special powers
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I believed that because I often dreamed that I was able to fly, I had the innate but undeveloped ability and could learn to fly. So I would climb trees and jump out of them, always expecting that eventually I'd just start flying on the way down.
I was convinced that I could walk on air (like cartoon characters, they walk off a cliff and it's only when they look down and realise that they fall). I knew I could only do it if I really concentrated and had complete confidence, so I used to go up to my room and practice walking from on my bed across to a seat against the far wall. Eventually the complaints from my parents in the room below put a stop to this.
When I was about 4 I used to tell people I could run faster than a cheetah and when confronted to show them told them that I couldnt because I wouldn't have time to stop before I hit things on the other side of the field and hurt myself!
When I was about 5 I thought if I tried hard enough I could lay an egg like a chicken. So naturally I checked the toilet every time I had a poo...but no eggs ever came along, alas.
I used to believe that if I stood at the top of the stairs, closed my eyes and yawned, I flew down them
top belief!
When I was younger, and got my little brother is this too, we'd gather feathers and tie them around with a rubber band. We'd flap around the front yard and jump, hoping to fly. I thought if we collected enough, we could fly like the birds! We must have looked really stupid! lol!
top belief!
I don't know why, but I thought if I kept my legs together the whole night when I was sleeping, they'd join together and I'd turn into a mermaid!
i used to believe that i could fly. i could do this by jumping in the air and doing breaststoke. i used to jump off sofas and try to do this. it never worked. someone was watching me and it doesn't work when someone's looking.
perculiar really - why did i never try front crawl? that might work...
I liked to live in a fantasy world when I was younger. I had a friend that joined me in these unusual beliefs. Supernatural stuff. If some kids at school were mean to us, we always believed that it was because they were ghosts sent by some evil power. We believed that we could conjure up spirits by reciting the quotation on the commemorative plaque in front of the school.
When I was 6yrs old I tied to pieces of cardboard to my arms, climbed my brick wall in my back yard while my dog was watching, stood up with tears in my eyes as I said good bye to my dog Brandie and my home, then...jumped and flew away as I closed my eyes, only to be ubruptly brought back into reality by the sound and pain of my body hitting the dirt floor underneath me, as my dog Brandie sat back and watched as if she had front row seats.
I was young and stupid. There was this boy on the bus that I liked and sat next to him everyday. He told me that he was a genie and I believed him! I wanted to put a spell on my brother so he would be nice to me. He said he gave me this wishing spirit or something and I hid it in my bag. I went over to my brother when I came home. I opened my bag and cupped my hands (thinking there was some cool energy stuff in there) and tossed it at him. He just looked at me weird...
When i was younger i used to believe that if u had hold of somebodys hand or your body had contact with somebody elses when you were sat next to them, they knew what you were thinking
I used to believe I could fly because one time I jumped off a swing and went four feet high for 10 seconds and another time I fell down the stairs but I didn't fall down until I landed on my feet on the floor(not the stairs) the flying theory was disproved when I knew that the wind blew me up when I jumped off the swing and being religious, I think my guardian angel lifted me off the ground and carried me to the ground. but i'm not jewish
I thing I had a really high fever. But, when I was a kid, I for some reason thought that Michael Jackson had the ability to start and stop time by touching his thumb to his forefinger. It was weird. Too much Small Wonder, I think.
i started to believe that i had special powers when i was like 7.I believed that i could talk to my pets telepathiclly(and my pets talked back),that i could read people's minds,that i could pick up things with my mind and that i had other powers that i can't remember.
Talking to pets- when we would always come home from shopping or something there would be trash on the floor from the dog and my mom asked who did it.Then i'd ask the dog telepathiclly.the i would look at my mom and tell her that the dog said that bill(i tought that he was my dog's imaginary friend) did it.She would play along too.
reading people mind's- i started believeing this because i would finsh my mom's sentences before she did she always sadi i read her mind.
about picking up things with my mind i read it in some fanisty book for little kids i thought it was ture.People even told me i could but i didn't listen i always thought i could.
sorry enough to say that when i started 6th grade one of the teahcers sent mme to the guidence consular because they thought i had some porblems.Then the guidence consular had me tell the story about it then she told me i couldn't do any of those things(and that bill wasn't real). I had to go back every day(only about 2 1/2 weeks) until i finally stoped saying i could do those things.
I used to believe that, when I was walking in the bush, if I walked between two trees which were exactly the same type, length, age etc., I would actually be walking through a portal and would disappear into another world. Never worked......
belived taht i could fly be terminator know wrehre ppl are invnvablity and also control ppl and the elemnt water
top belief!
I have strabismus, which means my eyes do not operate in concert to provide a 3-D image. As a result, when I look at an object close to my face, it can seem as though the background (seen through one eye) is superimposed on the object (seen through the other eye). As a kid, I thought this meant that I could see through things, which is exactly what it looks like.
when i was younger, i decided that it could actually be possible to fly. myself and a friend tied planks of wood to our arms and jumped off some rocks onto a beach. to this day i still claim that i "flew" further than i would have without the wood.... but it hurt considerably more with it.
I used to think that everyone had a certain amount of phsycic energy. Me and my friends would think of numbers from 1-100 and try to 'pick up' what it was. The scary thing was, we were always close and sometimes got it right, I still beleive it today! The people who know about this think it's mad, but life would be boring without some magic wouldn't it?
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