special powers
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when i was a little boy, i remember thinking i was super magic. i used to have this black ghost-busters hat that i believed could turn 5 cent peices into like 25 lollies. the hat had a flap [neck protector] on the back, and my mother even sewed a pouch inside it so i could put the 5 cents in. i used to close the flap over the hat, and say abracadabra and everything. the then *BAM* there was the lollies. it was so exciting, until one day, it didn't work, and it hasnt worked since. but i still believe i was magic.
i used to believe that if i held a garbage bag over my head and jumped of the couch i would float aross the room. i tried and ended up landing on my face.
this kid at my preschool told me that when he runs really fast, gas comes out of his shoes and launches him into the air. for some reason i believed him.
I used to believe that animals were trying to talk to me, so I would talk to them. I would tell people what their pets were saying (Fido says he likes you, she wants more toys, he really likes sunny weather), completely serious. Of course, I had seen the Pet Psychic, so I was probably trying to be like her.
So now my family makes fun of me by calling me the Pet Pyscho.
top belief!
When I was younger I was convinced I could control the wind. I clearly remember trying to fly a kite on a perfectly non-windy day by talking to the air.
my neighbor told me that if i put pussywillows on top of my refrigerator and wished for something, the pussywillows would turn into that something. (strange neighbor!) i did it overnight and wished for star wars figures. the next morning, they were still pussywillows but i waited until about noon, checking every hour to see if they had changed.
I used to believe i could float away by opening up an umbrella on a sunny day.
top belief!
When I was in Lower School I had a bizzare belief that I could influence the way people thought by "psychicly" telling them what to think. This mainly consisted of me just going "say the anwser is such and such" in my mind.
All this came from me thinking up jokes on the spot but being to shy to say them, then someone else would about 5 seconds after me thinking it.
Later on in my school life when the teacher was asking a question I used to try and make the other children say stupid things like "Quick Wilbert, to the Batmobile". After 10 unsuccessful atempts I gave up on my superpower...
when i was a kid i used to belive that one day i could touch the sun
top belief!
The bus to school would frequently break down, and all of us would have to get out and wait for another bus. For some reason, the older kids and the bus driver had this "game", where they would joke around with him that it was a particular child's fault that the bus broke down. One day, driving along, I started to think about what would happen if the bus broke down. And minutes later, it did. I was convinced that I caused it by the power of my thoughts. As I was getting out of the bus, I couldn't look anyone in the eye. One of the kids said to the bus driver, jokingly, it was Debra [me] that did it! I was shocked that others figured it out, and cried the whole way home, ashamed of myself.
When i was 10 or so, I convinced my brother - four years my junior - that our whole family were superheroes. I had the power to read really fast, while my father and mother could TELL when we had done something wrong even when we thought we'd gotten away with it.
He was to come into his powers when he was ten also - and he believed this firmly until nearly that time. My favourite part of this prank was him trying to work out what his power would be. In the end he decided that the power to play any video game really well would be cool!
Because of 'Star Wars', I, for a short time, thought that if I concentrated, I could move things with the force.
I used to believe I could fly, then after watching superman one time at the neighbours house I was convinced we could - all we needed was to drape our dressing gowns around our necks and somewhere to jump from that was very high- we lived in a 3 storey home so my littlest brother and I went to the top floor window and perched ourselves on the sill, I was ready to push my brother out the window (I had nominated he try first). Lucky for us my elder brothers saw and saved us from a nasty fall.
While pretend-erasing my brother with a small eraser, he told me he'd actually disappear if I used it on him.
I used to think i was the onlyone who could hear myself think.I wondered why i was the only one to do this.I thought i was talking in my brain and talking to other peopleinside me
I used to think that parents could always know what their kids were thinking...telepathy or something...so I would always try and censor my thoughts around my parents. Even if they weren't around, I thought they might still know what I was thinking, and felt guilty if I caught myself thinking things I shouldn't.
I used to believe that me and my pet bird could read each other's minds. I got this from the movie "escape to witch mountain".
When i was little i used to believe i could fly backwards....... i have clear "memories" but they probably wer a dream
I believed FOREVER that all i needed to fly was enough plastic wegmans bags & a high enough jump point.i never had more than 2 bags, and the highest off the gruond i got was 1 foot.
top belief!
I used to think that when-ever I watched a movie at school every-body would see your thoughts, and I kept my hands on top of my head, so that no-one could see my thoughts. My kindergarten teachers were very concerned.
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