i used to believe

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When I was very young, I saw a commercial for Transformers underwear. A boy put them on and turned into Optimus Prime. I got my mom to buy me some, and I put them on thinking I'd turn into a giant robot, but they didn't work. I thought that I had gotten a broken pair, and was very upset

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My mom told me once that eating meat gave you muscles, so of course I deduced that I could get a temporary power boost from eating a piece of bologna. I used to eat a small piece of a cold cut, then lift up the corner of my bed, thinking I was super-strong

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I once believed that because I drank much milk if someone by chance hit me with a sledgehammer nothing would happen.

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I believed that I was the only one in the world that could conjure up a mouthful of water at will (turns out it was saliva). I told my mother I would never have to drink water again because I made my own.

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I use to believe if I ate something electronic Id have electric powers

jack L
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I used to believe that if I jumped high enough off of my grandfather's armchair, I'd fly. I soon stopped believing this, however, because the end result was always a head-first collision with the sofa.

Jessica Tinch
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up until about 6 years old i thought that clark kent turned into superman by running and tearing at his shirt. i figured that if i did this in exactly the same way i'd have superpowers too. this led to many a broken shirt.

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When I was about 3, I used to have a Dallas Cowboys sweatsuit that I'd wear all the time. In fact, my parents had to wash that thing while I was in the bathtub. I would cry if anyone called me anyhing but Dallas, and I believed that my sweatsuit would protect me from wolves.

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I used to think I was the only one who could hear the electrical hum created by turning on the television, radio, microwave, etc. I believed I was special because I could tell from several rooms away if someone had turned on an appliance. I one day confided in my dad about my secret ability to hear electricity. Rather than dispel the myth, he pretended he had no idea what I was talking about and insisted there was no such thing. When I started school and was placed in the “Academically Gifted and Talented” class I believed this was actually a special class for kids with exceptional abilities like mine – something along the lines of Dr Xavier’s School for the Gifted in the X-Men comic.

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When I was very, very young, my parents would try to amuse me at the breakfast table. Using the Kix cerial I was eating and some simple slight of hand, they proclaimed that I was making the Kix come out of my belly-button. Little did they know that besides amusing me, they also had me convinced of this special power. I went on believing that I could make Kix emerge from my navel for several years.

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Once, when I was 8, I told my Mom about this weird experience I had where the exact same thing happened to me twice. She explained that it hadn't happened twice, but that I had déjà vu. The next day at school, I told all of my friends that I had this weird French disease that made me get stuck in time and repeat things I'd already done.

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I once believed that the more birds I could scare away, my invisible "FLY METER" would fill up and I would have enough power to fly. I found out crow's and sea gulls gave me more power (2 or 3 cm.).

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I used to believe that i had the special power of controlling traffic lights.

When i was 7 or 8 I thought I was able to turn traffic lights from red to green by clenching my jaw for 5 seconds.

After I found out that my special powers were no longer working I figured that I had unconciously traded them for the special powere to change the shape of clouds

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When I was around 5 or 6 years old I set to work selecting gravel and hairs from my dog and cat. I took my ingredients and mixed them with some water in a coke can. I seriously considered the implications if I followed through with my experiment. I thought that this concoction would mutate me, combining the properties of each ingredient. I imagined myself years from now as a part dog/cat/rock superhero-creature. I came to the conclusion it was the right thing to do. I poured the mix over my head in the shower, and needless to say was a bit disapointed.

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When I was a little kid, i would look at things crosseyed, and since I was seeing double, I thought I had special powers.I decided that there must be others like me "out there" and that once we found each other, we'd form a team of superheros, and we would fight evil. I would daydream about finding out how to master my "power"

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I used to believe that I could talk to cats and dogs...I would answer for them and I knew exactly what they were saying. I set up a stand on the side of the road...it said "Read your cats mind- 50 cents"

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I don't know where I got the idea from, but up until I was 8 or 9, I had an interesting theory about butterflies. It was obvious to me that the reason they could fly was because their wings were covered in dust. Magic dust. If I were to catch enough butterflies and rub their dust on my arms, I would be able to fly.

Many butterflies died in those few years. I decided to find another way off the ground.

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My brother told me that if you stared into the sun long enough, you would get x-ray vision. I believed him, and I will probably go blind someday from it.

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When I was little I thought the whole family was psychic because they knew when someone was at the door.

When I was 5 I got tubes in my ears and I could suddenly hear the doorbell!

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Whenever my mom and I crossed the street together, she told me to hold her hand. When I asked her why, she told me that the people in the cars couldn't see me, meaning that I was short and therefore couldn't be seen. However, I thought that she meant that I had the amazing power of becoming invisible whenever I crossed the street.This meant that I was free to make weird faces at innocent people whenever I stepped off the curb. After I discovered that this wasn't true, I lived in fear of random people coming to get me for making faces at them.

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