i used to believe

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top belief!

I used to believe that if I closed my eyes no one could see me, and I used to love butter. So I would go to the fridge, close my eyes, and eat butter. For some reason I would ussually get away with it, but I`m guessing thats because my parents could see the entertainment vallue in it, not because I was invicible.I also tried the same when I had cut the whiskers off my cat, I didn`t get away with that one, thats when I lost all faith in the system.

Linn Hege
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I used to believe...If you ate sunflower seeds you could read somebody's mind...LOL

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I used to believe there was some way to shrink yourself, and I had spent days trying to think of how I'd live normally. I made plans about using broken bits of pencil lead to write (I was in elementary school, obviously), wearing my Kelly dolls' clothes, and how I'd have to move into the hall closet so I wouldn't have to run all the way across my bedroom floor to get around. Also, the stairs would be an adventure every now and then, but mostly my mom would carry be back and forth. I even remember how I was worried about getting married and having kids in this state.

When I found out there was no way for me to become doll-sized, I actually cried. I had such high hopes...

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i used to believe that i could fly like mary poppins'. I would get my umbrella, and jump into the ditch, and see if i could float...in my heart i could.

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After seeing my first James Bond, I used to think my toes fingers or anything that could point could shott because of his shoes. So I spent all my time makin sure I didnt point finger even toes directly at anyone fearin I would shoot them.

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i believed that we can fly and sit on a little cute cloud...and then at sunset,jump and sit on a star

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When i was little i used to think that if i thought hard enough, i could move things using my mind.
because of that i would sit for hours trying to move the remote or pick up my clothes. it wouldn't ever work and i would just walk away dissapointed.

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when i was little i tought i could fly by doin breast stroke in the air and that is y u flost in a pool so i jumped of the table n tryed to fly .....well lets just say it dident work out so well o_0

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when i was in about second grade our playground was set up for the big kids and the little kids. sometimes i would sneak into the big kid playground and go on the big swings. while doing this i got really high up and started thinking if i jumped off i could fly off back to my house. well as i got to the highest i could go i leaped off and landed right on my shins......my pants were torn off from the wood chips and i broke my ankle. so this is why...(see name)

i hate swings
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i thought if i ran hard enough with a towel for a cape i would actually be able to fly. apparently the towels in our house weren't big enough.

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I believed that I was Batman, the Red power ranger, that I could fly, resluting in a knee injury after 'flying' down the stairs.

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I used to believe i could fly if I had a supreman suit on ( i was 4 ) so I jumped out a window and well you get the point.

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My big brother who is only 18 months older convinced me when I was little that he had radar in his head so he alway knew where our parents were. So if we got lost I was never scared if i was with him because of his magic inteni which would pop out of his head and tell him where our parents were.

da da dum
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Like the American singer, R. Kelly, I also used to believe I would be able to fly..... if I tried hard enough and I tried everything! I tried jumping off the sofa and flapping my wings frantically...er..sorry, my arms...but to no avail. I tried sitting on a broomstick and saying Abracadabra like Meg the Mog in the children's books ( NOT a good idea). I couldn't understand why I couldn't sit on the damn thing! Meg the Mog did in the books that they read to us at school. ( I was only five at the time). I even thought that maybe, if I turned the broom around with the brush facing forwards, it would help me to fly better but sadly, I remained earthbound! Since that time, I have developed a deep abhorrence of anything to do with Meg the Mog, witchcraft and also, broomsticks!

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When I was a kid I used to believe that I could fly up in the sky with kites.

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I believed the only thing keeping me from flying was a lack of wings, and that i simply has to make some to be able to soar. Banana tree leaves and ferns taped to my arms left me disappointed after jumping from a planter several times and being unable to flap hard enough.

I was also the child who watched too many cartoons and thought a jacket, garbage bag, or sheet could be used efficiently as a parachute. Yes. I tried all three. My parents finally had a sit-down with me about randomly jumping off the roof.

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My mum told me she had eyes in the back of her head. I believed this for ages and was always cautious of doing anything wrong behind her back just in case. One time I went looking through her hair for them. She must have been worried that I'd find them - or rather, that I wouldn't! - and she suddenly said, "Ow! You just put your finger in my eye!" and so I stopped.

What a genius way of keeping up the illusion!!!

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I used to believe I had the power of telling the future. I thought that it was only in it's devoling stages though, because when I go outside to play in the rain my eyes would subconsiencly close and a rain drop would fall on my eyelid. Only recently I found that it was probobly my eye lash sensing it. """ """

"Back Lash" Cat Eyes
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top belief!

When I was younger I was sure that I could transmit my own thoughts into other people's heads. I once used this to transmit all the asnwers to a test to a girl who seemed to be struggling. She then started to write down her answers and ended up doing well on the test. I felt really bad about "cheating" for the rest of the year. I was also afraid that somebody would figure out she wasn't smart enough to do that well on her own and they would figure out my power and send me away.

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When I was young, I was told the story of Icarus and his wax wings. I thought that maybe if I made wings like that then I would be able to fly as well. I took a roll of paper, wrapped it around my arm and glued strips of paper to it. I took a chair and jumped off of it flapping as hard as I could. It didn't work but I did end up with a sprained wrist.

There is a part of that still believes its possible.

Lisel S.
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