special powers
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When I was little I thought that your brain had little brains with feet walking around and when you shook your head they tripped, and the filing cabnets that your memories, knowledge and other stuff was in got all messed up and papers went everywhere so for about 3 years i tried not to shake my head or go on rides. Now i know that thats not true.
When I was in elementary school, my best friend and I noticed one day that a boy in our class, an exceptionally fast runner, seemed to have the ability to teleport. We began to note this ability in other boys. We would test it by closing our eyes and then reopening them and seeing if the boy could have possibly gone that far without teleporting in that amount of time, which we always agreed they couldn't have. Somehow the purple rubber bases we used in baseball got thrown into the mix. We strongly believed for several years that all boys had the magical ability to teleport using these purple pads.
whenever we would play hide and seek as kids i thought i could just close my eyes and no one could see me. i thought if i couldn't see them then they wouldn't be able to see me either...thats why i was always found first.
My mom told me when I was a kid that I ran so fast that I would lift off of the ground for a second.
I now tell my son the same thing, and he believes it.
When I was little I had an elderly nanny who told me that if I tickled my brother too much he would get stuck to the floor. Of course I believed her, that made me tickle him more.
When you hold something up in front of one eye, but not the other you get a transparent image of it. I saw the transparent image once when I was curled up in a blanket, but didn't make the connection that I was using my other eye, so I assumed that I had X-ray vision. My older brother wasn't convinced.
When I was around 5 or 6 I believed I could make the palms of my hands sweat just by mentally concentrating on them. I can't do it now, but I was convinced I could then. I have no idea what the purpose of it was, I thought I had a special power.
when i was little, i cried after watching superman because i couldn't fly and can't see through walls.i thought i was abnormal! hah!
When I was about four or five, I thought you could fly (oh, what an unusual belief) if you held an umbrella above your head and jumped off of something, like Mary Poppins. So one day I climbed up to the highest part of the playground, opened my umbrella, and...*thud.* Ouch. Thank god I did it when nobody was around - although the reason I waited until I was alone was because if I managed it I didn't want anyone else to discover the "secret."
I used to believe that the Queen of England used to be related to SuperMan because they both are very powerful. i asked my sister and she said that they were brother and sisters once removed, and there farther was Batman.
My sister once told me that if I jumped off the porch with an umbrella that I could fly like Mary Poppins... That was a wicked sprain.
Up until I was around 10, whenever i found one of those dandelions that you blow all the seeds of and make a wish i would wish that i could fly. i truly thought that someday I would be able to!
When I was about six or seven I remember running up to my dad and asking him how fast he thought I'd been moving. I heard "60 miles an hour". Can you imagine how proud I was? I boasted this to every kid in the playground over the next few months!
It was only a few years later - once we'd started looking at velocity at school - that I realised he must have said "six" not "sixty"...
When I was little, I thought I could see through things b/c if I put a piece of paper in front of one eye, and looked at a book further away, I could see the outline of the paper, but I could still see the words in the book. I thought I was the only person with x-ray vision.
I used to think that if I tried hard enough I would be able to see around corners. I tried especially hard when I was practicing piano in the hope that I'd be able to see around the corner and be able to watch tv!
If you click a pen to much you will disappear
For things like my computer and something technoligical, i used to think I could make It go faster by encouraging it and threatening it if it got slow. I still sort of do :P
I believed until near adulthood that when I was 6 or 7 I had actually flown for several feet in my back yard.
My friends and I were walking through the woods one day and found a place where all the trees were dead and rotting. When were able to start pushing down and breaking all the logs and branches we thought we had been turned into superheroes.
I used to believe that I could actually cut the clouds with my hand.
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