i used to believe

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I remember flying round the sitting room while my mum was ironing it was like swimming through the air and it was probably a dream.

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I used to believe I could fly when I was about four, until I fell down the stairs.

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This was my daughter's belief that I inspired (I am one of THOSE moms!). When she was 3-4 yrs old, we had a coffee mug that would play music if light hit the bottom of it. She was amazed at my ability to make it "sing", so I let her in on the "secret". I demonstrated how I had to hold my tongue in a particular way for it to work (while at the same time picking it up - she hadn't connected THAT part of it). She was SO excited! When her father came home, she ran up to him with the mug and with her tongue sticking out saying, "Wook Tatty! I making it THING!!" (Look Daddy! I'm making it sing!!)

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when i was a child there was this tv ad with a man sitting in lotos (yoga) position. he closed his eyes and slowly left the ground, and when he hovered about 50 cm above the ground, a voice said: "es geht!" ("it works!")
i used to believe that if i tried hard enaugh i would one day learn how the trick worked and then i'd be able to fly...

anna asisa
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I used to think that I could take our ping pong paddles and use them to fly. I would spend hours in the front yard flapping my arms and trying to take off.

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For about 4 years(from age 5 to age 9), my best friend and I believed we could fly. So for a LONG time, we tried everything; jumping off staircases, jumping from trees, running and flapping our arms, heck, we even tried collecting feathers(which we were going to tie and strap to our arms)! Finally he moved away, and we stopped 'flying'.

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When I was a wee lad of about five, I thought that men lactated orange juice. Imagine my mom's surprise qwhine I asked her if i could breastfeed my younger brother!

Ron Brent
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I used to believe that I would turn into Miss PacMan if I played the game enough. This kinda scared me because every time I went to the arcade I would play the Miss PacMan game.

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I used to think that new shoes had special powers to make you run faster. I remember going to a family reunion at a park with lots of hills. And I had a brand new pair of shoes. I would run down the hills racing my cousins and was so proud of how fast my new shoes would make me go.

Sherry Scheuerman
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You know when you stare at the sun or a light source, you see spots when you look away? I thought that those spots were ghosts. The first time it happened I thought the spots were ghosts coming to get me. I screamed and yelled for my mom and she came running. When I told her what was wrong, she said there was nothing wrong and she couldn't see any ghosts. When she left I remember feeling deeply concerned because only I had the ability to see ghosts, and that I would have to be quiet about seeing these horrifying things because no one else could and they'd think I was crazy. I took on this "burden" very seriously for a child of 5...

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Peter Pan used to be my favourite movie in the whole world. I used to believe that people can really fly if they just think happy thoughts. I tried thinking happy thoughts as hard as I could, but it didn't work. When my mom finally told me that Peter Pan was just a movie and people can't really fly, I cried and cried for a very long time.

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when i was about 10, i had a blue winter coat. every morning i would run to the bus stop & fancied myself a super hero called "the blue streak" who could run as fast as lightning. all the other kids at the bus stop must've thought i was nuts.

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My mum told me she had eyes in the back of her head. I believed this for ages and was always cautious of doing anything wrong behind her back just in case. One time I went looking through her hair for them. She must have been worried that I'd find them - or rather, that I wouldn't! - and she suddenly said, "Ow! You just put your finger in my eye!" and so I stopped.

What a genius way of keeping up the illusion!!!

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i thought if i ran hard enough with a towel for a cape i would actually be able to fly. apparently the towels in our house weren't big enough.

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When I was about 10 I was convinced I was a Ghostbuster. I was so eager to prove it that one day I went to school dressed in an old sweatsuit that I had converted into a "Ghostbuster suit". I had a laser made of paper towel rolls and a backpack which I completely ruined by drawing on the Ghostbusters logo in pemanent marker. I even had a ghost trap made of a kleenex box. When nobody believed me I got angry and proceeded to "zap" them all with my "gun". My teacher sent me home and my mom was not pleased. Especially about the backpack.

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When i was four and my brother was three, we both thought we could fly. i used to give him flying lessons because i was older and we would jump off the sofa and i'd be like "you almost got it! flap harder, flap harder!"

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I thought if I said someones name 100 times I could transform into that person. Then I tried it again and it didn't work, so I decided I probably had to say their name 1,000 times. I gave up after that.

James the Great
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I beieved { actually i still tend to do it } that i had the power to make objects or people fly backwards with a flick of my wrist or by squinting my eyes like the chartcer on my favorite tv show Charmed

Chelle AKA Lil Piper
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When I was young, my brother and I used to believe that dranking a whole glass of water really fast without stopping to take a breath would give us super strength. We actually tested it. We tried to lift up one end of our very heavy living room couch but couldn't do it. Then we did our water trick and lo-and-behold-we lifted the end of the couch! The power of the mind!

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I used to believe that, when I was walking in the bush, if I walked between two trees which were exactly the same type, length, age etc., I would actually be walking through a portal and would disappear into another world. Never worked......

Yvonne Welling
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