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When i was about 6 or 7 my mum always used to say to me that i would have to be in bed before the moon came out. she said if i wasnt in bed then the moon man would come out and get me. when i realised it wasnt true i felt so stupid and all my friends just laughed at me!

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My 3 year old thinks that dreams are things "getting in his eyes." While it's funny, it has lead to some long nights, trying to get him to go back to sleep!

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I used to have the WORST time trying to get to sleep, I thought that if I face the wall, my mom would come in and spank me while I slept, and that if I slept facing the door, a robber would shoot me. Dont ask me why. Im odd.

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When I was really little and trying to fall asleep, I would lay with my ear to the pillow, listening to my heartbeat. I used to think that there was a giant marching through my ear (don't ask me how a giant got in my ear) and if I rolled over to the other side, he would escape and eat me. I didn't get much sleep during that period.

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I used to be deathly afraid of going to sleep. I used to think that if you had a nightmare in which you ended up dying, then you would die in real life. This kept me awake for 5 hours almost every night. This also made me extremely scared of Freddy Krueger, since it's basically the same principle. After about 2 weeks I got over it. Oh, and you know what's really screwed up? I was 12. I'm 13 now.

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you know the eye junk that you get when you wake up? when i was 9, my friend told me that you got that because when you laid down, all your boogers from your nose went up into your eyes. gross!!

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I used to believe that someone would tickle my feet if they weren't covered while I was sleeping. This led me to wear slippers to bed every night when I was really young

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when i was little, i used to hear a drumming sound in my ear when i went to sleep. i thought it was little men marching down a staircase like my ear was an airplane (or "ear"plane :P) and they were marching onto my pillow. i thought that for the longest time...i still dunno what that drumming sound is :/

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When I was little, i always thought when you went to sleep, you would die and then come alive again...I probably got that idea when my grandma talked about hw she sleeps like a dead pig sometimes...XD

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When I was younger, I thought that if you slept with someone, that they owned your soul.

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my mom used to tell me she knew I was tierd and it was time for bed. When I would protest and say I wasn't tierd she told me she knew that I was because she could "see the Stars i my eyes" I would believe her and fall asleep. It wasn't until I was about 18 when I realized the "stars" mom was talking about was actually the glare of the light in the room!

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When I was little I thought that when you were asleep people could tell what you were dreaming just by looking at you, unless:

-There was no light shining directly on you.
-You had your eyes and mouth covered if you were lying on your back.
-You had the back of your head covered if you were lying on your side.

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When I was 6 or 7, I used to think that time sped up when I was asleep. I didn't like bedtime, but I though that the sooner I went to sleep, the sooner I could get up again.

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When i was little i refused to sleep with my bedroom window open even in the hottest summer nights. The reason being even on my second storey bedroom i used to beleive if i left my window open Wolves would fly in and play on my bed while i was sleeping in it. I think it must have stemmed from a dream but it had me terrified for years

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When I was 3, I used to think that when people were sleeping that they were temporarily dead. So whenever my mom, dad or sister took naps or fell asleep before I did, I'd run outside to find any sort of flower looking plant and place them on the bodies. Also when they woke up, I'd ask them what they dreamed about because I thought dreams were the mind's interpretation of Heaven or Hell. I have no idea how these thoughts came to be, but I did this until I went to kindergarten.

Becky Boo Boo
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I used to believe that when i was asleep then I was sent to another world and that was anther life.

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up till i was about 11
i tohught it was impossible to sleep unless you were beathing through your nose
i used to lie awake concentrating hard on breathing through my nose

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after seeing disneys fantasia i belived that a woman flew across the sky to birng the night-time. If she saw you with you eyes open when you were supposed to be asleep she would open a magic portal and suck you through to a place where it was allways night as a punishment. However if you had hold of you duvet it would plug up the portal giving you time to climb out i was very relived when my friend proved this theory wrong

sera .p.
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I used to believe that nightmares were actually movies that satan was screening in my mind.

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When i was young we got another story added to our house so i got my own room. I used to think that if any part of my body went over the side of my bed when i sleep witches would chop it of and replace it with a bomb. Then i would have to leave my hand there untill they forgot they changed it and put my real hand back on!

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