special powers
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when i was about 6 i had a pair of Batman underpants, so one day i decided that if i go out side in nothing but them, hold a balloon for extra support, and jump off my swingset, the Batman underpants would somehow activate their Batman powers and i would be able to fly.
I attempted this about 9 times until my dad came outside, being very confused, asked what i was doing, and when i told him, laughed for about a minute, and kept chuckling here and there for about a day everytime he thought about it
That if I got a new pair of sneakers I could run and feel like I was flying :)
When I was in highscool I had almost the entire school beleiving I could control events. One of my friends always feared that he was going to fail an upcoming test and would ask me to postpone the test. I told him that in order for the test to be postponed he would need to eat a slice of pizza by stuffing it into his mouth without biting it. Amazingly enough the test was postponed and I gained the nick name "Kapn Kaos". To this day I use this nick name in mmo games and forums as my screen name.
When I was younger my brothers used to tell me if I pressed the circle on the bottom of my Nike sneakers jets would come out and I could fly. They told me not to do it though because I might crash.
When I was little some older girls (I can't remember who) came over to my house and they could run really fast. Me and my next door neighbour were amazed, when we ask what made them run fast they told us that keeping your hands open (like a karate chop) made you run fast then clenching them in a fist, because you cut through the air. Very Aerodynamic - not quite enough to run like the flash tho... mind you I still do that today when I'm sprinting!
I used to believe that I had the power to control what people thought and said. I used to ask questions that I knew the answer to and be extremely amazed when I mouthed their answer along with them... There were a few times I remember mouthing entire sentences though, of course, I was 6 or 7 at the time and that is probably the result of an overactive imagination.
i believed that if i ran straight at something very fast, that i could watch time slow own as i approached it and that i could stop time or as long as i liked befoe letting my percepion slow again to hit it.
got lots of bruises, but it didn't matter because i could sto time.
when i was about 3 or 4 my parents told me that i could turn on the light in the living room by telling it to. and so whenever i told the light to go on they would run into the other room and turn on the light.
When i was a little kid i used to believe that if i didnt look down that i could walk across air like in the cartoons. One day i tried this and fell after walking off of a big tunnel on a playground by my house.
I used to believe that I could hover down stairs. I still have very vivid memories of being able to do it. Unfortunatly, I lost the power at the age of 6 after falling down them and hitting my head.....
i didn't beleive this, but a kid my sister knew thought if he screamed in a really high voice, he ran faster.
I used to believe that Superman got his powers from wearing a cape. Anyway, that's why I was always tying a beach towel around my neck and running around the house like a crazy person.
I used to believe (from watching films, I guess) that if you wanted to be good at martial arts all you had to do was make the sounds like 'Hai!' when you fought someone. My cousin set me straight when we were playfighting finally, but no-one (not even him) ever knew that that was why I was doing it.
top belief!
I used to believe that if I pulled on my shorts upwards, that I could lift off the ground and hover. I actually believed this so hard I have memories of hovering above the ground as real as any of my other memories from that age (below 6).
i used to believe that i could make a hot beam come from the street lights at night by squinting and moving my head
top belief!
I used to take tennis rackets and tape cardboard paper feathers on them and then I would flap them really hard and try and fly. Since I did this in the front yard, it certainly amused the neighbors.
I was about 10 years old before I gave up believing that I could someday develop super powers to move objects if I just believed hard enough. My goal was to be able to flip off the light switch from my bed so I wouldn't have to run across the room in the dark. Of course, I could have simply asked for a night light, but the super power ability would have been so much more fun.
After watching cartoons I got the idea that if i got myself a fishing rod and line, i could hook myself and then by holding the rod and winding, i would be able to lift myself up and fly.
I quickly found out that this doesn't work but am still unsure why.
I used to believe that I had the power to see threw potato chips.
I had a superman t-shirt when I was little. It had a cape and everything. But the sad part is it took 3 jumps off a 5 foot something ladder, 4 boo-boos and a trip to the doctor for my dad to explain to me that the shirt did not actually enable me to fly.
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