i used to believe

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Around 8 or so, I convinced that I had telekinesis but I wouldn't be able to use it until i was older. Everyday I would just concentrate on something really hard, willing it to move. I believed this until about 10. I realized this is impossible now but I still daydream of how awesome this would be if it were true. Yeah, I'm weird...

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When I was young, up until about 6th grade, I thought that I could "bring" the wind. That is, I would either yell "WIND!!!" out loud, or scream it in my brain, thus making it windy and making the trees move. It always worked too.... hahah...maybe its because I lived by the ocean.

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When I was in first grade my cousin told me she could swallow things and cough them back up. What I didn't know was that all she did was close her mouth and open it again and pull whatever it was back out of her mouth. I tried it with a gob stopper and almost choked in a car ride with them.

Later, in the same car ride, I complained of thirst. That same cousin told me that's what spit was for and I should drink it. So I tried it and got scared when it didn't work and thought my spit was deffective.

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When I was little I used to believe that if I would just run as fast as I could and then jump...that I'd be able to fly. I remember running around the field in Kindergarten telling all the other kids about it so we were all running around really fast and then jumping up. No telling what our teachers thought we were doing!

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when i was little i had myself convinced that if i sat really still in the middle of my living room for long enough that i could float. in the hour and a half that i was alone in the house with my sister before my mom would come home, i would "float" quietly around my living room. When my mom came home, however, she would break my concentration and i would fall down and hurt my butt. I'm still not sure whether i really floated or not...but it would be pretty cool if i did.

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everyone has seen a movie where something is happening really fast, so it is shot in slow motion. well, as a kid, i too had seen one of these, and thought in turn, that if i did something in slow motion, i really must be doing it extremely fast. so everyday in pre k, i distinctly remember this, i would run slowmo to the swings, look to the sides of me, and think that the kids around me who were actually going FASTER were pathetic becase they werent going fast enough for my slowmo.
i NEVER got a swing, and did understand why until i was promoted to kindergarten.

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I used to beleive that I could talk to animals, but I didn't know it, and that I wasn't supposed to know that I could. I even managed to convince my friends that I was best friends with a Candian Goose named Smokey. Whenever I spotted a Canadian Goose in the schoolyard, I would grin and look all proud and say "There's my Smokey!"

I also had them convinced that there was a raccoon that liked to hang around the school, waiting for school to be over so it could follow me home. I told them that he was a mischevious little thing, and liked to cause trouble, but he was too fast for us to catch him in the act. We often found ourselves blaming little things that went wrong on him.

Yes, I was a strange kid.

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i used to think i could make things move with my mind, i was very convinced that i made some of my juice disappear from my cup, so one day i told my sister i had those powers and she laughed at me

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i used to be convinced, until like three years ago, that someone could "make themselves heavier" if they didnt want to be picked up, by just holding really still and clenching. i dont know why.

whenever i tried to pick my dad up, who was almost 180 pounds, i would always say "dad stop making yourself heavy!!!".

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I used to actually think I could fly. I was a huge peter pan fan and still am. Well I would dream every now and then that he came and I flew away with him. So I'd stand on the coffee table and jump off and when I didn't fly I'd say the pixie dust wore off! This went on from the time I was 3 until I was about 6, when I dreamed a monster ate peter. I was so upset! To this day my mom tells everyone about it.

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When I was little I thought I could fly also(I think alot of kids did). I remember how I did it and everything: I would be walking and would fall foward, but instead of hitting the ground I would just sort of hover a few inches above it.

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I used to believe I could see through things until, one day, I realised I was crossing my eyes making some objects seem transparent!

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I used to believe that if you ate too many carrots, your eyes would get so good that you could see through your eyelids when you tried to sleep at night.

Jerry Moe the Gimp
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When I was little, I had a small change purse, and I was convinced that when I swam, breathing into in would let me breath underwater. Needless to say, it didn't work out a lot.

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I use to have a fascination with being able to fly. One evening when I was about 10, I was convinced I actually took flight and flew off the ground at least 1 foot. I bragged about it later to my family.

Another time years later, I asked my dad what would he do if, I started flying up into the sky? He said he would have to shoot me down. I thought I would die laughing.

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You know when you stare at the sun or a light source, you see spots when you look away? I thought that those spots were ghosts. The first time it happened I thought the spots were ghosts coming to get me. I screamed and yelled for my mom and she came running. When I told her what was wrong, she said there was nothing wrong and she couldn't see any ghosts. When she left I remember feeling deeply concerned because only I had the ability to see ghosts, and that I would have to be quiet about seeing these horrifying things because no one else could and they'd think I was crazy. I took on this "burden" very seriously for a child of 5...

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For some reason I used to believe that if I turned myself around 360 degrees that somehow the world would be different so I would try to correct myself if I accidentally turned in one spot too much

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I believed that I could "tightrope walk" across the footboard of my bed, without falling, if I held in each hand one of the plaster angel plagues my aunt made me. I fell and broke the angels.

Broadway Baby
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I used to believe that I could breath underwater. I would wait until I ran out of air and then drink some pool water, and my body would absorb the oxygen and allow me to stay under longer.

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I used to think that capes made people fly.

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