special powers
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My brother and I used to think that the only thing you had to do to be able to fly was have feathers. So we would hold a feather pillow in each of our hands and take turns jumping off the couch and flapping our arms.
I used to believe I could really fly, or at least hover. I could only do it, though if I had a certain shirt on in a certain season at a certain place...I was disappointed when I couldn't figure out what to wear and where to do it!
When I was in the 4th Grade, my friend and I thought we had magical powers because we had looked up spells on the internet, found on for making it rain, chanted it outside at recess, and of course it started to rain. From that point on we tried many other spells(like giving our teacher the mind of a frog, and so on..) We were totally convinced we were magic.
i used to think that adults could read your mind and whe i wasnt around they would like talk to eachother about what iwas thinking so i would always make sure i wasnt thinking anything bad or mean because i thought they would know
u know the buzzing sound the tv makes? well my husbend (b/f back then) thought he was the only one in the world who can hear that and he had spechal powers.....he was 16 years old...i cant help but laugh to myself.
when i was younger, i bit through a chicken wing bone, and for weeks, months even, i thought that I was a ninja!
I used to think I had magical powers because I knew when the stoplight would turn green.
top belief!
When I was young, I thought when I blinked, it took a picture. I recorded everything for the mothership. Seeing me blink incessantly was a common sight.
top belief!
My nephew was about 8 and thought he could fly. He climbed up the babysitter's tree, and jumped. Of course he didn't fly, but he did break his arm.
Evidently that wasn't enough, as soon as he got his cast off, he climbed back up the tree and did it again, breaking the other arm.
It is said that children's dreams are very vivid, so vivid in fact that they will believe they actually happened. This must be true, because to this day I have a vivid memory of flying up the stairs in my childhood home. I told my mom about it soon after it "happened" and she explained to me that there was no possible way I could fly. I didn't believe her, though. For years I thought I had actually flown up those stairs!
i used to believe that i could fly. i still dont know to this day whether i was imagining it or dreaming it but i have very vivid recollections of fling off my sofa and touching the light on the ceiling. i was so adament that i could do it that i tried to show my nan once and ended up with more than a few bruises after landing hard on the floor. needless to say that my flying days ended there.
I have a cousin who lives in Perth, Australia. When I was seven, I got the idea of visiting her into my head, but of course I didn't have enough money. One day I was watching Mary Poppins, and the idea came into my head- why not fly on an umbrella? So next thing I knew, I was standing at the top of a hill at my school, looking forward to seeing Australia. One broken umbrella and several cuts and bruises later, I was disillusioned.
I used to believe that I had magic powers, like Ultraman or Superman and that I could reach out and grab people at whatever size they looked like to me. (i.e. if the person is very far away, i'd grab a smaller version). This also applied to every living thing. I used to dream of catching birds and holding them in my hand like mozzies.
top belief!
You know how you can slightly cross your eyes and everything appears blurry or double? I used to think that I was the only one who could do that and when I did, everyone saw what I was seeing. I remember doing it and waiting for people to look confused!
When i was little i thought i had special powers of healing in my elbow. i have no idea how i thought that, but whenever someone was sick i would say "ill use my special power in my elbow!"
i used to believe that when you had a dream about flying when you woke up you just had to spread your arms and jump off your bed and you could fly through the house
i believed, when i was younger, i had a magic finger.it was my first finger (Next to the thumb), on my right hand.
i used to open gates when walking with it and let my family through.
was fun...i really belive it was magic too...
when i was a little kid i liked to read the captain underpants series and one day i went to the store and i found the one thing that i wanted in the world, it was a hypnotyze ring from the series of captain underpants. i really thought that i could hypnotize people and tell them to buy me things. i even made a list of things i can tell people to buy me! when i finally got it in the mail i put it on my finger and the hypnotyze black and white thing came falling off and i found out that it was just glue that attached it. I was crushed.
top belief!
I used to believe that I could talk to cats and dogs...I would answer for them and I knew exactly what they were saying. I set up a stand on the side of the road...it said "Read your cats mind- 50 cents"
top belief!
I once found a silver eagle pendant in the playground at school. I took it home and got it hot over the stove and burned in into my hand. This, of course, would unleash eagle-like superpowers that would render me invincable forever. I told my best friend about it, and that I was even "starting to feel the power". I later hung up on her mom that was calling to ask me why her child was trying to burn herself. I still feel a little super.
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