special powers
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My dad told me that light is made up of photons, and he casually mentioned that "no one can see a photon." I was convinced that I was the only one who could see them because I thought that the dust particles you can see under a desk lamp where "photons."
When I was a kid, I believed I could fly. And oddly enough, I have memories of flying around on the playground at my preschool. So... yeah... maybe I could fly...
I honestly believe that I could fly! Until I fell dont the stairs and broke me arm!
when i was around 5 or 6 i believed i could fly so much my mother had to keep me off school as i would try and jump from the top of the stairs.
I used to believe that i could talk to the wind and had powers. I would be waiting for my bus and you would hear me talking to no one saying "stop blowing, I'm getting cold!!'. Eventuallly I *convinced* the wind that It shouldn't blow around any more because the poor leaves were getting lost.
I used to think I could read peoples minds because I always knew what card they were going to choose from a deck. As I got older I realized that I was sub-consciously calculating the most likely choice of that person.
I used to think that when I got mad I would get stronger, similar to the Hulk from Marvel comics, because when some one made me mad I would some times pick them up off the ground. I later realized it was only an adrenaline rush.
When I was little, I believed that if I closed my eyes and crossed my legs, I could levitate. I still remember though as if it were yesterday, and I am 15 now. I felt weightlessness whenever I did that, which led me to believe that I could levitate. I still wonder what would happen if I had opened my eyes.
Now that I am older, I still do not understand what happened. But something else is stirring in me, the origin of which is unknown to me. I am stronger, faster, and have a decently sharper mind than my friends. I am also tall for my age, some people mistaken me for being old enough to vote. I swear there is something different about me.
when i was about 10, i had a blue winter coat. every morning i would run to the bus stop & fancied myself a super hero called "the blue streak" who could run as fast as lightning. all the other kids at the bus stop must've thought i was nuts.
i believe that i am the keyblade master
i also believed icould control the elements
When I was 10, I used to believe that I could control and talk to wind and my friend could control water. I used to "direct" the wind and I used to have conversations with the wind.
When I was young I used to have dreams in which I would be at home and everything felt extremely real. Then at some point I would hear an incredible thumping of footsteps coming towards me down the hallway. I would try to wake up, I would even know that I was asleep, and at some points I am positive I was halfway between dreaming and awake. Then my brain felt like it was shaking and there was alot of pressure. I would always manage to breakt out of it, but even when I was awake I could still feel my head ringing. At the time I had no idea what to think, now looking back it scares me, as I heard all that stuff about Astral Projection and the fact that evil 'spirits' are able to take over your body while it is unoccupied. I don't 100% believe that is what happened, but then again I dont know either. Also I have to quote an entry I read on page 1, about the lights.
"My belief has not been explained away by age or anything else for that matter. Since I was a child ( 40 now) When I walk, jog or drive by street lamps they will turn off. Not all of them just one or a few. This happens more frequently when I am either extremely mad/upset or happy. The time of the month has nothing to do with it & I have already contacted our Electric company to see if the street lamps were on a certain schedule etc. I also have to replace my own household lightbulbs weekly. SOOO I guess I still do believe in MY special power altho I am not sure what it is!
That happens to me too sometimes. I just thought it was the lights the first few times, but then the same lights I passed kept flickering out or turning on. Weird.
I used to believe that if you close your eyes you turn invisible. you know wut i mean. i cant see you then you cant see me.
I still belive that if you ran fast enough at a wall, you could run through it. So far, you can't.
When I was 4, I thought I turned into a wolf when I ran up my house's stairs. Going down on hands and knees, I tried to gallop up as fast as I could.
I used to think that if I saw someone from school that I didn't like elsewhere, like the movies or something, I could hunch over and squint my eyes and they wouldn't reognize me and wouldn't try to talk to me. I must have looked pretty stupid a lot of the time, as there were quite a few people I didn't like from school.
When i was little i hated cooked carrots. My older sister told me they would make me see in the dark and even better would make me run as fast as a rabbit. I was really into sprinting at the time and was 3rd fastest at school so started eating loads of cooked carrots. My sister still finds this hilarious as does my Mum.
I used to believe I could control the wind. I used to stand in our rather blowy paddock and yell at the wind to stop. My best friend beleived me too. I think it mayv'e stopped when we stood behind a big tree :)
Ok, so I'm not sure if this was a dream or not... but I clearly remeber when I was little that I could fly. I used to jump off of the old coffee table in my living room and flap my arms. I remeber jumping so far that it seemed like i was flying. I clearly remeber it like it actually happend, but it seems so unreal it must have been a dream...but to this day, I beleive that I used to beable to fly.
When I was little I used to beelive in many odd things. I used to beleive that I was an indian like pokahontis, but my name was Pikadolo. And i had the power that I could change into a tiger. I used to go around the school growling at people...I also used to beleive that since I was an indian, I could heal things. This one time I saw a tree with a broken branch, and I patched it up with snow and convinced myself that in a few days the tree will be healed...
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