special powers
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I used to believe that if I ran fast enough I could move time back, a little. I must have been 6-7 and would dash home from school for lunch and my evidence was that I left school at 11:30 (school clock) and arrived home at 11:18 (home clock)
Once when i was little, i dared to touch the spine of my mothers cactus plant. Since i touched it gently, i felt no pain. For several years afterward, i thought i was unable to feel pain or to get cut. I was proved wrong when i tried to show my friends by jabbing a pin in my leg. OUCH!
I believed that if I tried hard enough, and really strained inside my heart, I would lift off the ground and be able to take off and fly!! As much as I tried to fly away, I never could! But I truly thought it was possible.
when i was a child there was this tv ad with a man sitting in lotos (yoga) position. he closed his eyes and slowly left the ground, and when he hovered about 50 cm above the ground, a voice said: "es geht!" ("it works!")
i used to believe that if i tried hard enaugh i would one day learn how the trick worked and then i'd be able to fly...
top belief!
I once believed that because I drank much milk if someone by chance hit me with a sledgehammer nothing would happen.
Growing up the youngest of four i needed all the good luck i could get and tried wishing on stars all the time. When that didn't work i decided i needed to find something else to wish on and when having breakfast one day i found one.
I decided that if you were the first person to open a jar of spread or butter and the first to use it that was good luck and you got to make a wish. Once i had decided this every chance i got i made sure i was the first to do this to make a wish.
Didn't help though..... i kept getting in trouble for opening new jars when then old ones weren't empty.
I used to believe, that the force actually existed, and would prance around the house trying to move household objects with my thoughts.
As a child, on some hot summer nights while lying in bed, I would roll out of my body and float in the air. This ability seems to disappear when you grow up.
When I was six, I believed if I ate ice cream slowly I would have powers. I mean I would take a bite of chocolate and I would have powers...then I would taste the vanilla and all the magic went away...
I used to believe that I could control the wind. I'd whisper a direction, and how strong and wait to see if it happened. Obviously, this was most effective on windy days. To test my theory I once sent a really strong wind to the east and then spent all week feeling guilty when high winds and monsoons actually attacked South East Asia.
When I was about 10 I was convinced I was a Ghostbuster. I was so eager to prove it that one day I went to school dressed in an old sweatsuit that I had converted into a "Ghostbuster suit". I had a laser made of paper towel rolls and a backpack which I completely ruined by drawing on the Ghostbusters logo in pemanent marker. I even had a ghost trap made of a kleenex box. When nobody believed me I got angry and proceeded to "zap" them all with my "gun". My teacher sent me home and my mom was not pleased. Especially about the backpack.
top belief!
When I was around 5 or 6 I believed I could make the palms of my hands sweat just by mentally concentrating on them. I can't do it now, but I was convinced I could then. I have no idea what the purpose of it was, I thought I had a special power.
When I was around 4 and 5 I used to think that the more stripes on the sides of your sneakers, the faster you could run.
i used to be able to fly. all i had to do was concentrate really hard. then i lost my innocence.
When I was in the first or second grade a bunch of my playground friends told me that if I could kiss the tip of my elbow that it would change me from a girl into a boy. But needless to say after 32 years I can only rub my perfume onto the inside of my elbow!
When I was a youngster, I used to believe that I could be like Storm on Xmen and control the wind. I would point at trees and yell "Wind!" It used to work to a degree. I just wish that I had it now, so I could make the wind go away in this gosh darn cold weather!!
My four year old daughter actually believes I have special powers. When we are in the car and the sun is in her face she asks me to say the magic word. Abracadabra!!! I turn a corner!! Bye bye sun.
When I was very young, my greatest ambition was to be able to fly. I watched a children's show on PBS called "Zoom," in which every episode concluded with a closing song containing the lines "Come along and give it a try... We're gonna teach you to fly!" And I would get so impatient for them to show the episode in which they would show us how this was done. (Of course, they were speaking metaphorically, darnitall...)
top belief!
My mom told me once that eating meat gave you muscles, so of course I deduced that I could get a temporary power boost from eating a piece of bologna. I used to eat a small piece of a cold cut, then lift up the corner of my bed, thinking I was super-strong
top belief!
When I was very young, I saw a commercial for Transformers underwear. A boy put them on and turned into Optimus Prime. I got my mom to buy me some, and I put them on thinking I'd turn into a giant robot, but they didn't work. I thought that I had gotten a broken pair, and was very upset
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