special powers
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When I was about 7 or 8, I made a 'Magic potion' that would give me super powers. Basically, I went into every room in the house and poured in a little bit of everything I could find that was liquid or slimy and mixed it all up in my little plastic cup.
My last stop was the bathroom, as I was mixing in the shaving cream, shampoo, liquid soap, toothpaste, and deodorant, I heard my parents calling me. I was afraid they would take it away and give themselves superpowers so that they could take over the world, so I gave the ultimate sacrifice for the good of all mankind... I dumped it all in the toilet and flushed it.
Now that I think about it, I could have drank some of it and THEN flushed it down the toilet. Since i'm still alive, you can tell that I didn't think of that.
When I was little I was convinced at least one person in my class could read my mind. I knew not everyone could do it, but I still thought perhaps someone I knew could and was waiting to tell everyone they had this ability after they learned all my secrets.
When I was in middle school, I thought that the X-Men was based on a true story, and since I was around 13 years old at the time, I was just waiting for my mutant ability to appear... (I was hoping it was flight)
When I was younger my mom used to tell me that I could do anything I put my mind to. So, I would jump off the top of our slide and attempt to fly. When she would ask me what I was doing, I'd say that I was practicing to learn how to fly!
When I was a child, I thought that when I made a wish I should cross my fingers and close my eyes so that all the bad energy goes away and my wish can be fulfilled
I used to believe that on my 13th birthday I would recieve all kinds of special powers. When I didn't get them, I was pretty disappointed.
I thought that I could control the weather. So, I would think things like, "The rain is going to stop in 2 seconds and I can go play outside". It worked once but, of course, it was pure coiencidence. I suppose I had a god complex at the age of four.
i used to have this recurring dream where i was sort of flying through the local k-mart, but it was more like a cross between floating and swimming, making my way through all the racks of reasonably priced clothing. anyway, the dream was so real to me that for years i was convinced that there was some point when i was actually able to fly in that k-mart. i was always so dissapointed when it didn't happen again.
I used to believe that adults had necklaces, sort of like amulets, which allowed them to hear other people's thoughts. It therefore made sense that my parents were always saying they knew what we were thinking.
When I was in early grade school, I thought that my mother knew everything that I did and everyone that I met. I would refer to kids at school and couldn't figure out why she didn't know who I was talking about. Last year my son walked home from kindergarten with a friend, he said he thought I would know where he went without his calling me!
When I was very young, I really believed that I could fly. I realise now this must have been dreams, because I often fly in my dreams...
I was once told that if i closed my eyes that I would suddenly be hundreds of feet up in the air. I believed this for many years and whenever I tried to do it that I wasn't closing them hard enough. So I continued to try until I asked the person who had told me, I think it was my babysitter, to show me. When she tried she also failed and I soon realised that I would never be able to tell if I had so I gave up trying.
I had a dream as well that I could just float down the stairs in one step. I spent ages at the top of the stairs trying to will myself to do it. I didn't so never got a broken bone.
When I dreamed of flying, I would wake up and be so sure that it really happened, and I would get so mad at my mom when she said "it was just a dream."
i used to believe that i could move object with my eyes, so once in a moving car, i thought i could move a cherrio. SO i stared and stared and then the car bumped and the cherrio moved and i thought i moved it!
when i was little i used to believe that people could read my mind and if i ever thought anything bad about them i would apologize and cover it up and say that i was thinking about somebody else. funny thing is sometimes i wonder because you never know if anyone in the room is a phsycic...lol!
When I was in 3rd or 2nd grade, this kid Peter said he could see through his hand. I thought I could to. You had to consentrate really hard on the fingers of your hand and you can see through them. It was just something with our eyes that made us think that we could see through our hands!
i used to believe i was a witch and that i would have speacial powers but it if i got up in the night i would have them taken away .i wet the bed very often (but i was only 4 )
I used to believe that this certain energy drink could make me run faster and even though it looked like it worked(to me and everyone else)I was just running really fast.
i once had a dream that, after a running start, i was able to fly a few feet over the sidewalk in front of my house. the dream seemed so real to me that for a while i actually beleived i could do it.
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