i used to believe

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i used to believe i was a witch and that i would have speacial powers but it if i got up in the night i would have them taken away .i wet the bed very often (but i was only 4 )

bed wetter
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I used to believe I could walk on water

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when i was little i used to think that i had special powers

lauran walton
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When I was five or six, I first started becoming aware of the "floaties" in my eyes. I noticed I could see them better if I stared at a white background, like a wall or something, but they were really there all the time if I focused on them. I had no idea what they were, so it occurred to me that maybe I had some kind of super-powered vision and that they were actually atoms moving around in the air. I didn't want to tell anyone about it, because I thought if anyone knew I could see atoms, they'd want to take me to all these doctors and scientists so they could research me and find out how I did it.

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When I was 3, I saw wrestling on TV. (My dad was watching it) I kept
seeing them pick up their opponent, flipping them upside-down, and
smashing them into the mat. Naturally, I believed I should be able to, as
well. So I attempted it on my dog. My dog was a pretty big Schnauzer,
so all I succeeded in doing was ripping my dog's collar off, hurling it across
the room, and allowing it to strike my mom's head with extreme force.
I believed I could do that to anyone until I was 14.

Insane Eddy, Queen Of The Monkey Warriors
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When i was a little boy i used to watch all kinds of japenese cartoons where the people would fly and use 'Special Powers'. Silly now but at the time i really believed in it. When i found out that it was not possible i was crushed but told myself it could be done. Soon after that i had a dream i was playing football and started to fly. It was such a rush for me. After that for a good while every night i went to bed thinking of flying, and hoped it would be on my mind when i fell asleep. Evey now and again i did have a dream about flyng. They were great. I even had abit of control, not much (it was a dream). TRY IT (about whatever you want, the brain creates dreams based on your thoughts).

Craig "YOU CAN FLY" Cohen
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For about 4 years(from age 5 to age 9), my best friend and I believed we could fly. So for a LONG time, we tried everything; jumping off staircases, jumping from trees, running and flapping our arms, heck, we even tried collecting feathers(which we were going to tie and strap to our arms)! Finally he moved away, and we stopped 'flying'.

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When I was a kid, I used to think that I was the only one able to hear the high-pitched electronic buzz that televisions and other machines make. I thought I had a superpower. I was so disappointed when I found out other people can hear that sound, too.

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I used to believe that when I was younger I was able to fly down the stairs and right into the kitchen. I never understood why I lost that power when growing up.

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i really believed that if i got really angry i would levitate off the ground, i remember at one stage i had one of those realistic dreams where such an incident happened, and so i kept believing. i wondered also why it was only a small distance off the ground, why could i not fly all the way to the mooni was never angry enough again to experiment.

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when i was little,i used to believe i could fly, so I jumped off a bunkbed and hit the ceiling fan while it was on high. i had a big bruise

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When I was little,I used to belive I was Buz Liteyear and I would jump off of my bunkbed. One day I jumped off my bunkbed and broke a light fixture attated to it. Boy did my parents get mad.

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When I was a kid, I used to believe that I could fly. I'd be in my grandmother's living room and jump off of her chair and do the "doggy paddle". Another time, my friends and I were running around the playground flapping our arms, and out came this strong wind and "lifted" us off the ground.

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I used to believe I could fly.
All I had todo was step of a flight of stairs and I'd be walking in the air...

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I used to believe I could control the wind. When I was hot, I would blow air out of my mouth really hard and wait a second or two and then without fail a gust of wind would come and cool me off. This is why I used to believe I could control the wind.

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When I was about 5-7 I used to believe that I have this special ability to walk in the rain without getting wet. I believed that I could somehow avoid raindrops if I really wanted to and, especially, if I had my favourite sweatshirt on.

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when I was little i believed people read my mind, and that you had to turn a certain age, before you could read other persons minds

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When I was 2 or 3, I had just finished watching pooh bear, and saw cassie the blubird flying, so I thought I could to. I tied my favorite blanket around my neck, climbed on top of the kitchen table started flapping my arms like crazy, (in case the cape didn't work) and jumped off. I ended up in the ER with a broken leg!

Kaitlyn M
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i used to believe i had the powers of spiderman and used to climb the bedroom door frames while the family were downstairs.

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when I was little I used to believe that if you pressed a bruise, then it would play a song, so I would press my bruises and sing because it made me sing when pressed

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