special powers
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when i was ten i used to believe that if i got naked and put slipery liquids on my body that i would be able to run as fast as the wind.Unfortunatly i just ended up being humilated by people driving in their cars,who were passing by.
When I was about 8 or 9 I was convinced that I could see invisible Gremlins running around the woods at my summer camp. They were the true owners of that land and they were not happy we were on it. There were different depending on the color they were. Red ones were Evil, Blue were fun and happy and there were Rainbow ones that could change to any color depending on the mood they were in. I was so convinced of it I started to induct the other kids at the camp of it... by the end of the summer, 10 kids were running around spotting Gremlins. I was the leader of us and I was the one with all the information about the "G's" and what they did. The counselors thought I was a bully because I had an army or 10 8 yr olds hanging on my every word and doing exactly what I told them to, to protect the world from the Evil "G's" and how to help the good "G's" live prosperously.
What can I say I am a natrual born leader.
When I was really little I got this insane idea that if I pressed my legs together really hard all night while I slept, they'd fuse together and I'd have the lower half of a dolphin.
I have no clue where that came from actually, or what purpose it would server, all I ended up with was a rash.
When I was a little kid there was this doll that had hair that could grow, and you made it shorter by cranking her arm around, which rolled the hair back up inside her head. I remember seeing that commercial and thinking it worked like that for humans too, so I tried moving my arm around in a circle as if someone was cranking it because I wanted short hair. Needless to say I was not successful and I thought something was wrong with me.
If I pushed the mole on my Grandpa's forehead, his teeth would pop out. I really thought they were connected :)
When I rode in the car with my grandfather, he would "pressure drive". While driving he would say to me "I don't like this guy in front of us, I'm going to pressure drive him to turn." Then he would lean forward and hum until the car in front of us turned. I was convinced that he had special powers. I later realized that he could see their turn signal, but I was too short to see it.
I use to believe when i was a little kid i would hear baseball anouncers on TV say "the pitchers arm is on fire after that fast ball!" i actually believed you could catch your arm on fire if you threw a baseball fast enough, so I would go out to a baseball field by my house and throw against a fense as hard as i could, i thought that i could see smoke when i threw the ball. i figured i could only throw smoke because i wasnt a grown-up yet so i cant throw fire. looking back i realize that the smoke i thought i saw was dust picked up on the baseball but i really thought i could throw smoke!
I used to believe that I could lay eggs if I squatted down, shut my eyes and clucked like a chicken. I was so proud of myself thinking that I would be able to feed my family and friends. It was only later that I realised that the eggs I had been laying were plastic toy eggs that my mum and dad sneakily put underneath me.
Until I was 10 I used to believe that when my foot would fall asleep, it was actually a ghost giving me an accupucture.
growing up I had an eccentric aunt who told me that if you concentrated hard enough, you could move objects with your mind. Well, whether this is true or not, I never managed it. But I remember sitting for hours on the couch looking at things on a shelf and staring at them until my eyes hurt. And after a few intense minutes of staring down whatever it is I was trying to levitate, I would dramatically break my concentration from the object and act all out of breath, thinking "Almost, I almost had it that time!"
When I was young I believed that you stored up speed. So, if I wanted to race someone I would laze around for an hour or two to gain an advantage. Because of this and my neurotic nature I believed I should NEVER EVER run my fastest, just in case I ran into a cheetah and needed all my speed. I was the slow kid in gym class and would always feel superior as the other kids darted past me, thinking a cheetah would eat them right up
when i used to take baths with my big sister as a child, my 16 year old sister told us that if you put sea salt in the bathtub that you would turn into a mermaid. when she put the salt in, it took 5 minutes before my sister and i started thinking that we could see fins! we ran out of the bathroom so fast!! haha
I use to believe I had magic powers to see the clouds move. When I found out that everyone could, I stopped wanting to be a weather woman.
that using athletes foot cream would instantly make me an athlete.
One time when I was little I was walking with my mum in nearby woods, when we came to the edge of a very steep hill. Of course, I set of with glee to run down it and my mum said "Be careful! Don't run too fast or you won't be able to stop" (presumably meaning I was go careering into a tree or something). Unfortunately though, I thought that when people ran, if they reached a certain 'key' speed, then they would be doomed to run everywhere for the rest of their lives.
My brother had me convinced that he posessed X-RAY VISION until I was nine years old. He proved this by telling me what was inside solid objects; for instance, a pink toy pig was "pink all the way through." Irrefutable.
My brother told me that if you ate a slug you'd be able to fly. Naturally curiosity overcame me, and I only discovered he was lying after trying to eat one.
this girl i used to knoww told me that her dad was a werewolf. he used to take us home from dancing. she said that on a full moon, after turning into a werewolf he ate only girls with blonde hair.(im blonde) she told me not to worry though because i was nice to her.
you have no idea how i teated her like royalty whenver i saw her
One evening when I was about seven years old I accidentally zapped myself while plugging in a fan. I knew this was how people got super powers and was very disappointed when I was unable to conjure lightning or zap my sister at will. I figured I had not been zapped enough so I shocked myself several more times on purpose over the next year or two and to this day I am pathetically normal. Kind of.
I used to think that if I hit myself hard enough in the right spot on my head, I could knock free the 80% of brain we don't use, and would become super-human. This resulted in many tragic childhood accidents involving books and walls
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