a person death.

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once, when declaring to my parents that i was going to stay up all night long, i was informed that morning would never come unless everyone on earth went to sleep. only then would the sun come up again. i fell asleep waiting to see if it was true.

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When i was a very small child, for some reason i had no idea that people closed their eyes when they fell asleep, though i knew that you coulnd't see. (I was a strange kid.) If i went to sleep in the living room, i would press my face against the back of the couch so that i couldn't see in order to get to sleep.

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i used to believe you died every night when you went to sleep, and were resurrected each morning. you would think this would have scared me more.

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i used to think that if i didn't sleep facing the open window the guys that broke in to kill me would stab me in the back, and i wouldn't be able to check them out. If i DID face the window i'd still get killed, but wouldn't really be worried about it coz i could watch them do it.

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I was told that if you sleep on your back you swallow your tongue...I have been sleeping on my side ever since

scotty la
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My sister, she couldn't sleep unless the bedroom door was left open .... *I* dreaded sleep, huddled under the blanket, staring at the black darkness of the stairwell beyond the door, fearful of what might slowly emerge ... (in my mind?)

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I used to believe that if I fell asleep lying on my front that my boobs wouldn't grow. And they didn't.

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