i used to believe

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I used to believe I was a superhero and my mom once ask if i could stop
a speeding bullet, and i said yes...
but only once.

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My grandma used to tell me that I was a miracle baby because of problems my mom had. I took this literally and thought I had wings that no one else could see.

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When I was young I wasn't the most popular girl in school and I thought the popular people could read my mind so they didn't like me for my thoughts. Soon I began thinking popular thoughts all the time like "I can wait to go to the mall today." and "Me and my boyfriend kissed yestreday" and "I wonder if i left my Cell on." stuff like that. Turns out they didnt have super powers but their parents VISA cards.

So silly!
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since my son ALways gets hurt Immidiately after i say dont do that youre gonna get hurt..I tell him it is Momma Magic and that when he doesnt listen the momma magic makes him fall, trip etc. It works and he is almost four and still believes me!!

Magic Momma
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top belief!

I used to think I was the only one who could hear the electrical hum created by turning on the television, radio, microwave, etc. I believed I was special because I could tell from several rooms away if someone had turned on an appliance. I one day confided in my dad about my secret ability to hear electricity. Rather than dispel the myth, he pretended he had no idea what I was talking about and insisted there was no such thing. When I started school and was placed in the “Academically Gifted and Talented” class I believed this was actually a special class for kids with exceptional abilities like mine – something along the lines of Dr Xavier’s School for the Gifted in the X-Men comic.

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you know when you squint and light that is far away looks like little rays? I used to believe I had a special power to see light from far away. I would sit in the front seat with my mom as she was driving and tell her when cars were coming from what I perceived as an extreme distance. If the car arrived shortly, I just thought the car was moving extra fast.

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according to my mom, i used to believe that when i close my eyes, i'm gone and people don't see me.


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When I was younger, I would grow quite bored very often and stare and things and if I was at the right angle it would look like I could see through them. And so I went around and boasted that I had X-ray vision for quite a long time actually.

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When i was in 3rd grade i believed that i got magical powers from my dog yuki and that i could communicate with her when we opened the pantry door in the kitchen because there was a magical portal inside.

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Well I was about 5y.o when I took my sisters baby blanket and tied it around my neck. I believed if Batman Could fly I could.
I stood at the top of the stairs on the second floor. I said DADA DADA DA Batman and jumped. Needless to say I recieved stitches in my head cause I couldn't fly. It's funny now, not then.
I'm 42 and still rememberm it.

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i used to think that if you held the same pose as someone in a picture (or poster) for one minute, you would trade lives with them! i always tried this with britney spears!

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when i was younger, i used to think that i could fly. my playground had a hill by one side of it, and for ages all i did was run off the edge of the playground and launch myself into mid air, and obviously fall to the ground. it was only when some even younger children, laughed at me for doing so, that i stopped *blush*

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Once I had a dream where if i ran real hard and jumped id fly and then i flew around my neighborhood and then for a few months i told kids i could fly and thoiught i culd fly

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When I was about 10 years old I used to believe that if I stared directly at the sun I would get some kind of super-vision (because of retinic impression). Luckily, I stopped doing that after a few days... now I'd be blind!

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My daughter was always trading her lunches at school for less healthy snack foods... On day I casually mentioned ato her that most mommies had a special power called "Mommy Radar" and if she lied to me, I'd turn it on and know if she was lying or not...

I then asked her if she ate all her lunch up, and she said YES... I asked her if she ate all HER lunch up, or did she trade it, and she said NO... she ate it all up. I then told her I was gonna turn on MY "Mommy Radar" and see if she was telling me the truth, and she started to cry and told me she had atually traded her sandwich for a Jello Pudding pack.

I actually KNEW shedidn't eat her sandwich because there was no sandwich wrapper in her lunch bag, but for years, she thought I had "Mommy Radar" LOL!!!

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When I was very young, I once held my forearm vertically right in front of my eyes. I could still see ahead, and I figured that I can see through my own body parts. I told this to my family, and they just laughed and told me to turn my arm horizontal. I did and I couldn't see any more, but I didn't understand why that was.

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When I was 8 years old I believed that a human could fly if he realy believed in it...
So while I was waiting for one of my freinds I took few steps and yumped- flying 2 meters forvard(in horizontal position!),down the staircaise,...I landed on my tummy...it vas painful... but you know I don`t regret it!=)

Flying Beauty Of Latvia
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I used to think that if I squinted my eyes, that people that appeared dark were evil, and people that appeared somewhat light were good. Suffice to say, I really hated my Grade Three class, so technically it DID work.

Kyle McIntyre
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I used to believe that I would turn into Miss PacMan if I played the game enough. This kinda scared me because every time I went to the arcade I would play the Miss PacMan game.

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