special powers
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top belief!
That dreams were memories of infancy coming back. So a dream where I was flying meant that I used to be able to fly. I remember being six and telling another kid, "When I was two I could fly, but I can't now because I'm heavier."
when i was little i used to believe that my new tennis shoes would make me run faster.
top belief!
I used to suck on the ends of batteries intent on gaining super electric powers.
top belief!
I use to believe I had magic powers to see the clouds move. When I found out that everyone could, I stopped wanting to be a weather woman.
when i was little i thought i was an alien, because i thought i was the only person that had saliva to keep swallowing. i knew my throat moved when i swallowed, but when i observed others, i didn't see their troats move!
Red shoes make you run faster.
top belief!
when i used to take baths with my big sister as a child, my 16 year old sister told us that if you put sea salt in the bathtub that you would turn into a mermaid. when she put the salt in, it took 5 minutes before my sister and i started thinking that we could see fins! we ran out of the bathroom so fast!! haha
top belief!
When I was little, I believed that I could discover mindreaders by screaming in my mind and seeing who flinched.
top belief!
When I was young I believed that you stored up speed. So, if I wanted to race someone I would laze around for an hour or two to gain an advantage. Because of this and my neurotic nature I believed I should NEVER EVER run my fastest, just in case I ran into a cheetah and needed all my speed. I was the slow kid in gym class and would always feel superior as the other kids darted past me, thinking a cheetah would eat them right up
top belief!
I used to believe that I was part of someone else's dream. When my mother would come to wake me early to go to school, I would wish that whoever had me in their dream would wake up and I would be able to go back to sleep.
top belief!
When my big brother and I were little, we used to think that if we couldn't hear something, then our parents couldn't. So early in the morning when we didn't want to wake anyone up, we'd plug our ears when we were about to make a noise, you know... so -they- couldn't hear it either.
i used to believe and am still not quite sure to beleave as bad as that sounds that when i was young i'll say 6 or 7 that if i ran really fast that i could fly. i was always told that its probably just my imagination but i seem to remember it so vividly that to me it feels like it happened!
top belief!
I used to believe that if you hit your tailbone, a tail could grow out of it.
top belief!
growing up I had an eccentric aunt who told me that if you concentrated hard enough, you could move objects with your mind. Well, whether this is true or not, I never managed it. But I remember sitting for hours on the couch looking at things on a shelf and staring at them until my eyes hurt. And after a few intense minutes of staring down whatever it is I was trying to levitate, I would dramatically break my concentration from the object and act all out of breath, thinking "Almost, I almost had it that time!"
I used to believe that the tissues in a tissue box were the same tissues that made up our bodies. I would routinely snack on tissues with the hopes of growing big and strong by 'feeding' my body tissues.
top belief!
I used to believe that at one point, i breathed under water and i spent the longest time trying to figure out how to do it again!
top belief!
Until I was 10 I used to believe that when my foot would fall asleep, it was actually a ghost giving me an accupucture.
I used to believe that you could blow up your hand by blowing "into" your thumb. I saw something like that on a cartoon. I tried it, and was convinced my hand had actually grown a little!
top belief!
When I was in 5th grade, I thought I could control the wind. I told my friend and he laughed at me but then held my hands out and the wind moved a little. He told people then they started laughing at me. But I was convinced for a week that I could control the wind.
When I was about 8 years old, I believed VCRs could be controlled telepathically. Not sure where that came from, as I used the remote control regularly. However I would still sit far away from the VCR, concentrating as hard as I could to try and make it do stuff.
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