special powers
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When i was younger i used to believe that at night i had amazing super-human powers...ie. i could fly! at night i would creep downstairs to my biggest room and fly from one end to the other in the flash of an eye, with perfect ease! and then unfortunately... i woke up the next morning!! :(
top belief!
Well when i was about 7 or 8, i thought i could switch from being a girl to a boy and back just by going in the freezer for ten seconds and then coming out! My sister was 5 at the time and she believed every word i ever said about this situation. i actually thought i had the coolest super power ever! but one night when the subject was brought up at dinner my my sister, my mother gave me a huge speech about how i was a girl and that was it. I refused to listen so she asked me to go in the freezer and see if i came out a boy....needless to say...i didnt.
I used to believe that people all around me could read my mind whenever I would get around a person I would think only good thoughts about them.
top belief!
I use to believe if I ate something electronic Id have electric powers
top belief!
When I was about five or six, my mom told me that there was a machine that I could plug into my belly button and let me fly around my room. I had no idea she was joking and I really thought that this machine existed for about a year or so.
When i was younger i beleived i had special powers that could make me look how i wanted. My parents sometimes played along when i 'morphed into a tree'
When my sister and I were little I convinced her that if she ran fast enough that she could fly. She would run around in circles real fast but of course she would never actaully take off.
When i was younger i thought i had special power like the power ranger and superman and that i could fly so one day i stood on top of my grandmother's dinning room table and jump off thinking i could fly i bust my lip and hurt my wrist and leg (i tryed it again thinking i could use a broom to fly beleving i was a witch)
I used to believe that I could use the Force, just like Luke Skywalker from the Star Wars movies. I would sit endlessly, arm pointing at some object across the room, trying to move it with my mind. I tried imagining what the object would feel like if it were in my hand. I tried picturing the object moving across the room and into my hand. I tried thinking of a field of energy that would come out of my hand and envelop the object, like a tractor beam. Nothing ever worked. That Yoda's full of baloney!
as a child i had 'speedy boots' these were imaginary shoes which i wore that made me go much faster like sonic the hedgehogs shoes... unfortunatley mine needed imaginary fuel which i would stop in any place to fill up on, like the middle of the supermarket, road or classes!
when i was about 10 i thought i could fly down the stairs because i did so in a dream i had.
When I was little *I thought that if I dressed in all white I would become invisible.Sadly,I wasn't.XP
when i was 8 years old my brothers told me "if i try hard enough i could do anything" so... we were at my grandmothers house where i decided i could fly. i got up on her couch and jump up then smack! on the ground. i was rather confused, but ok.
When I was little I belived that all I had to do was run around this plant in my yard 5 times and flap my arms.Then I'd become airborne.I tried and it didn't work.Duh....And when I had dreams that I could do it,I kept trying.Which I finally came to the realization of the fact that it won't work.(I was 4 people!Can't blame me!)
When I was little (until about five) I was obsessed with flying. I put my heart and soul into the dream that one day I would be able to finish my training--taping feathers onto my arms and buttocks, then jumping off stuff--and soar off into the sky.
When I was younger, I used to believe I was invisible. Every time I would turn "invisible" I would tell everyone around me they couldn't see me. Never dawned on me WHY they couldn't see me
I acutally used to think I could fly. I would jump to one kitchen chair to the next and shout for my mom to come and watch me. but once I finally fell off one of the chairs, I realized this was not true.
top belief!
I believed that I was the only one in the world that could conjure up a mouthful of water at will (turns out it was saliva). I told my mother I would never have to drink water again because I made my own.
I used to believe that if I looked at something without blinking for a long time, I could move it. Of course, when I tried I couldn't keep my eyes open for more than a few seconds. I also believed that if you jumped off of something and flapped your arms like a bird you would fly. I, being the small idiot I was, tried this with my tree in the front of my apartment. The end result was back pains. Luckily, the tree was only three feet off the ground.
I used to think that if you made funny shadows during a storm blackout you'd lose it and if you didn't have a shadow you'd die.
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