special powers
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top belief!
When I was younger grocery shopping was a family affair. My sister (five years my elder) would tell me that she had the power to control the sprinklers in the produce isle, that spray every so often to moisten the fruits and veggies. I believed this until I as about 8.
I believed when I was little that I had the power to tell if somthing was a diamond or not just by looking at it as it went into facits. My mum says I just use dto go boz eyed and even said that a glass ash tray was made from diamond...very dissapointed when I was corrected
I used to thing that I could fly by jumping off of roof by using only an umbrela
top belief!
until I was seven or so I believed that I was an alien because I was the only person who could breathe through their nose... I only found out otherwhise when I was caught cheating during that game you're supposed to play while driving through a tunnel of holding your breath.
top belief!
When I was small, I had huge ears that really stuck out the sides of my head. My brother, who's 8 years older than me, told me that if I concentrated really hard I would be able to fly with them, just like Dumbo.
I tried.
He lied to me. :(
i use to belive that people had something special like magic they, and only they, could do. i thought i could cause misfortune without even touching someone.
when i was little we used to have this lightbulb that hung from the ceiling over our staircase there was know shade or blind over it just a bare bulb with a metal chain....i dont remember how i figured it out or if someone told me to do it but, i would stare at it for what seemed like five minutes and i swore i could see color balls of different shapes and sizes floating up and down the staircase....i bet any of you that if you look into a light bulb straight on for at least 1 minute you will experience a ball of color any where you focus your eyes after staring.....then my mom said id burn my eyes out if i kept it up so i stopped .....
When a grown up told me they heard about me being naughty or doing well at play school (nursery) I believed they heard me from far away. When some grown ups told me they didn't I then concluded that some grown ups like mum or gran had special powers other grown ups didn't have. I learned the truth soon after.
top belief!
My brother told me that if you stared into the sun long enough, you would get x-ray vision. I believed him, and I will probably go blind someday from it.
When i was about 5 or 6 i watched a tv program called blues clues, at one stage in the program they would jump into a picture, boardgame,etc. after saying some magic words. There was a guy and a cartoon dog, the guy would say come on you do it too. So i'd repeat the words and try jumping into the tv, after a week or so of trying i finally realized it was impossible. when i look back i realize it was great fun but i dind't half hurt my shoulder then!
top belief!
I don't know where I got the idea from, but up until I was 8 or 9, I had an interesting theory about butterflies. It was obvious to me that the reason they could fly was because their wings were covered in dust. Magic dust. If I were to catch enough butterflies and rub their dust on my arms, I would be able to fly.
Many butterflies died in those few years. I decided to find another way off the ground.
top belief!
When i was in grade five one of my favorite comic characters was Ice Man. I dont remember there being an ice woman so I took it into my head to be his new Ice Woman. I began eating ice everyday before and after school. And in the evenings I would run the lengh of our block concentrating hard to spew ice out of my fingers and jumping high trying to fly off the ground. That was one of my many fantastical beliefs ......as an adult my imagaination still runs away from me ...i just dont act on them as i used to
top belief!
I used to believe that I could see through things, like blankets and pillows, when I was laying in bed. I one day realized that the object was only blocking the vision of one eye, and that I was seeing "through" it with the other eye.
i usedto belive that if you ate a paperclip you would be like the man of steel. um....... it didn`t go well.
When I was about 4 on the way to school everyday with my mom we would get on a road that faced directly into the sun. my mom being taller than I could use the visor to block it but I was unlucky enough to have it in my face the entire time. I would whine and carry on for my mom to make it stop and move the sun...needless to say, we would eventually turn and it would be gone. But in my mind, my mom had the power to move the sun...it awhile later that I figured out that the turn and the sun in my eyes corresponded...
When I was very young (around 4 or 5) I firmly believed that when I shut my eyes that I would become invisible. Since, at the time, I had a huge fear of the monster in the closet across the hall, I would shut my eyes whenever I was in the vicinity of said closet.
top belief!
When my neice was about 4 she pretended to be spider man. Once she got really mad at her mom and pointed her hand at her and yelled "WEB!!", because she believed her rage would enable actual web to fly forth from her hand.
When I learned that the Earth was round, I believed that people at the other end had the ability to stand upside down without falling.
I don't know if one would call this a "magic trick", but when I was just 5...I would have called it anything but a magic trick. Remember Mary Poppins? Well, I was her (so I thought) as I stood at the top of a flight of stairs and opened mom's umbrella and tried leaping through the air. i crashed and got a few bumps and bruises. I tried another stunt that would be sure to work after watching Batman - only this time with 2 umbrellas - I landed on the sofa and realized they used special umbrellas that not even I could get my hands on.
Up until the age of 12, I believed that all mommies and daddies had supper human powers, and that at the age og 13 we'd be shown our power, a power they chose for us when we were born. I think I watched X-Men too much. :)
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