i used to believe

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When i was younger i beleived i had special powers that could make me look how i wanted. My parents sometimes played along when i 'morphed into a tree'

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My Uncle used to pick me up by my belt loops....which, for years after, caused me to continually rip out my own loops trying to levitate myself - now in my 50's I often catch myself wondering if I just needed stronger pants.

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This one time in grade school, this one kid I knew convinced me that I had telekensis can I could do whatever I wanted by thinking it, but I was the only person who couldn't see what was happening. And I believed him, and on occasion we had pretend "Psychic Battles" and after a month I finally got past that. ugh, I was so gullible back then.

the would-be psychic
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i used 2 believe that if i poke my eye at the right angle producing 2 images of an object, then closing my eye nd spinning it would make me suck the objects soul

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When I was little, one of my favorite movies was Kiki's Delivery Service. I used to think I was a witch just like Kiki, and I kept trying to fly on a broom. I thought it didn't work because my powers hadn't developed yet.

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when I was younger I was positive that there are people that can actually read minds. Just like that girl on Star Trek (the next generation). So whenver I was in a crowded place, like a bus I tried to only think good things. Just in case anybody there can actually read them. I was worried that if I thought anything bad somebody would tell my parents and I'll be grownded.
It still kinda freaks me out sometimes, like if I'm on the bus and I'm thinking something sexy, than at least 1 other person knows I'm thinking about it.

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I believed that if I tried hard enough, and really strained inside my heart, I would lift off the ground and be able to take off and fly!! As much as I tried to fly away, I never could! But I truly thought it was possible.

Rachel Chin
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When I was a child I used to believe that people could fly (this was after watching Superman). When I jumped out of a tree, I realised that my arms weren't wrings and when I saw the ground coming closer I thought how stupid humans could be sometimes

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When I was small I believed that humans could fly. I believed that no one had ever bothered to learn and that was why we didn't. So me and my friends were determined to try.

We'd run along benches in the schoolyard and flap our arms like crazy when we jumped off the end.

One of my friends forgot to land on their feet and landed on two teeth, breaking them totally and bruising her face badly.

We then realised that humans just weren't supposed to fly...

Kitunae the Klot
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My mom told me that if I flapped my arms hard enough and ran fast enough I could fly. I used to spend hours running around outside flapping my arms.

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My cousin and I used to believe we could make our own powers. We thought we could make a small scratch on something with concentration. And we thought we could direct the wind; and if we concentrated, we could charge up ourselves and run very fast. We also thought we could control people with our minds if we really tried.

James the Great
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When I was about six years old I thought I had the ability to see through little things. When you stare some things for a while it gets distorted and sortof doubles up so it looks like a hole. So during snack time I'd hold a potato chip over an eye and tell everone I could see through. The sad part is I was really serious and did realize everyone was giving me funny looks.

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being about 3rd-4th grade...i thought that mary poppins could really fly with an umbrella, and soo convinced i told my younger siblings to come on the shed roof and jump off with umbrellas with me....so we did it, we jumped off, and realized man....thank GOD we didnt jump from something higher.

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Once when my family stayed at a motel, my sister and I were standing on a chair, looking out the little peep-hole at the top of the door, laughing at some thing or person walking by. At that moment, our 3 year old sister came running over to the door yelling, "I wanna see!" and just planted her face into the lower-half of the door, thinking that since we could see through the door at our head-height, why couldn't she see through it too?

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When I was little I thought that people could read my mind. to test this idea. I would think bad thoughts of them and see if they were angry.

I also believed that if I cleared my mind, that any thought wandering into my head was someone elses, and I would then ask everyone around me what they were thinking.

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As a child, I believed that when I closed my eyes to sleep, I was carried out of my bed, into the air and flew around. If I could open my eyes fast enough, I would be flying in mid-air. But I could never get my eyes open fast enough or even just get a little peek so I could prove it (at least to myself)

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Around 8 or so, I convinced that I had telekinesis but I wouldn't be able to use it until i was older. Everyday I would just concentrate on something really hard, willing it to move. I believed this until about 10. I realized this is impossible now but I still daydream of how awesome this would be if it were true. Yeah, I'm weird...

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i used to think that adults could read your mind and whe i wasnt around they would like talk to eachother about what iwas thinking so i would always make sure i wasnt thinking anything bad or mean because i thought they would know

eliza elm
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I used to believe I could really fly, or at least hover. I could only do it, though if I had a certain shirt on in a certain season at a certain place...I was disappointed when I couldn't figure out what to wear and where to do it!

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Up until the age of 12, I believed that all mommies and daddies had supper human powers, and that at the age og 13 we'd be shown our power, a power they chose for us when we were born. I think I watched X-Men too much. :)

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