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When i was younger i watched an episode of the x-files where the guy fell asleep and when he woke up he was in some hospital with no arms or legs. So i thought if i didnt cover my my arms and legs completly with my quilt at night the same thing would happen to me.
i used to think you could pick what you wanted for your dream and if you didnt then you would have nightmares
i used to believe that every night before i went to sleep, i had to say goodnight to every object in the house or they would get mad at me. so every night i would go on "goodnight couch" goodnight table" until i fell asleep.
I used to believe in the sandman - if I woke up in the middle of the night and wiped the "sand" from my eyes I wouldn't be able to get back to sleep
I thought that when you were asleep, you actually went to see a movie about yourself. But later I found out that the movies were just dreams
Once at a friend's house (at about 18 years old) my leg went to sleep while watching a movie. I got up and limped around on it when her little 5 year old sister came down and asked me what I was doing. "Does your foot ever go to sleep Kathy?" She thought for awhile and then said, "No, but my head does."
My sister told me that if you slept with your shoes on you would get arrested... I was always scared to leave my shoes on when I went to bed.
When I was about 6 or 7, I didn't know anyone else in the world went to sleep but me. (Weird, i know) So one night, I woke up and walked into the dining room and stood there, baffled, because no one was sitting there like they usually are when I go to sleep. So, I (for some weird reason) went outside, and played with some frogs. Then I went back inside and fell back asleep in my bed. No one had any idea.
my mom used to use to tell us that if we stayed up to late, we would turn into pumpkins......i was afraid of becoming a pumpkin for the longest time.
When I was younger, I thought that when people were sleeping at night, their heart stopped for a while to rest, and then in the morning, it started beating again, so we could open our eyes. One morning, when my mum told me i had to wake up to go to school and i should hurry up, I told her that I'm waiting for my heart to start beating.....
When I first learned about the coma, (I was around 3 or 4 at the time,) my friend convinced me that we went into one every night, so when I asked my dad for coffee to keep me from falling asleep, he set me straight.
When I was little, i always thought when you went to sleep, you would die and then come alive again...I probably got that idea when my grandma talked about hw she sleeps like a dead pig sometimes...XD
When I layed down, my ear was laying hard against the pillow, so I could hear my pulse in my ear. To me it seemed that there was a big bear stomping on a murderous rampage and was after me. So than I always put my head under the pillow while pulling it against my head alot harder to feel more comfortable, which only made the pounding sound louder and I got even more scared. I could never sleep and always was afraid, intil I was about 5 or 6.
one of my many starange dreams was
i was sleeping and my brother came in and shot me with a pellet gun in the leg.
when i woke up and felt the warmness at my side it was my cat
mom my always told us that if we stayed up late we would turn into pumpkins...that was here way of getting us to go to bed early
When i was younger My granmother told me if i went to bed without washing my face the angels wouldnt come down to protect me as i slept,it worked! I never went to bed without washing my face.
I used to believe that nightmares were actually movies that satan was screening in my mind.
When I was young, ever since I can rember, and until I was probley 10, I was I would lay down to sleep, and start dreaming that I was a butterfly, I would live out life as a butterfly in these dreams. And right before I woke up, I would lay down and start dreaming about being a human (as a butterfly) I had thoughts and everything in my dream.And each night, my stuff from the nights before dream would be tied in or continued, so I really had a 'life' So for years, I never really knew if I was a human or a butterfly. Because I was always dreaming I was living the life of the other one.
When i was little i used to think that any teeth that were under a pillow the tooth fairy took so every night i was terrified of sleeping with a pillow in case my head slipped under the pillow and the tooth fairy came and took all my teeth out every night my mom tried to get me to sleep with a pillow but i refused every time!
I blamed my small chest on my sleeping on my stomach until I was 16. I figured that sleeping on your side was the best way to get bigger. No matter how I tried, I would wake up sleeping on my stomach. It was when I asked my friend (who is really big in THAT department) what way she slept and she said on her tummy that I stopped believing.
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