special powers
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top belief!
When I was younger, as I rode my bike home from school, I saw one of my friends pssing by in a car. After waving to him I decided to race against him on my bike. After I beat him, I was convinced I had some kind of super bike speed thingy power. To make along story short, it was a 15 mile per hour street and they were approaching a stop sign...
top belief!
When you hold something up in front of one eye, but not the other you get a transparent image of it. I saw the transparent image once when I was curled up in a blanket, but didn't make the connection that I was using my other eye, so I assumed that I had X-ray vision. My older brother wasn't convinced.
I remember thinking that I could float in midair, or at least that I floated one time. I have a distinct memory of floating across a room, and I think it was a particulary vivid dream.
top belief!
I used to believe that I could outrun my own shadow!
i told my brother that if he went to the bathroom, climbed in the dryer,and went in the air vent h4e wuld become superman. he did everytin 'cept the air vent, but only because he couldn't reach it.
top belief!
My friend Harriet was very gullable when she was little and believed anything her brothers told her.
She was once told that if she drank bleech, ran up and down the garden 100 times and jumped out her bedroom window, she would be able to fly.
Fortunately she never got to the jumping out a window part as she had to go to hospital to have her stomach pumped.
I had a dream as well that I could just float down the stairs in one step. I spent ages at the top of the stairs trying to will myself to do it. I didn't so never got a broken bone.
I used to believe i could fly. This was because i slep walked and i fell down the stairs and was knocked out for severl hours, but wen i was sleepwalkin i must have been dreaming about flying because i wouldnt stop goin on about it for 5 years
top belief!
I used to believe I had magic powers because when I was about 5 or 6 when driving back from from the airport with my Dad he said 'Oh no we're running out of petrol - Alice try your magic we need a petrol station right away'
So I said 'Abaracadabra please make a petrol station appear for Daddy'
Almost immediately we turned a bend on the motorway and a petrol station came into view and Dad exclaimed 'Well done Alice your magic is brilliant - were saved.'
It was years before I worked out that Dad knew where all the petrol stations were, but in the meantime I felt really special and useful to my family especialy when we were 'running out of petrol'.
top belief!
I used to believe if I tried hard enough, I could will myself into the TV show I was watching. Once my parents and I were watching an ice skating competition and I kept asking, "Am I in that? Am I on TV?" Amazingly, they didn't have my head examined.
top belief!
When I was little I had an elderly nanny who told me that if I tickled my brother too much he would get stuck to the floor. Of course I believed her, that made me tickle him more.
I used to think that if you blew a kiss to someone, they could actually feel it even if they weren't in the room with you.
I tested this theory whilst going to sleep on holiday one day and asked my father whether he felt a kiss the night before. When he said 'no', I was very disappointed!
top belief!
I used to believe that I had superhuman strength, which lead to many unfortunate incidents. These incidents could be broadly categorised as follows: (1) Kids beating me up, (2) Me beating other kids up, (3) Humiliating public demonstrations of my strength (once, during lunch break, I gathered a group of friends around to watch me crush a tennis ball, with one hand, until it exploded. I stole the idea from the intro. to the six million dollar man TV show. Amazingly, I was not able to achieve this feat. The demonstration ended with me getting punched).
top belief!
I used to believe that, if you concentrated hard enough, it was possible to make your body invisible. I remember wandering around the place, switching my invisibility on and off. If it seemed I was being ignored, then I took this as confirmation that my attempt at achieving invisibility had been successful. However, I never did anything strange while invisible, so I guess I wasn't too convinced of my own power.
top belief!
I used to have the ability to tell what colour things in black and white pictures were -- on our b&w tv, in newspapers, whereever. I knew that the things being photographed had colours, but I couldn't understand how colour could be "lost" when photographed.
I still remember, after 30-odd years, the feeling of seeing that a car on tv was blue, or that a woman was wearing a green dress.
When i was young I believed that I could see through things by imagining what could be on the other side and seeing if i was right.
top belief!
I used to think that if I kept my eyes closed, because I couln't see anyone else then I too must become invisible. I used to walk up to people, close my eyes poke them and then walk away laughing thinking I was invisible!!!!!!
I used to believe (and still do) that if you repeat over and over in your mind "i'm invisible, i'm invisible" you will not be noticed, you wiil be invisible! Try it the next time you go through customs. You'll never be stopped.
top belief!
I believed that if I wished hard enough eventually my wish would come true and I would be able to fly like Superman. I spent many afternoons testing this theory by jumping off the arm of the sofa shouting "I wish I could fly" really fast before I hit the ground. (I had prudently padded the floor with the sofa cushions first though, just in case I hadn't 'wished hard enough yet.')
top belief!
when i was a little kid, i believed i could control the Television and what channels it went on, but only at my grandparents house (because it was a bigger and better TV then ours). i would sit up real close and say 'channel 4' or 'channel 23' and it would go to those channels, i would tell it to go quite or loud, and turn it on and off. the sad part is, it was actually just my grandfather standing behind me with the remote control. i was devestated when i found out a year or so later.
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