i used to believe

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When I was very young (around 4 or 5) I firmly believed that when I shut my eyes that I would become invisible. Since, at the time, I had a huge fear of the monster in the closet across the hall, I would shut my eyes whenever I was in the vicinity of said closet.

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As a teenager I read way too many books about ESP. For years I thought there were actually people walking around who could read my mind, every thought, just as I was thinking it. I was extremely paranoid.

me again
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I used to believe that if I thiught hard enough that I could go back in time. I used to sit in my room for hours thinking as hard as I could about the past, to see if I could go back in time. When that didn't work I incorperated it into my dreams. I would try to go back in time in my dreams because I was convinced I could but that maybe it didn't work unless I was asleep.

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I used to believe I could fly, then after watching superman one time at the neighbours house I was convinced we could - all we needed was to drape our dressing gowns around our necks and somewhere to jump from that was very high- we lived in a 3 storey home so my littlest brother and I went to the top floor window and perched ourselves on the sill, I was ready to push my brother out the window (I had nominated he try first). Lucky for us my elder brothers saw and saved us from a nasty fall.

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When i was little i hated cooked carrots. My older sister told me they would make me see in the dark and even better would make me run as fast as a rabbit. I was really into sprinting at the time and was 3rd fastest at school so started eating loads of cooked carrots. My sister still finds this hilarious as does my Mum.

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My dad told me that light is made up of photons, and he casually mentioned that "no one can see a photon." I was convinced that I was the only one who could see them because I thought that the dust particles you can see under a desk lamp where "photons."

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When I was young, I was told the story of Icarus and his wax wings. I thought that maybe if I made wings like that then I would be able to fly as well. I took a roll of paper, wrapped it around my arm and glued strips of paper to it. I took a chair and jumped off of it flapping as hard as I could. It didn't work but I did end up with a sprained wrist.

There is a part of that still believes its possible.

Lisel S.
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I was convinced for several years that my mom could read my mind. The notion terrified me, especially during Church. I neared hysterics a few times when I couldn't rid my mind of a thought that I thought particularly displeasing, and in every silence I read disgust and condemnation. Bad times.

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I went to Turkey one summer with my family when I was about 7. They sold these bracelets and necklaces that were apparently supposed to protect against evil spirits. My mom told me that the bracelet she got me would protect me against the "evil eye."

I took this literally - I saw a man that had a messed up eye in the store. I got so freaked out, so I held up my bracelet to his face in the hopes that it would act as some magic talisman that would protect me from getting hurt.

eye know nothing
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When I was a kid I used to believe that I had a super power: I could see through objects, as long as they were close enough to my face. I didn't tell anyone about that because I was afraid they would treat me like an "mutant", like on X-Men comic books, and send me to a concentration camp. A few years later, I figured it out.

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when i was younger i used to watch the movie Hook alot and i was convinced that i could fly by thinking happy thoughts,when it didnt work i thoughtit would help if i jumped off my bed while thinking,i kept finding really high places to jump from until i got hurt and realized the only way i could fly was if i had wings so i put on some fairy wings from a halloween costume,wow that was stupid...

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I used to think that I had the power to tell the future, but it only happened very rarely in a dream. I was really excited about this new toy coming out when I went to bed. In my dream, I was at this dimly lit shop, very huge, very confusing, and although I never saw it, the walls must've changed positions at points. There was this tiny gap between shelves, so I squeezed in and there they were, the toys I mentioned earlier. I grabbed one and headed out, but could never find that gap again. When I woke up, I could've sworn that the toy I bought was in the computer room. What's scary, though, is when I later bought the exact toy in real life, the shape and pictures were exactly the same as in my dream.

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I believed that because I often dreamed that I was able to fly, I had the innate but undeveloped ability and could learn to fly. So I would climb trees and jump out of them, always expecting that eventually I'd just start flying on the way down.

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I used to belive that I could "throw" my voice by yelling into my folded arm at the elbow. I would hide and do this and when people looked around I thought they heard my voice coming from the other direction.

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I used to believe that if I looked at something without blinking for a long time, I could move it. Of course, when I tried I couldn't keep my eyes open for more than a few seconds. I also believed that if you jumped off of something and flapped your arms like a bird you would fly. I, being the small idiot I was, tried this with my tree in the front of my apartment. The end result was back pains. Luckily, the tree was only three feet off the ground.

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When I was little *I thought that if I dressed in all white I would become invisible.Sadly,I wasn't.XP

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I convinced my younger sister that I was bionic. After school, I would run around the building and tell her I had just come from China and then pretend to speak Chinese. At night I would say "Did you hear that?" After she would say no I would say "Oh yeah I forgot, you're not bionic." I suppose that wasn't very nice of me.

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I have the oddest memory from when I was about 3 years old and in a crib (yes I remember that far back!):

When I was 3, this is how my bed time schedule worked: Mom comes in, kisses me and says she'll see me in the morning. Dad comes in, gives me Teddy Grahms, and kissed me good night. Well one night I decided I didn't want to sleep. So i closed my eyes really tight and wished that it'd be morning (Which took about 5 seconds) as soon as I opened my eyes again, my mom came in my room and said "Wow, last night went fast huh?" I thought that I actually changed the night to day!

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When I was little, about 6, 7, or 8, I honestly and truely believed that my mom and dad were psichic. I would constently bother them saying, "What am I thinking now??" over and over. When I was older, about 10, I questioned my parents about it... turns out they could just tell when i was lying like any good parent!!!

will was a strange kid
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When i was about 5 or 6 i watched a tv program called blues clues, at one stage in the program they would jump into a picture, boardgame,etc. after saying some magic words. There was a guy and a cartoon dog, the guy would say come on you do it too. So i'd repeat the words and try jumping into the tv, after a week or so of trying i finally realized it was impossible. when i look back i realize it was great fun but i dind't half hurt my shoulder then!

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