special powers
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top belief!
I used to believe that I could lay eggs if I squatted down, shut my eyes and clucked like a chicken. I was so proud of myself thinking that I would be able to feed my family and friends. It was only later that I realised that the eggs I had been laying were plastic toy eggs that my mum and dad sneakily put underneath me.
top belief!
When I was young I thought that by drinking orange soda I could run much faster then I normally could. My father did nothing to disprove this theory, often times buying me soda and telling me to run to a point and back while he counted. According to him I ran 100 yards in 10 seconds
top belief!
I use to believe when i was a little kid i would hear baseball anouncers on TV say "the pitchers arm is on fire after that fast ball!" i actually believed you could catch your arm on fire if you threw a baseball fast enough, so I would go out to a baseball field by my house and throw against a fense as hard as i could, i thought that i could see smoke when i threw the ball. i figured i could only throw smoke because i wasnt a grown-up yet so i cant throw fire. looking back i realize that the smoke i thought i saw was dust picked up on the baseball but i really thought i could throw smoke!
top belief!
I used to think that I could teleport. I had a loft bed and, if I wanted to go to the bathroom in the middle of the night, I would have to climb down the ladder and walk all the way to the bathroom. So, I would close my eyes when I was at the top of my ladder. When I opened them again, I would be in the bathroom. I thought I could teleport, but I never told anyone about my secret powers. Now, I guess that I probably was just sleep walking.
top belief!
If I pushed the mole on my Grandpa's forehead, his teeth would pop out. I really thought they were connected :)
I used to believe that the dust particles you see floating in the air were actually atoms. So, when my teacher said that atoms were so small you couldn't see them, I thought that I just had super powerful eyes.
For years when I was little, I thought that if I was touching a person, they could somehow secretly read my mind.
top belief!
When I rode in the car with my grandfather, he would "pressure drive". While driving he would say to me "I don't like this guy in front of us, I'm going to pressure drive him to turn." Then he would lean forward and hum until the car in front of us turned. I was convinced that he had special powers. I later realized that he could see their turn signal, but I was too short to see it.
I used to think i could fly
I used to believe that I had a super power and could see through things because when I closed one of my eyes I couldn't see an object because it was behind something, but when I opened both my eyes, I could. Lol, perspective.
I used to believe that adults could read minds, and that it would be kept a secret from me until I was "of age" and the ability developed in me too. So I was really careful not to think about secret stuff when my parents were around!
i used to think the dots you see in front of your eyes were magic sparkles - if you collected them by keeping your eyes shut instead of losing them by opening your eyes and letting them out, you would learn how to fly =)
I used to believe that when my mom was out shopping, and I concentrated really hard on an advertisement for some kind of toy (barbie (accessories) most of the time), she would acutally come home having bought me the desired toy.
Because my mother would always point at the crosswalk sign just as it switched to the "walk" signal when we were about to cross the street, I thought she had a magic talent because whenever I pointed the sign just ignored me. It took me a long time to figure out that it was just timing the red lights.
As a child I used to believe that I am special. I covered one of my eyes and thought I can see through my hand.
I used to belive that kids had powers and if you didn't master them quick you'd lose them.
I used to believe that if I thought about it really hard, I could move stuff with my mind like in the Matrix. I took a spoon out of the drawer and stared at it for 10 minutes straight hoping it would bend. No luck. I also thought this was how I could fly. That didn't work either. Thinking only gets you so far I guess.
I used to believe that you could hold your breath as long as you wanted. My dad could hold his breath for years. It seemed like years...unfortunately, I learned to tell time on a watch. Sooo, we are talking, maybe 1:40 seconds, tops.
When i was around 8 or 9 i had been to the clinic and i had an eye test.
My eyes weren't too good but i didn't need glasses and i had been told i had rugby shaped eyes which is uncommon.
Everyone i knew had round eyes.
So for about a year i went round pretending i had special eyes and when ever a car went past i would look inside the car window and kinda open my eyes really wide and see there future (Like Neji out of Naruto the anime.. if u have seen it.) and the drivers would just give me a weird look.
Then one day my brother tried doing it but i told him u cant do it because u have round eyes so then he faked to my mum that he needed an eye test.
So off we go to the clinic again and guess what... there was nothing wrong with his eyes but he had rugby shaped eyes.
I was so jealouse so i thought whats the point in having a special power if someone who u see everyday has the same one.
So as i got older as now im 16 i thought wow them drivers must of thought i was weird haha.
When I was younger I honestly though that I could make a shrinking machine with my Receiver, VCR & a Microphone.
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