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Our primary school field was massive, and it had a very steep slope, maybe 70 degrees or so. I used to have such incredibly vivid dreams that i would run off the top, and flap for a bit, then fly around the field. They were so realistic it was pure joy waking up every morning. Strangely, as soon as i realised that they were dreams, they stopped. This was when i was about 8. Im 16 now, and in the 8 years i havent had a single dream that i remember in the morning, compared to at least one every night back then.

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when i was young i thought the if i would dress up as a transformer i could fly to school on haloween

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When my brother was little, before i was born, he whatched superman. He thought he could fly so one day hile my mom was in the shower he jumped off the couch and went head first into the TV. Yeah... he cracked his head open alright.

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I'm amazed no-one's mentioned flying down the stairs! When i was young i could distinctly remember a time when i had walked (or probably crawled) out into thin air from the top step and floated or flown down to the bottom. I really believed that i had done this. Apparently it is a common childhood experience (several of my friends have 'remembered' doing it too!) Perhaps it's a memoty of being picked up and carried around as a baby?

I wish it had been true!

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When I was 5 yrs old, I believed that I could fly. I had a vivid memory (still do) of flying in my bedroom. I swore this tale was the truth until I was about 14 yrs old! I finally stopped telling it though. Now I'm not sure if I stopped believeing or I got tired of defending my story *wink* I still think of this memory from time to time and smile to myself.

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When I was three or four I was convinced I had super binocular vision if i touched my index fingers to my thumbs and held them up to my eyes. I also thought I could disguise myself if I puffed up my cheeks and walked with a limp. Clearly, the neighbors thought I was retarded.

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Anytime my mom or dad would punish me, I believed that I could fly. I used to fly all around the house and anytime they tried to spank me, I would fly higher and higher. Man, if only that was true...I'd fly right out of here!

Jennifer R
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I used to believe that I could fly if I flapped my arms. I tried it once when I was about 5, by running down a hill and leaping skywards at the curb. Bloody knees! Apparently, my mind still believes it as I often dream of flying (I'm over 50 now) although I always seem to get tangled up in the power lines.

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I used to believe that people who wear glasses did had a second brain!

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I used to believe that I could fly, but that I had somehow forgotten how to do so. This made me very sad. I had a strong memory, one which repeated often when I was young (<6) of being able to fly by standing in the living room and hopping about on one foot. I could jump up and sort of grab onto the air, somehow, as if catching some invisible, formless gust of air.

I couldn't understand why I could no longer do this, but why I could remember it so clearly. I think, since I can even remember those memories now with great clarity, that I must not have been told about dreams; for dreams is what I have told myself my flying was, and nothing more.

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I had vivid memories from when I was about 6 years old of being able to levitate. I would start by jumping on the bed over and over and over and after jumping enough times, I would begin to float up against the ceiling. Moving around was very difficult, I had to swim through the air to get anywhere.

These memories were so vivid, that it wasn't until years later that I figured out I must have been dreaming. I didn't think about it until that same reoccurring float/fly dream came back, and when I woke up, using my newly acquired powers of logic, I came to the stunning realization that I'd never been able to fly at all.

That epiphany was worse than finding out the truth about Santa Claus.

Yeah, Santa Claus - what, you haven't heard???

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After watching Marry Poppins, I was convinved that if I jumped from a really high place with an open umbrella, I would float gently to the ground. After many failed attempts from the top of my swing-set, I believed it only worked jumping from clouds.

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I used to believe I could see air

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I used to have a superman-type pajama set, except i was missing the velcro-attached cape (which was taken by my mom). So of course, i believed that the cape was the key to superman's flight capabilities(since i obviously couldn't fly), and for a long time, i swore to people that if superman lost his cape, he wouldn't be able to fly anymore.

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Until my brother was about 16 he thought that my mother could really see through walls because everytime he would attempt to drink milk directly from the carton, my mother would catch him and tell him to get a cup.

Seems my mother's not as slick as we thought...from where she was sitting, she could see the light from the refrigerator and my brothers reflection in the strategically placed glass cabinet.

Girl with a Slick Momma
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when my friends and i were little, around six, we used to play a hansel and gretel type game and i was always the witch. eventually i really did think i had magical powers, i thought i could control the wind and it would make me fly. i have no idea where i got this theory!

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I used to believe that if i tried really hard i could make my head explode.

not that i ever tried.

i'm not sure why i believed this.

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Remember when Rice Crispies always used to have a black crispy in the packet, (by accident but it was always there). I used to believe that if I ate the bad one beofre all the good ones I would gain super powers like supergirl.
I once even tried to fly accross the landing believing that I had achieved my goal.

Better not say (seriously disturbed from the fall)
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The actor, Lee Majors, better known perhaps as 'The Six Million Dollar Man' was my idol. As a four year old I believed that I too had bioic powers and could out-run cars, leap tall buildings, etc.

My poor mother was shocked to find me crouched on top of the kitchen cabinets one day preparing to leap to the floor. She scolded me, telling me that I shouldn't do things like that as I could get hurt. I promptly reminded her of my invincibility saying, "Don't worry mom, I'm bionic!"

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When I was fairly young; about seven or thereabouts, I wanted so desperately to be a super-hero that I convinced myself that I could "see" heat, and that since no one else mentioned this amazing feat, I alone possessed this ability. I would run around telling people "Don't touch that, it's hot--I CAN TELL!" Turns out it was just steam, and everyone was just humouring me. Go figure.

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