special powers
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When i was a little boy i used to watch all kinds of japenese cartoons where the people would fly and use 'Special Powers'. Silly now but at the time i really believed in it. When i found out that it was not possible i was crushed but told myself it could be done. Soon after that i had a dream i was playing football and started to fly. It was such a rush for me. After that for a good while every night i went to bed thinking of flying, and hoped it would be on my mind when i fell asleep. Evey now and again i did have a dream about flyng. They were great. I even had abit of control, not much (it was a dream). TRY IT (about whatever you want, the brain creates dreams based on your thoughts).
I used to think that I could scream at a silent pitch that only dogs could hear. I still have part of me that believes that a bit (I'm 35) because I remember doing it and dogs reacting. Funny since I now know dogs were reacting to the squeels that would slip out as I did whatever vocal thing I was doing. It's just the belief was so strong,and a powerful and cool one, that I guess I still want to believe it's possible. Life is all about what you believe!
i used to have this reoccuring dream that i could float down the stairs as a kid until one day i tried it awake and ended up in hospital with a broken leg
One night, when I was about 4-5, I had a nightmare and I went into my parents room and I eventually fell asleep in their bed. I dreamed about flying. The next morning, lo and behold, I woke up in my own bed! I firmly believed that I could fly in my sleep and when I was told that my dad carried me back to my bed, I refused to believe it! I realised how silly this was a short time later.
My grandma used to tell me that I was a miracle baby because of problems my mom had. I took this literally and thought I had wings that no one else could see.
A couple years back there use to be a tv show called, Lambchops. So I'd watch it everyday at the same time. One day the show was about believing in something hard enough and it will happen. The lady tried to demonstrate to the viewers by saying if she concentrated on flying it would happen, and on the show she did (her feet lifted off the ground about an inch).....WELL this really screwed up my way of life. I can't even remember all the countless hours I spent for years as a child trying to get my feet lifted off the ground...I use to think there was a special trick to it or something!!
I had a superman t-shirt when I was little. It had a cape and everything. But the sad part is it took 3 jumps off a 5 foot something ladder, 4 boo-boos and a trip to the doctor for my dad to explain to me that the shirt did not actually enable me to fly.
When I was young, up until about 6th grade, I thought that I could "bring" the wind. That is, I would either yell "WIND!!!" out loud, or scream it in my brain, thus making it windy and making the trees move. It always worked too.... hahah...maybe its because I lived by the ocean.
When I was ten, I started to notice the little bits of dust in the air floating everywhere. I was completly convinced I could see air.
I used to believe that animals were trying to talk to me, so I would talk to them. I would tell people what their pets were saying (Fido says he likes you, she wants more toys, he really likes sunny weather), completely serious. Of course, I had seen the Pet Psychic, so I was probably trying to be like her.
So now my family makes fun of me by calling me the Pet Pyscho.
I heard the Icarus story for the first time as a young child (for those who don't know, it is a Greek myth about a man and his two sons who escape from prison by making themselves wings out of bird's feathers and wax, but Icarus flys too close to the sun, his wax melts, and he falls to his death-- the story is suppossed to teach the dangers of pride and arrogence). Since I was told the story in school, and teachers are suppossed to be trustworthy, I was convinced I could fly if I made myself some wings. But I didn't have any bird feathers or wax, so I settled on cutting out construction-paper feathers and taping them onto cardboard wings. I attribute my survival (and the fact I've never broken a bone) to my short attention span. I got bored with my "wings" and gave it up before they were done.
I used to believe that I had a super power and could see through things because when I closed one of my eyes I couldn't see an object because it was behind something, but when I opened both my eyes, I could. Lol, perspective.
I had vivid memories from when I was about 6 years old of being able to levitate. I would start by jumping on the bed over and over and over and after jumping enough times, I would begin to float up against the ceiling. Moving around was very difficult, I had to swim through the air to get anywhere.
These memories were so vivid, that it wasn't until years later that I figured out I must have been dreaming. I didn't think about it until that same reoccurring float/fly dream came back, and when I woke up, using my newly acquired powers of logic, I came to the stunning realization that I'd never been able to fly at all.
That epiphany was worse than finding out the truth about Santa Claus.
Yeah, Santa Claus - what, you haven't heard???
When I was a youngster, I used to believe that I could be like Storm on Xmen and control the wind. I would point at trees and yell "Wind!" It used to work to a degree. I just wish that I had it now, so I could make the wind go away in this gosh darn cold weather!!
I was a faster runner than most of the other grade school kids.
When I would run my side would get sharp pains.
I decided this was caused by one of my ribs that had grown downward and attached itself to my leg bone.
When asked I would explain that my condition was like being "bionic" but actually better.
I used to be like obsessed with those animorph books, and so i would try to 'absorb' my cat and i would sit there for hours with my eyes closed trying to change into one, and i would look down at my hand after i thougt i had 'morphed' and then cry when i saw it was a regular human hand. I did that till i was 12, and never once did i become a cat. :(
When i was little i thought that if you stared in the same place for a really long time withought blinking (in the dark) that a fourth dimension would open up. I also thought we lived in the fourth dimension.
I would try and my eyes would dry out.
I used to belive that if i sat criss crossed in my front lawn and then walked around on my knees for 15 minutes and then climb a tree and jump out of it.. I would be able to fly...but instead i was given a broken arm..
everyone has seen a movie where something is happening really fast, so it is shot in slow motion. well, as a kid, i too had seen one of these, and thought in turn, that if i did something in slow motion, i really must be doing it extremely fast. so everyday in pre k, i distinctly remember this, i would run slowmo to the swings, look to the sides of me, and think that the kids around me who were actually going FASTER were pathetic becase they werent going fast enough for my slowmo.
i NEVER got a swing, and did understand why until i was promoted to kindergarten.
When I was about 4 on the way to school everyday with my mom we would get on a road that faced directly into the sun. my mom being taller than I could use the visor to block it but I was unlucky enough to have it in my face the entire time. I would whine and carry on for my mom to make it stop and move the sun...needless to say, we would eventually turn and it would be gone. But in my mind, my mom had the power to move the sun...it awhile later that I figured out that the turn and the sun in my eyes corresponded...
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