special powers
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i used 2 believe that if i poke my eye at the right angle producing 2 images of an object, then closing my eye nd spinning it would make me suck the objects soul
I used to think that if I took a bath towel and held the opposite ends in each of my hands and jumped off a chair while flapping REALLY hard, I could fly.
I never flew, and I assumed it was because I wasn't flapping hard enough =D
When I was younger my mom used to tell me that I could do anything I put my mind to. So, I would jump off the top of our slide and attempt to fly. When she would ask me what I was doing, I'd say that I was practicing to learn how to fly!
When i was younger i believed that my life was this giant book that someone was reading to their child... i would even dream that I was the one reading it, and when i would try to look ahead the pages would go blank....
i still believe that life is this HUGE book someone is reading.......
When I was in middle school, I thought that the X-Men was based on a true story, and since I was around 13 years old at the time, I was just waiting for my mutant ability to appear... (I was hoping it was flight)
when i was younger(im still considerably young) one of my friends told me that if i ate two sugar pakcets i would become my fave powerpuff girl, and i couldnt tell my parents. later that night i told my mom and she let me eat two sugar pakcets. i told my friend that i had done wat she said to do the next day and during recces we pretended to fly around.
I'm 13 now, when i think about it i get sooo embarresed(sp?)
I can see into the future only by seconds though its so weird il give you an example : Im driving my car about 35 mph in a 30 mph speed limit i slow down because i know there is a police car coming just round the corner???? i see into the future some how??? (((to any police i am not saying i have done 35 in a 30 it is an example))) another one which is not an example my boss had a phone call that his dad just died i knew his dad died when the phone was ringing??? The most i have seen into the future is about 30 seconds. i cant just tell you whats going to happen though it doesn't work like that. But i can tell you something really bad is going to happen in 2009 and 2042 god knows whats going to happen i have no clue lets just wait and see if im right ???
When I was about 3 or 4 I thought that I could fly like the superheros on TV so I stood on the kitchen table and told my sister to look at me and next thing you know I'm in the air flapping my hands and Yelling "I can fly!" LOL...I ended up falling and had to go to the hospital to get 5 stitches in my chin.
Everytime I tell that story people make fun of me!!
i think if people lift very heavy weights for a few years,they can have superhauman strength!lmao,i know that's NOT real
This one time in grade school, this one kid I knew convinced me that I had telekensis can I could do whatever I wanted by thinking it, but I was the only person who couldn't see what was happening. And I believed him, and on occasion we had pretend "Psychic Battles" and after a month I finally got past that. ugh, I was so gullible back then.
top belief!
When I was a little kid there was this doll that had hair that could grow, and you made it shorter by cranking her arm around, which rolled the hair back up inside her head. I remember seeing that commercial and thinking it worked like that for humans too, so I tried moving my arm around in a circle as if someone was cranking it because I wanted short hair. Needless to say I was not successful and I thought something was wrong with me.
Okay, so you know how most TV shows are 30 minutes long? Well, when I was a kid and it would get to be my bed time I would go through the usual conversation with my mom.
"Can I just finish this show, pleeeeeeeeease?"
"Sure but go on to bed at 8:30"
"Thanks mom!"
I could never figure out how she always knew the show would go off at 8:30, so I convinced myself that she was a mind-reader.
When i was in preschool, my friend and i loved the show sailor moon. We believed that we were sailor scouts and we couldn't tell anyone until we were 16.
we got over it 2 year later. we still luagh, though.
I went to Turkey one summer with my family when I was about 7. They sold these bracelets and necklaces that were apparently supposed to protect against evil spirits. My mom told me that the bracelet she got me would protect me against the "evil eye."
I took this literally - I saw a man that had a messed up eye in the store. I got so freaked out, so I held up my bracelet to his face in the hopes that it would act as some magic talisman that would protect me from getting hurt.
top belief!
My brother had figured out to watch the oncoming traffic to see when their traffic light changed. So he totally impressed me with his super powers when he waved his hands and said "Green light now!" and the light would change. It took me some time to figure it out.
I heard the Icarus story for the first time as a young child (for those who don't know, it is a Greek myth about a man and his two sons who escape from prison by making themselves wings out of bird's feathers and wax, but Icarus flys too close to the sun, his wax melts, and he falls to his death-- the story is suppossed to teach the dangers of pride and arrogence). Since I was told the story in school, and teachers are suppossed to be trustworthy, I was convinced I could fly if I made myself some wings. But I didn't have any bird feathers or wax, so I settled on cutting out construction-paper feathers and taping them onto cardboard wings. I attribute my survival (and the fact I've never broken a bone) to my short attention span. I got bored with my "wings" and gave it up before they were done.
top belief!
I thought I could blow up my hand by putting your thumb in your mouth and blowing(that happened in a cartoon) I did this, and was convinced my hand was a little bigger.
when i was really little i was scared to hold any more than 2 balloons in case they lifted me up and i flew away. when i got older i wanted to fly so i got about 6 helium balloons and jumped up and down. i didnt fly...:(
When my brother went to his karate lessons I would go outside and play. Once I grabbed a big stick I found and said to the plants there, 'Sway in the wind, my minions, sway!' and then it got really windy and I believed I had magic powers! I belived this for a while but then I belived I could control the sun whenever I said 'move' in my mind!
I used to belive that i could fly :/
when i was three, i thought that if i dressed up like a parrot, i could fly too...so i wore my bright red wellies, and my pink anorak with my blue pants...
...i then climbed onto the wall in my garden and up into the tree, then i jumped out... i was saved by a wonky nail sticking out that caught my pink anorak.
my dad still has the video of me dangling from that tree, and never fails to play it at family occasions :/
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