i used to believe

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When I was a child I used to believe that I could make things fly using the power of my mind, so everyday for few weeks I used to train myself looking at an object in my room with very concentrated state, hoping I would lift it

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i used to believe my wishes come true when i have this furry cloth plant. so i wished that a bee would sting my sister's butt...... it did :)

i still believe this :(

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I used to think that if I put my hands around my eyes real close...along with blinking my eyes really fast and moving my hand like a movie projector alongside my head would make everything I saw stay in my head forever...like a home movie.

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As A Child: I used to believe there was a magic cabin out deep in our woods that only I could see because it was in another dimension that only I was privvy to

Kira Pangburn
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I used to believe that I could control the wind. I'd whisper a direction, and how strong and wait to see if it happened. Obviously, this was most effective on windy days. To test my theory I once sent a really strong wind to the east and then spent all week feeling guilty when high winds and monsoons actually attacked South East Asia.

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i used to believe (when i was little) i could make the wind stop and start by saying, "stop" and "start"

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When I was little I thought grown ups could fly but wouldn't tell me about it or teach me until I got older.

James the Great
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When i was younger,i thought my finger could turn into a pencil if i sharened it.Unfortuneatly,when i tried it,my whole finger nail came off,and it didnt grow back for a month

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i used to believe that i could fly. i could do this by jumping in the air and doing breaststoke. i used to jump off sofas and try to do this. it never worked. someone was watching me and it doesn't work when someone's looking.

perculiar really - why did i never try front crawl? that might work...


bird girl
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I used to believe that people all around me could read my mind whenever I would get around a person I would think only good thoughts about them.

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When I was about 10 years old I used to believe that if I stared directly at the sun I would get some kind of super-vision (because of retinic impression). Luckily, I stopped doing that after a few days... now I'd be blind!

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When I learned that the Earth was round, I believed that people at the other end had the ability to stand upside down without falling.

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i used to believe that mermaids exsisted and that you can turn into one if you hold ur breath long enough underwater. do me a favour and DONT try this.

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I used to belive that i could fly :/
when i was three, i thought that if i dressed up like a parrot, i could fly too...so i wore my bright red wellies, and my pink anorak with my blue pants...
...i then climbed onto the wall in my garden and up into the tree, then i jumped out... i was saved by a wonky nail sticking out that caught my pink anorak.

my dad still has the video of me dangling from that tree, and never fails to play it at family occasions :/

deary me
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I used to believe that you could blow up your hand by blowing "into" your thumb. I saw something like that on a cartoon. I tried it, and was convinced my hand had actually grown a little!

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I used to believe that when you were tired from running you could turn an invisible wind up knob on your back to make you go faster. When I played soccer I frequently stopped to wind myself back up.

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At school there used to be this stuff which was like blu-tack but pink and they came in little square 'tablets'; I think they were called 'Pritt Buddies' and you used them for putting up posters etc. However, my mates brother told us that they were strength pills. To demonstrate he threw a stone 'as far as he could'. Then he chewed a 'strength pill' and... wow! that went MUCH FURTHER. We started chewing pritt buddy and throwing stones, balls etc all over the place until one of the teachers caught us and sent us to the headmistress...

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I was about 4 and the first Superman was shown on TV. After the film finished, I thought I could fly like Superman. So I got onto the coffee table then 'flew' off. Then I knew I couldn't fly as my face got caught up in the gas fire grill (it was off at the time) and cut my face in several places, which one of these has turned into a noticeable scar under my lip.

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i once thought that if you jumped high enough in the air, you'd get stuck!

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When I was a very young child, I saw Peter Pan for the first time and was marveled on how Wendy and her brothers and Peter Pan would fly and wished I could fly too. Then, I went to Disneyland and in one of the gift shops they were selling bottles of fake pixie dust and my mom bought one for me. So, in my childhood innocence, I thought the pixie dust was real and if I poured it on me I would fly like the kids and Peter Pan in the movie. So, I sprinkled the whole lot on me and thought happy thoughts like Peter Pan had said in the movie. I was sorely dissopointed when it didn't work. For awhile, I thought that I wasn't doing it right. lol

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