special powers
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my sister had once told me that if u didn't eat anything and just drank water that on the 3rd day without food u would be able to do any thing u haveen't been able to do before so i tried it but i found out i couldn't even go a day
I used to think that if you poked both buttcheeks at the same time, they would turn into superman and fly away.
i used to wish for special powers all the time... pretending...
my brother told me he could fly, become invisible, lift refridgerators,... etc...
i was so jealous!!!
now years later i know he was lieing!
I used to believe that the tissues in a tissue box were the same tissues that made up our bodies. I would routinely snack on tissues with the hopes of growing big and strong by 'feeding' my body tissues.
I used to believe that I was genetically mutated so that my brain was modified to cause me to have super intelligence and super senses at the cost of being able to interact normally with other people.
I used to think that the dots and things that I saw when I looked in a light for a long time was a sign that angels were around. It made me believe that God gave me this special gift that no on else had.
When I was a child, I saw the movie "Matilda"and I started thinking that I might practise and develop my superpowers so I used to try to move things with my look.
I used to believe I could make myself grow taller by hitting myself in the jaw, and I could shrink by hitting myself on the top of the head.
I use to believe that if I covered my eyes with my hands that I would become invisible. I guess I thought that if I couldn't see anybody than no one could see me. I remember being surpised when I hid in the closet because I was naughty and had my hands covering my eyes and my mom still found me!
I used to believe that my father could make it stop raining, because one day he stepped outside during a hawaiian shower and said "I command you to stop" Low and behold the rain stopped. Of course now that I live in Hawaii, I realize that he had a 75/25 chance that it would stop, as our showers are short!
But for many years, I was a true believer!
I used to believe that I and my cousins were witches with special powers and we could fly and make things move with our mind.
I believed that if you did it just right, you could fly. I remember using capes and flapping my arms and jumping off picnic tables..
When my brother was little, before i was born, he whatched superman. He thought he could fly so one day hile my mom was in the shower he jumped off the couch and went head first into the TV. Yeah... he cracked his head open alright.
Some scummy poor kid at school (you know the short scrawny sort with greasy basin hair) got electrocuted by a telephone (?) which explained his amazing strength when annoyed - totally out of scale to his size
I used to believe i could fly. This was because i slep walked and i fell down the stairs and was knocked out for severl hours, but wen i was sleepwalkin i must have been dreaming about flying because i wouldnt stop goin on about it for 5 years
A freind of mine tld his younger sister he could teach her to fly, she believed him and after running around the back yard flaping her arms about for a while over a few days he told her he thought she was ready.
He took her to the top of the stairs and hepled her climb over the railing, then told her to flap like crazy and jump... the 4 metre drop meant she broke her arm!
About six weeks after it came out of the plaster he said she did not flap hard enough... gues what, yep you guessed it, she did the same jump and broke the other arm!
I used to think that if you made funny shadows during a storm blackout you'd lose it and if you didn't have a shadow you'd die.
I always used to believe that if you become a fan of an X-man or some one of Buffy or summat,you would get their powers.I know it doesn't work.I tried it with Nightcrawler and Doyle.:(
When I was about 8, I had this crazy thought that if I stayed in the bathtub long enough, I would turn into a mermaid.
Once when i was fairly young, my family and i were in Hawaii. We were spending the day on a beutiful beach and i asked my mom if i could take a picture. She told me to take a picture with my mind. So, for a while, I thought that I could take a picture when i blinked. After I died, God and i would walk along a beach and a slide show of all my "pictures" would play in the sky.
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