i used to believe

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I used to believe that I could hear bugs living in my ears when I'd lay down on my side to go to sleep. I was terrified that I'd have to have brain surgery to get them out. Years later I realized this was just the blood pulsing in my head.

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As I was a chubby child, I used to believe that if I went to bed and held my tummy in all night, I would wake the next morning with a flat tummy. If only it was that easy!

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I had problems with nightmares when I was younger and everynight I would repeat "There's no such thing" over and over again hoping that I could convince myself. But I guess my sister who slep in the bottom bunk got aggrivated with my muttering at night and told me that it was no use. That I was too smart for my own good, that I knew the truth. That there was such a thing. And my sister was always so mean that I thought if she was actually calling me smart that she must be telling the truth. I don't think I had a nightmare-less night for a month. I was terrified to sleep. I never really connected the dots that when I used to mutter to myself - it actually did work.

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I used to believe that when you dream, the dreams rose up out from your mind, but if you slept in front of a mirror the dreams would be reflected back on you and cause nightmare. I still don't like sleeping in front of mirror.

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i used to believe that i always slept with my eyes open. I always used to tell my mom before i went to bed that i WASN'T going to close my eyes. I guess i thought i was special!! LOL!!! :o)

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I believed when we were sleeping that we were dead

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when i was a kid i thought that my dreams were real and my life was a dream.

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I used to believe that I couldn't fall asleep until I yawned, and that I would have to be COMPLETELY still afterword. If I moved at all, I would have to wait until I yawned again and didn't move before I could fall asleep.

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I use to have a pic of a unicorn w/ castles that floted in the air. I would think that when i fell asleep, the unicorn would jump out of the pic, and would pretect me from all the bad things :)

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mom my always told us that if we stayed up late we would turn into pumpkins...that was here way of getting us to go to bed early

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When I first learned about the coma, (I was around 3 or 4 at the time,) my friend convinced me that we went into one every night, so when I asked my dad for coffee to keep me from falling asleep, he set me straight.

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I used to believe that adults never went to sleep

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I always had to have the covers up over my legs before I could go to sleep. That way the monsters couldn't sneak up over the end of the bed and get me at night. As a matter of fact, at age 53, I still can't go to sleep if my feet, if not my legs, aren't entirely covered by a sheet at least.

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When I was little it would take me what seemed like forever to fall asleep. I always envied my parents who could fall asleep within minutes. I believed that when you grew up you gained the skill to fall asleep quickly.

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When I was a child I didn't sleep well until late at night. So, my parents were worried about me. My older cousin , live in my house. He told me " now at night outside of the house, there is a very very scarely old women, who is like ghost. She wants to catch a boys and girls. But If you don't want to be caught by her you should go to bed early . and you have to make a fist while you sleep, got a lot older I made a fist and went to bed early.

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i always used to believe dat if someone said when u choked 'did it go down da wrong way' i thought dat meant u had 3 holes i ur mouth an only 1 of them was da right hole,an if it went down da wrong hole u would choke an i was confused because when i looked in da mirror an opened my mouth i couldnt find da 3 holes

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I used to believe I went to a secret land (I called it Gwerky) - I thought I always went there at 9pm (I guess my bedtime was earlier than that). And I believed that I got awards - like badges on some sort of special suit - there if when I had cereal like Grape Nuts I made it into different shapes (like covering the bowl so it's like tarmac or into a moon shape)

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I thought that when you were asleep, you actually went to see a movie about yourself. But later I found out that the movies were just dreams

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i used to believe that every night before i went to sleep, i had to say goodnight to every object in the house or they would get mad at me. so every night i would go on "goodnight couch" goodnight table" until i fell asleep.

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I used to believe that when I went to sleep, the whole world did too...haha

I used to believe that I could live for ever...lol

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