special powers
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I used to think that everyone has special powers, and even with attempts in the past 10,000 years of existence, we have never been able to tap into our own energy and release powers we never knew we had. I once went into my back yard and tried to set a piece of wood on fire. I had a headache for the rest of the day.
I used to believe that many people had the ability to read minds. Whenever i thought about something innapropriate and a person seemed to eye me from the corner of his/her eye, i would think he/she heard my thoughts and thought i was wierd or something. I also thought a girl in my class had the ability to read minds. I had a crush on her, and whenever i thought about her, she seemed to peek at me when she was reading. When we became bf-gf, i finally got over that mind reading thing.
I used to believe that I had special powers to understand and communicate with animals.
I told my 4yr old cousin that if he grabbed foam plates and flapped them hard & fast enough he would fly. He tried it and he said that he couldn't do it, so my dad grabbed the plates and flapped hard (however he was in bed) pushing himself up with his abs. His butt was the only thing touching the bed, and when he couldnt stand it he stopped, so it looked like he was about to fly. Man, I crack up every time I see my cousin try.
When I was little, I used to believe that if I rubbed my index fingers together (in a back an forth motion) while they looked like an 'X' it wouldn't rain and we could go out and play.
When I was little is used to think that only I could see the heat rising off the roofs of cars and sement and such. Oh well.
I used to believe that if I thiught hard enough that I could go back in time. I used to sit in my room for hours thinking as hard as I could about the past, to see if I could go back in time. When that didn't work I incorperated it into my dreams. I would try to go back in time in my dreams because I was convinced I could but that maybe it didn't work unless I was asleep.
When I was younger my mum told me I was 'double-jointed' like a lot of my family, I took this as being some sort of special power where I could bend my fingers or elbows or knees the other way, I always tried really hard and couldn't do it so I thought my mum was a liar!
As a teenager I read way too many books about ESP. For years I thought there were actually people walking around who could read my mind, every thought, just as I was thinking it. I was extremely paranoid.
top belief!
My Dad used to tell me to go outside the room where he couldn't see me and to hold one hand in the air and another one down by my side. After a few minutes he'd tell me to come back in the room. He would look at my hands, then look at my elbows and tell me which one I had held up! I thought he could see through walls!!! I finally figured out that the hand being held up was paler than the one by my side.
top belief!
I used to think that if I tried hard enough I would be able to see around corners. I tried especially hard when I was practicing piano in the hope that I'd be able to see around the corner and be able to watch tv!
Someone else had a VERY similar belief.
My favourite book series of all time is Animorphs. In the first book, five kids go through an abbandonned construction site and encounter an alien called an Andalite who gives them the power to become any animal they touch.
Me and a friend thought that we could do that if we believe Animorphs was real. We tried to "Aquire" the DNA of different animals and then morph into them.
When that did'nt work, we thoguth we had to find an abbandoned constuction site and go there in the middle of the night to come in contact with the "Andalite".
Also, in the book series, there were evil aliens called yeerks that took over people's bodies. Every time someone acter weird, we thought they were being controlled by yeerks.
One more thing, we were afraid to squash bugs, because we thought they were animorphs.
When i was younger i believed, one day i'm gonna fly, all i have to do, is get a whole bunch of feathers, and glue them to cardboard, and then stick it to my arms, and then i'd somehow fly.
I believed for quite a while that if you couldn't see, you couldn't be seen. Also, everything (to this day) is less scary if watched through a small space. read: a tiny crack in the blanket thats wrapped tightly around your head. :D
When I would shower, the water would run down my arm and appear to come out of my fingers. For the longest time I thought I had special water powers and that as I got older, I would be able to control them outside of the shower lol
Once I read a Goosebumps book (by R.L. Stine) in which a girl finds some secret ingrediant as well as the recipe and spell for a dough which you eat for flying powers. After I read it, I was convinced that if I got the ingrediants/recipe correct (dough ingrediants except the secret powder which came with the book) then I could make the dough and get to fly.
Of course, I spent months wishing I had that powder. Unfortunately I never found it, but I'm secretly still waiting for MY copy of that book. lol.
I Use to believe that if i concentrated enough i would be able to move things with my mind, like in that Movie Matilda, and that one day if i kept at it would happen
You know how when you buy new clothes, the sales tag is attached by this plastic thing, with one side that looks like a T? Well I used to cut that plastic thing in half and touch my sister's arm with it while making a "sssssssssssss" sound because I thought I was sucking out her juice. I called it a "general expexpius".
I used to believe that if I could kiss my elbow that I would turn into a girl (the opposite sex).
top belief!
I used to beleve that everybody except for me had the power to read my mind, so every time i was in a large crowd, i would focus my thoughts on things that would scare them so much, they would never want to read my mind again.
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