special powers
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top belief!
About when i was 6 or 7 i was flipping through one of those zoo magazines on specific animals on butterflies and saw this little girl in a sleeping bag and then a picture of her out of it and with really pretty makeshift butterfly wings. Now when i was that old i was fascinated by how birds and butterflies could fly and i desperatly wanted to, but never could figiure out how. When i saw this article i got the little light bulb over my head.
I took my sleeping bag and set it just right for when i was ready. I then took two pink towels and somehow fastened them to my arms and legs so that they spread with you spread your arms! I carefully got in the sleeping bag, stayed there for about 20 minutes then got out, went outside and stood on the railing of my porch and jumped.
Lets just say i didnt try it again.
when i was little i made some paper fairy wings and i thought that if i put them on they would reeli make me fly. my mum didnt tell me otherwise and played along saying "just dont go over the fence!" and i was reeli excited and climbed on top of the garden table and jumped off... i didnt fly lol i was reeli disappointed and to top it off i had a sprained ankle too!
My mom told me that if I flapped my arms hard enough and ran fast enough I could fly. I used to spend hours running around outside flapping my arms.
I used to think that if I concentrated hard enough on a star, I could make whatever I wanted come true. I stared at a star for ten minutes, thinking, "Make my house turn into a mansion, make my house turn into a mansion!" and preceded to glare at my house for half an hour. Unfortunately my house did NOT turn into a mansion and I stopped believing stars had powers ever since.
when i was younger, my mum bought a new carpet,and it was rolled up and propped up on the stairs. I accidentaly dropped a bottle of shampoo down there, and my mum told me if i wished really hard, i would shrink enoungh to crawl down and fetch.I was stood at the top of the stairs for about half an hour with my eyes closed tring to shrink. hehe
When I was 7, I thought I could transform into Sailor Moon. I tried in my room and outside, and even tried to do an attack on these bratty boys at school. Being 11 now and still watching Sailor Moon, I still pretend to transform but never expect anything to happen. I wish I could transform!
when i was 3 or 4 i used to think i could fly by taking a larg run up but wen i tryd i was dissapointed to find me ling in a heap on the ground
When I was very small I believed I could fly down the stairs. I tried it and it seemed like I was flying. I asked my mum about it recently and she said I just hurt myself badly. I don't believe her.
top belief!
I have a freckle on my hand which I used to think it was a magic freckle that i could use like a button if I pressed it to turn on the light inside the fridge. This strange idea was not put to rest by my parents - my mother in fact encouraged this fantasy by standing next to the fridge and opening it as I "aimed" my freckled hand at it like a remote control...
top belief!
I used to believe that the Queen of England used to be related to SuperMan because they both are very powerful. i asked my sister and she said that they were brother and sisters once removed, and there farther was Batman.
top belief!
I used to believe that I could fly like Superman if I had the right cape and got a good running start.
when i was like 7 or 8 or 9, i was looking behind this really high tennis fence outside. i realised that, just by looking at these trees behind the fence, i could make them move around. i was so excited, i thot i was like Alex Mack! i was actually movin' the top of my body left to right, and thats wut wuz making the trees "move".
This isn't about me but about my littlw brother. The neighborhood kids and I always liked to try new stuff. Well being from Louisiana we have quite a few hurricanes and one day our gang was sitting in my room and we decided to jump off the roof with umbrellas. We would actually hover down because the winds were so strong and now my little brother wants me to teach him to fly.
My brother and I used to believe that we could move objects with our minds, but only light objects.
One time we were at my dad's house (my parents divorced when I was 7 or 8) and we had a balloon, so we sat it on the bed and took turns "levitating" it. One of us would stand on the bed, with the balloon in the middle of us (no helium), put both our hands on the sides of our heads, and close our eyes really tight, while the other one would sit on the other side of the bed and watch it float. It moved because we had the fan on, but we still believed we had done it.
My friend and I used to believe that we could gain special powers by pressing our bellybuttons and wishing.
i used to believe that i could move object with my eyes, so once in a moving car, i thought i could move a cherrio. SO i stared and stared and then the car bumped and the cherrio moved and i thought i moved it!
I was a faster runner than most of the other grade school kids.
When I would run my side would get sharp pains.
I decided this was caused by one of my ribs that had grown downward and attached itself to my leg bone.
When asked I would explain that my condition was like being "bionic" but actually better.
I always thought that I was invincable. I tought I could fly and that I had x-ray vision. And I thought we all had some "mutant" power like my mom always knew what I was up to, etc. I just figured with time, you're powers develop more, like yoda's advise in a jedi. I now know that none of that is possible
I used to think that I could take our ping pong paddles and use them to fly. I would spend hours in the front yard flapping my arms and trying to take off.
I used to believe that I could move things with my mind. I'd sit for hours trying to break glasses or anything really. It never worked though
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