i used to believe

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My best friend and I used to pretend that we could control unseen spirits with our minds. One windy day, we sat under some trees and I told her I would make a pinecone fall. A gust of wind knocked a pinecone off and it fell on her head. We were convinced for years that we had special powers and would always try to practice them.

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i used to belive that if i stood on my hands for a very long time that i would fall in to the sky but the only thing i got to was a nose bleed

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I was about 7 or 8 and I had watched the horror movie Carrie. It scared me out of my mind! It also had me convinced that i had the ability to blow things up with my mind and i was so scared that i was going to start killing people with my powers!

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Until I was about 14 I believed that adults could read children's minds. I would always get really nervous if I was thinking about something naughty, and would keep looking around to check if anyone had noticed. I still actually worry about it sometimes, mainly around the opposite sex, and I'm 23.

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when i was ten i used to believe that if i got naked and put slipery liquids on my body that i would be able to run as fast as the wind.Unfortunatly i just ended up being humilated by people driving in their cars,who were passing by.

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My belief has not been explained away by age or anything else for that matter. Since I was a child ( 40 now) When I walk, jog or drive by street lamps they will turn off. Not all of them just one or a few. This happens more frequently when I am either extremely mad/upset or happy. The time of the month has nothing to do with it & I have already contacted our Electric company to see if the street lamps were on a certain schedule etc. I also have to replace my own household lightbulbs weekly. SOOO I guess I still do believe in MY special power altho I am not sure what it is!

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I used to think that in a hurricane, you could jump out of our 2 story bedroom window and be able to fly like superman. Thank god there wasn't a hurricane by the time i fugure out I was wrong.

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I used to beieve that parent's had powers that could do almost anything. I originated this idea because my mom called me "sweetheart" and I thought I transformed into the candy type.

Lord Jay Bickford
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Until I was seven, I firmly believed that I could fly if I concentrated hard enough. You don't wanna know how many times I'd jump off of the back of my dad's truck or a tall rock or run half a mile only to jump into the air and come back down again. I actually convinced one of my friends that I could get him to fly too.

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When i was younger i heard the phrase "photographic memory" but i wasnt sure what it meant. i came to the conclusion that if you look at something, put your index finger on your temple, and blink, you'll remember what you were looking at, even if it was a page out of a book. i tried doing this to study for tests, and didn't understand why mom kept telling me i had to go study more, when clearly i didn't need to.

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My Uncle used to pick me up by my belt loops....which, for years after, caused me to continually rip out my own loops trying to levitate myself - now in my 50's I often catch myself wondering if I just needed stronger pants.

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i used to believe up until i was 12 that me and my best friend (who now lives in Ireland. If he's reading this: HI!!!) could see ghosts and found it our duty to protect our houses from ghosts.

we formed a two-man gang and gave it a ridiculous name, but we pretty much devoted our spare time to enhance our 'special powers' and the likes.

on nights where the clouds looked like crop fields, we called them the Eagle Squadron who devoted their lives to attacking and destroying houses and buildings, so we used to put 'spells' on our houses and anything we didnt want being destroyed.

somewhere in our minds we knew we didnt have special powers and that ghosts are the creations of Hollywood minds (or are they?), but it certainly gave us something to be occupied with during summer holidays...

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When i was little, maybe six or seven, i had to go to this day care during the summer. One of their favourite field trips was to go bowling.

I believed i was the strongest kid in the day care AND bowling alley because i could lift an eight pound bowling ball over my head.

All the other kids believed this too and sort of worshiped me. I felt superior... until a new kid who could lift TWO bowling balls arrived.

Lecia the female body builder!
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i used to believe that if i stared at somebody for a long time, concentrating really hard on what i wanted them to think, i could change their thoughts. it really came in handy when i wanted to be picked for a special event in gym or when i wanted something from my parents.

Matt B.
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After wathching Mary Poppins, I thought that if I opened an umbrella on a very windy day and jumped into air, I would fly away like Mary Poppins!

Mary Poppins Fan
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when i was little i used to belive that if you couldn't see someone they can't see you so when i was sneaking around and my mom or dad walked in i covered my eyes so the "couldn't see me".. then at preschool one time we were playing hide-and-go-seek an i would go in the middle of the feild and cover my eyes when people tagged me i thought they had just bumped into me and felt me.. i thought this till people began to tease me about me dumb hiding spots

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I always believed as a child that we were able to do more than what we were taught to do, eg: we could jump much higher, run at the speed of light have extra strength etc. I used to spend hours at the top of the stairs willing myself to jump to the bottom without touching a single step, i fell down them alot!
I also believed that what we saw wasnt really there and that there was more going on than we realised, we as humans when we are born are taught that this is just the way life is, uniformed, to my amazement The Matrix film was released and it was just as i had always believed!!
And then this craze Jump started, i rest my case.

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I used to think that I had the power to control the wind with my emotions. I made friends and we all figured we could create something with our feelings. we formed a team and every day we would go out "fighting the things that no one else could see"!

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I used to believe that random people could read my thoughts so I would be extra careful not to think anything bad about them.

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I used to believ because of my frequent deja vu that I could see into the future. And this happened at least once a day. But now it happens rarely.

Eric "Mr. ESP"
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