i used to believe

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I used to belive that I could fly, but that I could only prove it in front of a lot of people... I used to imagine myself launching myself off the stage in school assembly. Glad I never tried it.

Lisa Solly
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When I was little I was convinced at least one person in my class could read my mind. I knew not everyone could do it, but I still thought perhaps someone I knew could and was waiting to tell everyone they had this ability after they learned all my secrets.

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when I was little i belived that if you had cortaroy pants and ran really fast they would set on fire

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When I was a little girl I used to believe I can fly!!!!

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I used to believe that I was a Supertwin, like Superman, from Krypton. The reason I kept hurting myself and got ill was because the house and my bunkbed and everything had been made out of Kryptonite. I would play this game with my twin constantly, and we both believed it. I always asked my mum why she hadn't told me she was an alien. I still pretend I can fly sometimes.

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when i was little (3-10) people only exsisted when i saw them. if i wasnt there to see them then they werent really around or anywhere!

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I used to think that if I closed my eyes other people couldn't see me.

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When I was a kid, I convinced myself that I was psychic by staring at a ball of crumpled tissue paper and 'making' it move.

It was windy that day.

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When I was really little I got this insane idea that if I pressed my legs together really hard all night while I slept, they'd fuse together and I'd have the lower half of a dolphin.

I have no clue where that came from actually, or what purpose it would server, all I ended up with was a rash.

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after numerous dreams of being able to breath under water, i believe i could, so i often tried it, i was convinced i could, but had not yet figured out how to do it, i wound up with lots of mouth fulls of water

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hello im 14yrs old my name is trey i used to believe that i could fly i used to watch superman fly and other heroes when i was 12 i wanted to fly so bad i thought if i could closed my eyes as hard as i could and just foucs really hard i could fly i used to jump of benches to try to fly but i couldnt i got so mad i felt like i had super strenght I believe in powers i do

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when i was asleep i dreamnt about stuff that would happen....and when that happend i told myself 'hey...didnt i dream this?' i felt as though i did it before and then since i knew wat was gonna happen i would change it.... freaky hey?

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i still do believe this but i have 2 things:

1:whenever we play a game like tips or bullrush i place my right hands finger tips down on the ground and i reckon i can make a illusion of my self to the other person so then i can run fastaround them..

2:when i hide in shadow i hold my breath and keep still because i rekon i am a perfect camaflager or watever....

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A girl I knew had a selection of very, VERY weird beliefs, some carried on until she was about 11.
Both of us watched a particular show (Dragonball Z) and the characters on it could fly and do other such super-human feats. For months (aged 9ish) she reported that her favourite character visited her at night and whisked her off on adventures. Me and my sister were truly weirded out when she recounted her night-time journeys as we knew it wasn't possible. She apparently didn't.
The same girl also believed that she could fly (a belief I'd had, then dropped aged 5) and insisted on demonstrating to us her 'powers of flight' (the highest possible jump of a ten year old). She apparently also attempted to jump from her window, but was stopped in time to prevent her 'flight'.
She also harboured the belief that she was gifted with various special powers e.g. mind reading. I'm not proud to say I played along and encouraged her.
Like almost every other weird kid, I networked with other weird kids.

Paranoid British Kid.
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My Mum used to tell me that grownups could see through walls. She used to catch us picking our noses and so on when we didn't think we could be seen round corners or in reflections, but I completely believed that she could see through the walls.

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I used to believe there was a massive secret that adults wern't allowed to tell children
I thought they could read out thoughts and that our thoughts scrolled across our foreheads and only adults could see what all the children were thinking. In assembly when i saw a teacher look at me i'd count in my head, so that they couldn't read my thoughts.

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I use to believe I was the only one who could move their eyes without moving their head. I was amazed at this too.

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When I was about 8 or 9 I was convinced that I could see invisible Gremlins running around the woods at my summer camp. They were the true owners of that land and they were not happy we were on it. There were different depending on the color they were. Red ones were Evil, Blue were fun and happy and there were Rainbow ones that could change to any color depending on the mood they were in. I was so convinced of it I started to induct the other kids at the camp of it... by the end of the summer, 10 kids were running around spotting Gremlins. I was the leader of us and I was the one with all the information about the "G's" and what they did. The counselors thought I was a bully because I had an army or 10 8 yr olds hanging on my every word and doing exactly what I told them to, to protect the world from the Evil "G's" and how to help the good "G's" live prosperously.

What can I say I am a natrual born leader.

Dictator of a 10 yr old nation.
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I used to believe people could grow their limbs back up until I was about 12. Our neighbor had a prosthetic leg and I asked why she didn't just grow it back.

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soo when i was like 8... i thought that i could make the wind come and go whenever i wanted it to. when i threw my hands up, it would stop. when i slowly lowered them, it would start moving around again.. like i had it burned on my brain that it was because i had powers over the wind or something. i was weird.

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