special powers
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My friend told me she had a special gift from god. She had powers in her stomach that enabled her to fly and distribute candy to airplane passengers. She claimed I wasn't ready for these powers because I my body was too small to handle them.
I was firmly convinced I could fly - I even have strong memories of flying or floating down the stairs. I think I probably could and it was only when I was told I couldn't that I stopped being able to.
I used to think that I could control the weather. One year when i was 9 I said I want snow for christmas, we got so much snow that year that everyone was praticly traped in there homes... I swore never to use my powers again
My father was evil.
I used to watch the Wonder Woman live-action TV show, and when the show was over, I would spin around in the livingroom, like Wonder Woman did, thinking if I spun fast enough, I met get her swimsuit, the truth-telling lasso, and all her outfit.
Dad would encourage me while mother would scold him. "Keep spinning! Faster! I think I see the lasso!" "Gayle! Stop that! You'll make her so dizzy she'll get sick!" "I see the tiara! Keep going!"
I'd spin until I fell over onto the couch and couldn't stand up straight, and he'd tell me he was sure I'd get it next time. I totally believed him.
When I was fairly young; about seven or thereabouts, I wanted so desperately to be a super-hero that I convinced myself that I could "see" heat, and that since no one else mentioned this amazing feat, I alone possessed this ability. I would run around telling people "Don't touch that, it's hot--I CAN TELL!" Turns out it was just steam, and everyone was just humouring me. Go figure.
The actor, Lee Majors, better known perhaps as 'The Six Million Dollar Man' was my idol. As a four year old I believed that I too had bioic powers and could out-run cars, leap tall buildings, etc.
My poor mother was shocked to find me crouched on top of the kitchen cabinets one day preparing to leap to the floor. She scolded me, telling me that I shouldn't do things like that as I could get hurt. I promptly reminded her of my invincibility saying, "Don't worry mom, I'm bionic!"
Remember when Rice Crispies always used to have a black crispy in the packet, (by accident but it was always there). I used to believe that if I ate the bad one beofre all the good ones I would gain super powers like supergirl.
I once even tried to fly accross the landing believing that I had achieved my goal.
I used to believe that if i tried really hard i could make my head explode.
not that i ever tried.
i'm not sure why i believed this.
After watching Marry Poppins, I was convinved that if I jumped from a really high place with an open umbrella, I would float gently to the ground. After many failed attempts from the top of my swing-set, I believed it only worked jumping from clouds.
When I was three or four I was convinced I had super binocular vision if i touched my index fingers to my thumbs and held them up to my eyes. I also thought I could disguise myself if I puffed up my cheeks and walked with a limp. Clearly, the neighbors thought I was retarded.
I used to think if I tried hard enough and truly believed, that I could have those rays of "goodness" shoot from my stomach like the Care Bears
When I was little I thought certain people could 'hear' what I was thinking about. I got the idea from one of my teachers who just happened to have huge ears. Actually he was a very nice bloke but he just had really unfortunate ears. I think I was sitting in his class thinking to myself about how big his ears were… and then suddenly he turned and glared at me. (Probably because I was sitting looking dopey while I was supposed to be working.)
It seemed to me that the only logical conclusion was his colossal ears had allowed him to ‘hear’ what I was thinking about.
From there my belief expanded - I figured that in certain circumstances maybe anyone could 'hear' what I was thinking about - so whenever I mentally poured scorn upon anyone (unfortunately I was a very judgmental child) I would suddenly be struck with fear and dread in case the person had 'heard' what I'd been thinking.
After a while I began to suspect I was simply imaging things but this really just made things worse… for example... I'd see some guy on the street, and it might strike me that that person was abnormal in some way, so I'd think to myself - jeez how is it that individual come to be so fat, tall, skinny, ugly, stupid looking... whatever and then I'd suddenly think - Oh crap! I shouldn’t have thought that… he probably heard…. And then I'd think Nah don't be ridiculous people can't really hear your thoughts. But another part of my brain wouldn’t be convinced so easily. So I’d end up having this really stupid mental argument with myself about whether the guy would know what I was thinking or not – Finally I would have to tell myself to shut up in case the guy thought I was nuts arguing with myself.
About the age of 4 I truly believed that my sleeping pattern controlled the sun. It would rise when I woke up and it would set when I went back to bed so, naturally, I controlled it. My whole world changed when one day I awoke around noon (must have had a late night with my older brother.) I started freaking out, telling everyone how sorry I was for not bringing the sun out. I guess my grandma didn't have the heart to tell me the truth, she just told me not to sleep in again because the world needs the sun.
When I was little, I was absolutely convinced that if I could just get my parents to attach the furniture to the ceilings I'd be able to walk on the ceilings normally. I still want an upside-down room, and I'm 32.
When I was a kid, I used to think that my parents knew everything that I was thinking, and used to think of the worst things possible and see if they would react.
when i was a little kid, i believed i could control the Television and what channels it went on, but only at my grandparents house (because it was a bigger and better TV then ours). i would sit up real close and say 'channel 4' or 'channel 23' and it would go to those channels, i would tell it to go quite or loud, and turn it on and off. the sad part is, it was actually just my grandfather standing behind me with the remote control. i was devestated when i found out a year or so later.
I used to think that if I kept my eyes closed, because I couln't see anyone else then I too must become invisible. I used to walk up to people, close my eyes poke them and then walk away laughing thinking I was invisible!!!!!!
I used to believe that I had superhuman strength, which lead to many unfortunate incidents. These incidents could be broadly categorised as follows: (1) Kids beating me up, (2) Me beating other kids up, (3) Humiliating public demonstrations of my strength (once, during lunch break, I gathered a group of friends around to watch me crush a tennis ball, with one hand, until it exploded. I stole the idea from the intro. to the six million dollar man TV show. Amazingly, I was not able to achieve this feat. The demonstration ended with me getting punched).
I used to believe if I tried hard enough, I could will myself into the TV show I was watching. Once my parents and I were watching an ice skating competition and I kept asking, "Am I in that? Am I on TV?" Amazingly, they didn't have my head examined.
I used to believe I had magic powers because when I was about 5 or 6 when driving back from from the airport with my Dad he said 'Oh no we're running out of petrol - Alice try your magic we need a petrol station right away'
So I said 'Abaracadabra please make a petrol station appear for Daddy'
Almost immediately we turned a bend on the motorway and a petrol station came into view and Dad exclaimed 'Well done Alice your magic is brilliant - were saved.'
It was years before I worked out that Dad knew where all the petrol stations were, but in the meantime I felt really special and useful to my family especialy when we were 'running out of petrol'.
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