i used to believe

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When I was about 8 I used to lie very very still in my bed, and stare at the cieling, untill I had the most fantastic feeling of floating. One night as my eye started to dry out from staring, and I started to fall asleep, I realy felt like I was about 12" away from the cieling. This so startled me that I "fell back onto my bed". I must have jumped about 6" of my bed with shock. For ages i realy believed that I had levitated and ever since I've tried to recreate the feeling, it was great.

Mad Marx
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I used to believe that I could run faster than the cars on the highway. I'd always ask my parents to let me out of the car so I could run to grandma's house to get there quicker.

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When I was about 7 I used to believe that I was the only person in the world that could blink.

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When I was a kid, I thought my mother's pinky (finger) had special powers, because every time I had done something I wasn't supposed to, my mother said she knew about it. And when I asked her how, she told me it was her pinky who'd told her.

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When I was young, my brother and I used to believe that dranking a whole glass of water really fast without stopping to take a breath would give us super strength. We actually tested it. We tried to lift up one end of our very heavy living room couch but couldn't do it. Then we did our water trick and lo-and-behold-we lifted the end of the couch! The power of the mind!

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I used to have a friend that was kinda weird. I thought that she could read my mind so whenever she was at my ouse id think inside my head " wow shes so cool " so she wouldnt no that i thought she was weird

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My friend had a sloped up drive way that we waited for the bus at, and i thought that if i ran up it as fast as i could, and jumped at the top, i could fly.

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I discovered masturbation long before I had heard the facts of life or even liked boys at all. I didn't associate with anything sexual, and I had no idea what it was. I assumed I must have discovered some special power and that I was the only person in the world who knew how to do it.

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I remember a lot of my dreams, very vividly. I had one re-occuring dream that I was outside in my driveway and went into my garage. I'd run out of the garage run in a circle and jump twice and when I jumped the third time I'd be flying.

When I woke up, I'd believe it, still do to some extent. My grade six teacher didn't help any when he taught us to fly with out minds. Relaxing ourselves to the point where your spirit or mind can fly around the city with amazingly precise detail.

I think he's an alien....

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I used to think that I had the power to tell the future, but it only happened very rarely in a dream. I was really excited about this new toy coming out when I went to bed. In my dream, I was at this dimly lit shop, very huge, very confusing, and although I never saw it, the walls must've changed positions at points. There was this tiny gap between shelves, so I squeezed in and there they were, the toys I mentioned earlier. I grabbed one and headed out, but could never find that gap again. When I woke up, I could've sworn that the toy I bought was in the computer room. What's scary, though, is when I later bought the exact toy in real life, the shape and pictures were exactly the same as in my dream.

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I used to believe that I could stop time. One time at a friend's birthday party I snapped my fingers, grabbed an extra goodie bag and snapped them again. The mothers were all at the back, and laughed when my mother explained.

Karie Maleen
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When I was about six years old I thought I had the ability to see through little things. When you stare some things for a while it gets distorted and sortof doubles up so it looks like a hole. So during snack time I'd hold a potato chip over an eye and tell everone I could see through. The sad part is I was really serious and did realize everyone was giving me funny looks.

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I used to believe I could see air. Then when I moved to a new house, I met a girl at school, and the first thing she said was "I can see air." We've been best friends ever since.

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When I was little I believed that the magical-seeming abilities of adults --card tricks, memorizing directions to a strange place at one fast hearing, lifting heavy things, etc.-- all came from tests of inner will and self-discipline (though I didn't yet have those words, I had the concept). I believed that doing anything that was hard would make me better, not just at whatever it was, but at all things, and that the harder a thing was to do, the sooner I'd be able think really fast and tell long jokes properly and do all the other grownup things.

My mother taught me to read as I was learning to talk. When I was four or five I read about eclipses in a children's science book. It plainly said you should never look at the sun-- which intrigued me. Later, playing out in the alley, I gritted my teeth and held my eyes open with my fingers and stared at the sun for a predetermined count of ten. Then, after the spot went away enough so I could see to move around, I went in to where my mother and grandparents were and told them. I was so proud and they were so horrified. "Oh, no, honey! /Never/ look at the sun!" But it was right there, available.

Marco McClean
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when i was little i saw a episode of "Whos afraid of the Dark" and the kids got trained to lift things with there minds if they stared at it for a long time and concentrated on lifting it. I was in my room staring at my ball and my mom came in and asked me what i was doing. When i told her she thought i was insane.

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I used to belive I could hear,smell and see better cause i ate carrots. I somehow belived i was really an evolved raptor and eating carrots sustained my human form. Im still a carrot lover to this day!

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my sister and I both believe we have mild pyrokinetic powers. We hold our hands motionless near a flame and voila, it will grow, shrink or dance. Depending on what we want it to do.

I believed this for years, and though i'm 18 and doubt its validity i still like to experiment.

Usul the magnificent
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My best friend and I both believed that we could breathe underwater. I still do actually; she's grown up... well, technically we both have but she lost her imagination. Anyway.

Whenever we would go to the beach together, or sometimes the pool, we'd practice breathing in the water... weird thing is, neither of us ever drowned or anything, we'd stay underwater for minutes at a time.

Seawater attracts the pretty pink seagulls... woooooo....
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i have a friend who used to believe that she really was a squirrel - not a squirrel 24/7, but at night. She was absolutely convinced about this, and used to say thayt if i looked at her cross-eyed, i would see a squirrel. She was so totally convinced about this that i, (aged seven) was unable to convince her that no, she didn't turn into a squirrel at night and go and play with other squirrels in her garden. she used to say, when she was tired, that it was because she had been out with the other squirrels all night long. The scariest thing is that i still don't know if she still believes that!!!!!

seriously weird.

freaked out friend
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For a short while when I was young, I thought I could breathe underwater. I would swollow a lot of water I thought I was breathing.

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